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61. WELCOME TO BANKSETA Statutory body, established by the Minister of Labour, to support and grow the level of current and future skills needed in the banking sector. http://www.bankseta.org.za/ | |
62. South Africa-Government South AfricaGovernment Published 04 Nov 2008 023304 PST Country name conventional long form Republic of South Africa conventional short form South Africa former Union http://news.alibaba.com/article/detail/country-profiles%23south-africa/100019593 |
63. Department Of International Relations And Cooperation - South Africa Details information on foreign policy, Missions and Foreign Affairs news of the South African Government. http://www.dfa.gov.za | |
64. The Dti/Home Trade, Investment and a vast range of other economic information from the DTI. http://www.dti.gov.za | |
65. Road Accident Fund Public entity which compensates people injured in road accidents in South Africa. http://www.raf.co.za/ | |
66. Construction Industry Development Board - Home Established by Parliament as a statutory body to stimulate sustainable growth, reform and improvement of the construction sector. http://www.cidb.org.za/ |
67. About Government - National Departments An index of South African Government bodies and institutions. http://www.info.gov.za/aboutgovt/dept.htm | |
68. Thabo Mbeki - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Hyperlinked encyclopedia article about the President of the Republic of South Africa. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thabo_Mbeki | |
69. Elections In South Africa Information on national elections includes country s political profile and full historical results. http://africanelections.tripod.com/za.html | |
70. - Bloomberg South African bonds fell before a central bank meeting today on speculation policy makers may temper the biggest interestrate cut in five years with signals that further http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=newsarchive&sid=a_i92IDtj6pg&refe |
71. DWA Home Page Department of Water Affairs and Forestry - South Africa http://www.dwaf.gov.za/ | |
72. Polity.org.za | Law | Policy | Economics And Politics Constitution and amendments in several languages. http://www.polity.org.za/page.php?rep_id=1513 |
73. Department Of Health Official Department of Health Web site with links to Aids and HIV information from South Africa. http://www.doh.gov.za/ | |
74. 'Commando' By Deneys Reitz A Boer journal of the Boer war. Commando has been described as the best narrative of war and adventure in the English language. http://www.ourcivilisation.com/smartboard/shop/reitzd/commando/index.htm | |
75. South Africa Government Calls For Talks To End 13 Day Strike | World | Epoch Tim South African government officials met with striking workers unions yesterday. http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/41915/ | |
76. Cape Town Highlanders Home Pages News, history and current activities of this Cape based mechanised infantry battalion. http://www.cthighlanders.co.za/ | |
77. South Africa Government South Africa Local Government Politics South Africa Home. South Africa Actors, Acting South Africa Agency, Travel http://www.internationaldiscussions.com/country/south-africa/south-africa-govern | |
78. SA Army Combat Training Centre The practical training facility of the SANDF for exercises up to Brigade and Division level http://www.saactc.army.mil.za/ | |
79. South Africa Government JOHANNESBURG, Apr 17 (IPS) In May 2008, South Africa was rocked by the worst xenophobic attacks that the country has ever seen. Less than a year l http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tag/south-africa-government |
80. 32 Battalion The official website of the 32 Battalion Veterans Association. http://www.32battalion.net |
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