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21. ADVANCE For Speech-Language Pathologists And Audiologists Research, technologies, jobs, news and practice management information. http://speech-language-pathology-audiology.advanceweb.com/ |
22. Speech Therapy: Definition From Answers.com n. Treatment of speech defects and disorders, especially through use of exercises and audiovisual aids that develop new speech habits. speech therapist speech therapist n. http://www.answers.com/topic/speech-therapy |
23. Lynchburg Speech Therapy > Home 1049 Claymont Drive Lynchburg, VA 24502 Ph 434845-6355 Fx 434-845-5854 Email info@lynchburgspeechtherapy.com http://lynchburgspeechtherapy.com/ |
24. Speech-Language Pathology Website of speech-language pathology, normal speech development, and common disorders....... http://home.ica.net/~fred/index.htm | |
25. Speech Therapy: Information From Answers.com Artist Speech Debelle Rating Release Date August 18, 2009 Type Lyrics are included with the album Genre Rap Review This album was about five years in the making that's http://www.answers.com/topic/speech-therapy-album | |
26. Masonicare Inpatient and outpatient speech therapy and rehab services available from Masonicare Masonic Healthcare Center serving communities of Branford, Bridgeport, Cheshire, Hamden http://www.masonicare.org/healthcare_services/HCF_Results.asp?search=skillednurs |
27. Alex Kelly Ltd - Social Skills And Communication Consultancy Author of Talkabout and Working with Adults with a Learning Disability. She also provides training in social skills. Reviews of her books, information on social skills training, comments from others, and a guestbook. http://www.alexkelly.biz | |
28. Speech Therapy | Language Development | Speech Therapist Mom | Tips For Parents Speech and Language Development, Tips Ideas for Parents to Enhance Skills Home Practice for Parents of Children in Speech/Language Therapy http://www.speechtherapyweb.com/ | |
29. Speech Dynamics , Inc. Oral Motor continuing education courses for speech-language pathologists and therapists in the form of audio and video self-study courses, live seminars, and inservices. http://www.speechdynamics.com | |
30. Speech Therapy Activities: Articulation Speech and language therapy First Thing You MUST do Get a hearing test! Many children, especially young children, develop fluid behind the eardrum that can cause a http://www.speechtx.com/articulation.htm |
31. Speech Therapy Solutions // Madison And Huntsville, Alabama Convenient Reliable. Speech Therapy Solutions is the convenient and reliable speech therapy choice for families and individuals living in Madison, Huntsville and all of North http://www.speechtherapysolutionshuntsville.com/ | |
32. Speech Pathology Jobs - Search +1000 Speech Therapy Jobs At SpeechPathology.com! Articles, continuing education modules, news, classifieds, and school listings pertaining to speech pathology. http://www.speechpathology.com/ |
33. Going To A Speech Therapist Who Needs Speech Therapy? Lots of kids see speech therapists. It's a great way to learn to speak more clearly. Sometimes a kid has a medical condition that makes speaking more http://kidshealth.org/kid/feel_better/people/speech_therapist.html |
34. Speech Therapy The goal of the Speech Language Pathologist. This specialized field focuses on the treatment of children who need assistance to become functional communicators in their http://www.idahotherapyservices.com/?page=speechtherapy |
35. Speech Pathology Jobs,Speech-Language Pathologist Products,Continuing Education, Resource for clinicians, students, caregivers, educators. Includes links, job listings, event calendar, and discussion areas. http://www.speech-languagepathologist.org/ | |
36. Speech Therapy Welcome to Speech Therapy Today. Please bear with us while this site is under development. To sign up now for a new FREE Speech Therapy Today ebulletin from Speechmark http://www.speech-therapy.org/ | |
37. IIS7 Portal from AGS Publishing. Offers a forum, articles, and resources. http://www2.speechandlanguage.com/ |
38. Speech Therapy - How To Information | EHow.com Learn about Speech Therapy on eHow.com. Find info and videos including About Speech Therapy, About Speech Therapy, Speech Therapy Occupational Therapy for Home Schooling and http://www.ehow.com/speech-therapy/ | |
39. BubbleBee Speech Therapy Centre, Singapore Provides details of therapies, contact form and map/photos, links for parents, and games for children. http://www.bubblebee.com.sg | |
40. Shelagh Davies, M.Sc., S-LP(C) - Registered Speech-language Pathologist In Vanco Vancouver, BC-based practice specializing in voice disorder therapy and seminars. http://www.shelaghdavies.com | |
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