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21. Aphids Devastate Ontario Soybean Crops Aphids devastate Ontario soybean crops. 4 Aug 2001 Bugs that irk citydwellers horrify farmers; a field can hold billions From Canadian Press http://ipm.osu.edu/trans/08_041.htm | |
22. U.S. And Brazil Expected To Have Record Soybean Crops » Market To Market U.S. and Brazil Expected to Have Record Soybean Crops. posted on January 01, 2010 http://www.iptv.org/mtom/story.cfm/lead/1287 |
23. Researchers Find Shortcut For Screening Resistant Soybean Crops |... Across the southern United States, an invisible, yet deadly parasite known as the rootknot nematode is crippling soybean crops. While plant breeders are racing to develop http://www.huliq.com/27368/researchers-find-shortcut-for-screening-resistant-soy |
24. Corn, Soybean Crops Bigger | Soybean Content From Delta Farm Press The U.S. corn and soybean crops grew larger, while rice production shrank from last month, according to USDA’s July 10 http://deltafarmpress.com/soybeans/corn-soybean-crops-bigger | |
25. Researchers Find A Shortcut For Screening Resistant Soybean Crops Posted 23 July 2007. Plant Health Progress. Researchers Find a Shortcut for Screening Resistant Soybean Crops. Crop Science Society of America. www.crops.org http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/pub/php/news/2007/Shortcut/ | |
26. Soybean Crops Doing Better Than Corn This Year Missouri farmers are running combines at full tilt to get their soybean crops in. The USDA says the yield is lower than first expected, but it appears beans are doing better than http://www.missourinet.com/2010/10/14/soybean-crops-doing-better-than-corn/ | |
27. Illinois Ag Connection - U.S. Acts Against CF Fertilizer Plant In Florida Your Daily Source for Illinois Ag Farm News, Markets, Weather, Auctions and Real Estate http://www.illinoisagconnection.com/story-state.php?Id=684&yr=2009 |
28. Rice, Soybean Crops Dented | Business | Chron.com - Houston Chronicle Higher pump prices may retreat soon; Recalls Evenflo booster seats, Impalas, infusion units; Fed ready to buy up Tbonds; no SSN hike coming in 2011 http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/business/3375862 | |
29. U.S. Farmers On Track To Produce Record Corn, Soybean Crops, USDA Reports USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties http://www.nass.usda.gov/Newsroom/2010/08_12_2010.asp |
30. Soybean Crops « StollerUSA Blog Steve Holcomb from Monticello, WI is finishing up his harvest this fall with the best yields he’s ever seen on his farm. Holcomb started using BioForge seed treatment last http://www.stollerusa.com/blog/?cat=7 |
31. U.S. Corn And Soybean Crops Get Bigger | Corn Content From Southwest Farm Press The U.S. corn and soybean crops grew larger, while rice production shrank from last month, according to USDA’s July 10 http://southwestfarmpress.com/grains/us-corn-and-soybean-crops-get-bigger | |
32. Outlook Uncertain For Soybean Crops - AP Online | HighBeam Research - FREE Trial Outlook Uncertain for Soybean Crops find AP Online articles. div id= bedoc-text ROXANA HEGEMAN, Associated Press WriterBR AP OnlineBR 01-29-1999BR Outlook Uncertain for So http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1P1-22252130.html |
33. Outwitting Pesky Parasites: Researchers Find A Shortcut For Screening Resistant To stop the rootknot nematode from destroying soybean crops, plant breeders must move quickly. Scientists from the University of Georgia have discovered faster and less http://www.newswise.com/articles/view/531503/ |
34. Corn, Soybean Crops Devastated By Heat Tennessean.com The Sumner County farmers may receive federal help after a summer of drought and excessive heat damaged over half of local crop yields in some areas. http://www.tennessean.com/article/20100909/GALLATIN01/100908067/2138/Corn soybe |
35. | Grainnet By Robert Brice, Grainnet editor While it would be difficult to beat last year's bumper corn crop in northern Iowa, many elevator managers in the region are anticipati http://www.grainnet.com/info/articles.html?type=ec&ID=27539 |
36. U.S. Corn, Soybean Crops Reduced | Content From Delta Farm Press USDA’s September crop report forecasts smaller U.S. corn and soybean crops and slightly larger cotton and rice http://deltafarmpress.com/us-corn-soybean-crops-reduced | |
37. Topics :: Soybean Crops TBO.com News a comprehensive news and information site from Tampa Bay Online, including breaking news coverage and video from the newsrooms of WFLA Newschannel 8, The Tampa http://www2.tbo.com/topic/k/soybean-crops/ | |
38. Bugs Stink Up Area Soybean Crops The Paducah Sun Newspaper, Paducah, Kentucky. Ew — what’s that smell? Stink bugs are invading western Kentucky soybean fields this year. http://www.paducahsun.com/local-news/todays-news/429957-bugs-stink-up-area-soybe |
39. Delaware Corn, Soybean Crops Diminish Under Drought. - Delaware State News (Dove Delaware corn, soybean crops diminish under drought. find Delaware State News (Dover, DE) articles. div id= bedoc-text Byline Nora EngelSep. 13DOVER The devastating http://www.highbeam.com/doc/1G1-168641346.html | |
40. Learn More About Soybean Crops | E! Science News to pests and diseases that currently claim large percentages of soybean crops; improvements in the digestibility of soybeans by animals and humans; and reductions in http://esciencenews.com/dictionary/soybean.crops | |
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