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21. Minnesota Speleological Survey Affiliated with the National Speleological Society. Dedicated to study, exploration and conservation of caves. Includes information about projects, meetings, membership and contacts. http://www.mss-caving.org/ |
22. RASS: Richmond Area Speleological Society Home Page Chapter of the National Speleological Society. Includes newsletter and contact information. http://www.caves.org/grotto/rass/ | |
23. Express Publishing ELT (English Language Teaching) Books, Multimedia And Educati Caving and Speleology General Information 3 unit 13 World Almanac for Kids 4 Learn English - British Council 5 Amazing Library - The Wonders of Light http://www.expresspublishing.co.uk/elt/blockbuster/externallinks/externallinks2. | |
24. Potomac Speleological Club :: Underground Since 1957 Dedicated to caving, conservation and the science of speleology. Features a FAQ, a forum, and contact information. Located in Arlington. http://psc.cavingclub.org/ | |
25. Claude Thies - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Cavers H hlen Speleology General Assembly Sweden Vercors Europe Bulgaria Delegate Lans en Vercors Congress Cave FSE Luxembourg Expedition Romania Speleo Treasurer Speleological Caves Clubs http://www.123people.com/s/claude thies |
26. Underground Temptations/Underjordiska Lockelser Hemsida f r gruvsektionen inom SSF, f reningen f r alla som r intresserade av gruvor, tunnlar, bergrum och andra av m nniskan skapade underjordiska objekt. http://www.algonet.se/~ahlj/gruva/ | |
27. Devon Karst Research Society - Library Karst Hydrology Hydrogeology; Speleography (Specific Caves); Speleography (General); Speleo Vertebratepalaeontology Archaeology; Speleology (General); Speleo-biology; http://www.devonkarst.org.uk/Library.html | |
28. Sveriges Speleologförbund - Förstasidan F rening f r grottintresserade i Stockholmstrakten. De g r bland annat utflykter till grottor i trakten och vriga Sverige. http://www.speleo.se | |
29. Feed: SPILAIO - Caving In Greece - Latest News (NewsAttic.com) 14th International Congress of Speleology GENERAL PROGRAM From World Caving News http//www.zenas.gr/WCN = 14th International Congress of http://newsattic.com/d/feed/spilaio_caving_in_greece_latest_news.html?start_item |
30. | NZSS Caving Knots New Zealand Speleological Society. Briefly discusses several common knots in a caving context. http://caves.org.nz/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/NZSS/Knots | |
31. SpeleoArt An informal group of artists, based in the UK, with a particular interest in caves and speleology. http://hawaiiflow.com/SpeleoArt/ | |
32. Cave Exploration By Spekul In Lebanon Speleology in the country. Results of caving expeditions since 1995. http://www.kuleuven.be/spekul/expeditions/lebanon/lebanon.htm | |
33. Urban Exploration Webring for sites about exploration and urban speleology. http://www.webring.com/hub?ring=draining |
34. U.S. Cavers Forum - Home Discussion forums including caving, the NSS, the study of speleology, cave conservation and management, bats and gear. http://nssmembersforum.proboards.com/ |
35. SPELEO Link Page - Homepage Large collection of speleological links ordered by continent. http://www.sgp.org.pl/spec/linkss.html | |
36. SMART Home Page Safety information from the San Marcos Area Recovery Team, National Speleological Society, USA. http://www.smartdivers.com/ | |
37. International Union Of Speleology - UIS Representing cavers from around the world with working groups devoted to protection and management, research, documentation, exploration and education. Includes calendar, abstracts, vacancies, history, guidelines and standards. http://www.uis-speleo.org/ |
38. Mağara Araştırma Derneği Sitesi Located in Ankara, Turkey and a member of the Union of International Speleology. Promotes exploration and conservation. Includes meeting and contact information. Turkish and English. http://www.mad.org.tr/ | |
39. Intro Screen... ISSA s aim is to promote the artistic interpretation of caves and karst landscape. Membership, galleries, contact, activity and background information. http://www.issa.org.uk/ | |
40. Balkan Speleo Union Aiding cooperation amongst caving organisations within the Balkan countries. Articles, events, news, club information and contacts. http://www.balkan-speleo.org | |
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