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21. Special Olympics History|Special Olympics Athlete Rating Special Olympics History is about an organization that helps people with intellectual disabilities develop social skills through sports training and competition. AllSportRating http://specialolympicsrating.worldsoccerrating4u.com/specialolympicshistory.html | |
22. Forth Valley Disability Sport In partnership with 2evolve and Central FM, corporate sponsorship of an athlete can enhance your company profile. Athletes are ambassadors for your company. http://www.fvds.org.uk/specialolympics/history/ | |
23. Our History - Special Olympics VA Our History Although Special Olympics Virginia has always been about building a respectful, inclusive society, its earliest purpose lay in improving the quality of life for persons http://www.specialolympicsva.org/View/Page/Our_History | |
24. Special Olympics History Special Olympics History is about an organization that helps people with intellectual disabilities develop social skills through sports training and competition. AllSportRating http://www.worldsoccerrating4u.com/sportshistory/specialolympics.html | |
25. Special Olympics History Event List xtimeline is a free website that lets you create timelines and explore timelines about history, biography and more. http://www.xtimeline.com/evt/list.aspx?id=76735 |
26. ABOUT US | Special Olympics Arizona Read the Special Olympics history the goal of Special Olympics and the Special Olympics Mission Statement. http://www.specialolympicsarizona.org/about | |
27. History - Special Olympics From backyard camp to global movement. The global Special Olympics movement got its start on July 20, 1968, when the First International Special Olympics Games were held at Soldier http://www.2010specialolympics.org/page13220.asp | |
28. TIME: The Top 25 Olympic Moments TIME Magazine looks at some of the Oylmpics greatest moments http://www.time.com/time/2006/olympics/olympic_moments/ |
29. Special Olympics Illinois History. Illinois takes great pride in the history of this amazing global movement, having been the site of the first Special Olympics games at Soldier Field and the home to some of http://www.soill.org/content.php?sec=About Us&cat=&contentID=60 |
30. History/Special Olympics.htm History of Special Olympics. I n the early 1960’s, Eunice Kennedy Shriver and her husband, Sergeant, began holding a day camp in their backyard for individuals with http://www.sopbc.org/Page 1 Stuff/History of spec oly/History Special Olympics.h | |
31. Special Olympics Participants come from 180 countries Official Site Special Olympics History; Started as a summer day camp by Eunice Kennedy Shriver in 1962 Official Site Special Olympics History http://www.mahalo.com/special-olympics |
32. Special Olympics Maine Forms For OFFICERS. to Download (simply click on the form you want) 2010 Kickoff Conf Regis Info Form To download click HERE. 2010 Kick-off Conference AGENDA Download HERE http://www.specialolympicsmaine.org/torch_run/index.asp | |
33. Young NISD Students Making Special Olympics History - The Navasota Examiner: New For the first time in Navasota ISD history, PPCD and Lifeskills students, who are between the ages of 4 and 11, will be participating in this year’s Special Olympics http://www.navasotaexaminer.com/news/article_d89cd7c3-986b-5743-beb1-f896b4d12e7 |
34. History Of The Olympics - Creating The Modern Olympic Games After 1500 years with no Olympics, the modern Olympic Games were established. Learn how and why the Games began again. http://history1900s.about.com/od/fadsfashion/a/olympicshistory.htm | |
35. Bethlehem Special Olympics SPECIAL OLYMPICS HISTORY Special Olympics was created by the Joseph P. Kennedy Foundation as an international nonprofit organization to provide competitive sports experiences http://bethlehemsopa.org/ | |
36. Special Olympics World Summer Games 2003 - Skibbereen Host Town SPECIAL OLYMPICS' HISTORY. In 1989, O Kurzov , Martina Stredov and L Kurz founded the preparatory council of Special Olympics in the former Czechoslovakia. http://www.skibbereen.ie/specialolympics/czech.htm | |
37. About Special Olympics Arizona : Top Sports Stories & News Headlines SPECIAL OLYMPICS HISTORY. In 1962, Eunice Kennedy Shriver began a summer day camp at her home in Maryland for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. http://khelkood.org/about-special-olympics-arizona/ | |
38. Computerteacher Special Olympics, History, Camping, Computers Agency Missouri, I am about 5'8 and overweight. Blues eyes and, at the moment, my hair is reddishbrown. And approaching 57. Now, if that hasn't scared you off, here's more http://www.plentyoffish.com/member4015239.htm | |
39. Explore Historical Newspapers Online | NewspaperARCHIVE.com NewspaperARCHIVE.com is the world's largest online provider of historic newspaper articles. NewspaperARCHIVE.com is a great resource for historical research, family history and http://www.newspaperarchive.com/default.aspx/Home.aspx | |
40. Special Olympics South Carolina Volunteer Opportunities - VolunteerMatch History The concept of Special Olympics began in the 1960s when Eunice Kennedy Shriver started a day camp for people with intellectual disabilities. She realized that sports and http://www.volunteermatch.org/orgs/org59426.html | |
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