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61. Software Engineering And Design Our computer scientists and programmers will handle engineering, designing, debugging and documenting complex software systems http://www.tqa-inc.com/Software Engineering.html |
62. XRDS: Crossroads, The ACM Magazine For Students ACM Crossroads is the student magazine of the Association for Computing Machinery. Crossroads has published several articles about software engineering, and this is an index of them. http://www.acm.org/crossroads/doc/indices/features.html#Software Engineering | |
63. Sommerville - Software Engineering The 9th edition of Software Engineering with major changes in structure and content was published in April 2010. Click here to go to the 9th edition website. http://www.cs.st-andrews.ac.uk/~ifs/Books/SE8/index.html | |
64. CISELab - University Of Sannio Research focused on artificial intelligence applications in software engineering. http://www.cise.rcost.unisannio.it | |
65. SOFTWARE-ENGINEERING.mediaglow.com | All Things Software Engineering Bert and Ernie are not gay. In their 31 years on Sesame Street, they've never marched in a Pride parade or plastered a rainbow sticker on Oscar the Grouch's trash can. http://software-engineering.love.com/ |
66. Garyshort.org A blog about C and .NET software engineering, along with any other Microsoft products, mixed with the daily rantings of a software engineer. http://garyshort.org/ |
67. Software Engineering training With The DSW Group, Ltd. DSW instructors demonstrate clear, targeted methods for effective application development. Your questions are always answered by experienced developers. http://www.softwareengineeringtraining.com/ | |
68. Vanteon - Home Providing outsourced Windows software design, development, quality assurance and testing services and solutions. http://www.vanteon.com/ | |
69. Annie Liu's CSE/ISE308: Software Engineering (Spring 2010) General Information. Course description This course introduces the basic concepts and the modern tools and techniques of Software Engineering. The course emphasizes the development http://www.cs.sunysb.edu/~liu/cse308/ | |
70. IFPUG: International Function Point Users Group A non-profit organization promoting the use of function point analysis and other software metrics. http://www.ifpug.org/ | |
71. Sloan Career Cornerstone Center: Careers In Science, Technology, Engineering, Ma Some, especially those working on large projects that involve many programmers, use computerassisted software engineering (CASE) tools to automate much of the coding http://www.careercornerstone.org/software/software.htm |
72. Software Productivity Research Software process management articles, tools, and consulting, led by Capers Jones. http://www.spr.com/ |
73. Software Engineering Matters Software Engineering Matters giving a little more thought I am currently pursuing a Ph.D in software engineering at the University of Illinois at UrbanaChampaign. http://softwareengineering.vazexqi.com/ | |
74. Dr Patch Provides commercial software patches and with the most recent software updates. Email notification available. http://www.drpatch.com/ | |
75. CMMI, Function Points, David Consulting Group Provides CMMI and software process improvement, software measurement, sizing, metrics, and benchmarking and function point counting consulting. http://www.davidconsultinggroup.com/ |
76. Software Engineering - EHow.com Learn about Software Engineering on eHow.com. Find info and videos including What Is a Software Engineer?, About Engineering Software, How to Use Engineering Software and much http://www.ehow.com/software-engineering/ | |
77. Welcome To IDEMCOP Project Web Site. Information about the Estelle language and methodology used in developing software based on communicating components. http://www-lor.int-evry.fr/idemcop/ | |
78. SWEBOK Home a renamed Software Engineering Methods KA to focus on methods that affect more than one KA; redistribution of some other material into different KAs. http://www.computer.org/portal/web/swebok | |
79. Critical Develops and markets software products for business and mission critical information systems, and provide consulting and engineering services for enterprises. http://www.criticalsoftware.com/ |
80. TheDevShop Ltd. Software Development, Web And Programming Outsourcing Offers tools and add-ons to enhance the CoolGen development environment. http://www.thedevshop.com/ | |
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