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41. Aero Space Museum Of Calgary The site has pictures and stories of Canada s aircraft, aviators, and aviation industries from the First World War on up to the Space Shuttle. Located in Calgary, Alberta, near the international airport. http://www.asmac.ab.ca/ | |
42. A List Of Air And Space Museums In Hawaii Air and Space Museums and space centers in Hawaii the worlds most complete list http://www.yellowairplane.com/Museums/hi_museums.htm | |
43. Rusadventures - Star City, Russia: Russian Space Museum Tour Name Soyuz4 descent module Volume 5.2 yard 3 / 4 m 3 Weight 6,394.7 lbs / 2,9 t Crew 1-3 person Diameter 7.2 ft / 2,2 m Date of launch January 14, 1969 http://www.rusadventures.com/tour26.shtml | |
44. Pillow Astronaut: Space Museums Map Space Map Update! So last week I toyed around with Google Maps, and put together a visual view of all the NASA Facilities in the United States. http://pillownaut.blogspot.com/2010/09/space-museums-map.html |
45. Home Preserves and portrays aviation and space history of Colorado Springs and the military base. Collection features sixteen aircraft and four missiles. Includes photos, membership details, volunteer opportunities, activities, links and access map. http://www.petemuseum.org | |
46. Aero.com - "Aviation Museums" Aero.com's Home Page http://www.aero.com/museums/museums.htm | |
47. Aviation And Space Museums That Soar - Travel - Travel Tips - Well-Mannered Trav Jun 24, 2010 Looking for some inspiration for your own innovative airplane design? There are hundreds of aviation and space museums around the country. Here are six to put at the top http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/29638452/ns/travel-tips/ | |
48. Space Exploration - Space Museums Space Exploration Space Museums National Air and Space Museum - The Smithsonian Institution's National Air and Space Museum (NASM) maintains the largest collection of http://www.resourcehelp.com/space_mus.htm |
49. Aviation Museums, Air And Space Museums, Aerospace Museums, Aircraft Museums AvScholars Aviation Museums, Planetariums, Observatories Aviation, Air and Space Museums Explore various Aviation, and Air Space museums http://www.avscholars.com/Aviation_Museums/aviation-air-space-museums.htm | |
50. National Space Centre Online - HOME Space museum and discovery centre in Leicester. Ticket and booking details. Site map and attraction information. http://www.spacecentre.co.uk/ | |
51. Goleta Air And Space Museum: Other Air And Space Museums Links to museum pages The Bureau of Atomic Tourism. Calgary Aerospace Museum. Castle Air Museum has a beautifully restored RB36H Peacemaker. U.S. Naval Museum of Armament http://www.air-and-space.com/museums.htm | |
52. Grieving Americans Flock To Space Museums Day After Shuttle Tragedy Grieving Americans flock to space museums day after shuttle tragedy . Monday, February 03, 2003. By Don Babwin, The Associated Press . CHICAGO Lee Einbinder had planned to spend a http://www.post-gazette.com/nation/20030203museumsnat5p5.asp | |
53. Franco Sita-Trompe L'oeil, Decoration, Murals Painting and decoration of private houses, exhibiting spaces, museum fittings and lay-out. http://www.francosita.com/ | |
54. Seine-Saint-Denis Tourisme Et Loisirs ŕ Deux Pas De Paris Flea market, stade de France, Air and Space museum, Saint-Denis basilica and la Villette. http://www.tourisme93.com/ | |
55. Imagination Station Hands-on, interactive science and space museum. A place for children and their families to explore the worlds of space, science, engineering and technology. Includes history, membership, information about exhibits and calendar of events. http://www.nlci.com/imagination/ | |
56. Fort Worth Art Dealers Association Group of independent art dealers, nonprofit exhibition spaces, museums, and university galleries that organizes, funds, and hosts open exhibitions. http://www.fwada.com/ | |
57. Space Museums In The West | VIA Magazine Space Museums in the West Celebrate the 50th anniversary of space exploration at one of these centers that features artifacts, space modules, and spacecrafts. http://www.viamagazine.com/attractions/space-museums-west | |
58. National Air And Space Museum - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The National Air and Space Museum (NASM) of the Smithsonian Institution holds the largest collection of historic aircraft and spacecraft in the world. It was established in 1946. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/National_Air_and_Space_Museum | |
59. ESA - Europe's Spaceport Europe s spaceport for the processing, launch and monitoring of spacecraft. Includes facility description, upcoming launches, space museum information, and operations overview with photos. http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Launchers_Europe_s_Spaceport/ | |
60. Museum International; Vol.XLIX, 3; 1997 4 Michael A. Fopp UNESCO 1997 Air and space museums come of age Michael A. Fopp ISSN 13500775, Museum International (UNESCO, Paris), No. 195 (Vol. 49, No. 3,1997) UNESCO http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0011/001130/113044e.pdf |
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