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1. Spiders Publications Atkinson, R. K. (1981). Comparisons of the neurotoxic activity of the venom of several species of funnel web spiders (Atrax). AustJ-Exp-Biol-Med-Sci 59 (Pt 3) 307-16. http://www.kingsnake.com/toxinology/old/arachnid/spiderspubs.html | |
2. 09 - Newspaper Clippings - Natural History - Le Souëf Family Archives Guide To R Newspaper Clippings on Natural History Insects, Spiders Publications This file contains newspaper clippings attached to tissue paper, relating to insects and http://www.austehc.unimelb.edu.au/guides/leso/09.htm | |
3. Google Is Not Your Sugar Daddy: Tech News « Google currently spiders publications to include them in its index. You seem to be saying that Google would continue to do so even if these publication requested Google to stop http://gigaom.com/2009/02/03/google-is-not-your-sugar-daddy/ |
4. Search - Australian Museum Some commonly asked questions and interesting facts about spiders. Publications 1987. Lizard Island Publications 1987. Research Projects and Participants, 1999 http://www.australianmuseum.net.au/search?keyword=toxin |
5. Spiders - Australian Museum Spiders are ancient animals with a history going back many millions of years. They have always been with us, an ancient source of fear and fascination. They are abundant and http://www.australianmuseum.net.au/spiders/ |
6. References: B-C Oklahoma Spiders. Publications of the Univ. Oklahoma, Biological Survey, 4 (1) 749, 6 fig. Banks N., R. E. Snodgrass, 1902. Papers from the Hepkins Stanford Galapagos http://salticidae.org/salticid/catalog/1-ref-b.htm | |
7. Oklahoma Biological Survey Publications Early publications by the Oklahoma Biological Survey. When the Survey was established in 1927, plans were made to publish the complete http://www.biosurvey.ou.edu/early.html | |
8. The Project Gutenberg EBook Of New West Indian Spiders, By Nathan Banks. The Project Gutenberg EBook of New West Indian Spiders, by Nathan Banks This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/33650/33650-h/33650-h.htm | |
9. Oklahoma Biological Survey Publications Oklahoma Biological Survey; contains scientific research articles of importance to Oklahoma or performed by Oklahomans. http://digital.library.okstate.edu/obs/ | |
10. Memoirs From Nam CJ Heck, Barking Spiders Publications. Simple template. Template images by richcano. Powered by Blogger. http://memoirsfromnam.blogspot.com/ | |
11. Oklahoma Biological Survey - Main Page Conducts research on the state's animal and plant communities. Information about natural areas, inventories of the state's flora and fauna, rare species database, summaries of http://www.biosurvey.ou.edu/ | |
12. Bibliography Arranged By Author Oklahoma spiders. Publications of the University of Oklahoma Biological Survey 4 349. Banta, B. H., and Marer, P. J. 1972. An attack by a solpugid on an iguanid lizard hatchling http://www.solpugid.com/authors.htm | |
13. Www.gwu.edu Gustavo Hormiga, Department of Biological Sciences The George Washington University Washington, D.C. 20052 hormiga@gwu.edu http://www.gwu.edu/~spiders/publications.htm | |
14. ABL's Brief Bibliography For Webmasters June 19, 2001. Brief Bibliography for Webmasters. A highly selective list, covering different basic areas of webmastering. General. The NonDesigner's Design Book http://www.vanderbilt.edu/spiders/publications.html | |
15. Www.gwu.edu Gustavo Hormiga Department of Biological Sciences The George Washington University Washington, D.C. 20052 hormiga@gwu.edu Gonzalo Giribet Departments of Organismic Evolutionary http://www.gwu.edu/~spiders/publicationsPeet.htm | |
16. Richmond Spiders 2008 Richmond Football Guide 2008 Richmond Football Guide Expanded to 132 pages to capture all the memorable scenes of last year's recordshattering season, the 2008 Richmond Football Guide is a must http://store.cstv.com/store_contents.cfm?store_id=394&product_id=131265& |
17. Human Pest Insects Human Pest Insects Subtopics. Biting and Stinging Insects; Bloodsucking Insects; Household and Structural Pests; Lovebugs; Midges; Venomous Spiders; Publications http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topic_human_pest_insects |
18. UCR Spiders Site: Daddy Long Legs Myth Current page is Daddy Long Legs; Hobo Spiders; Publications; Brown Recluses; Brown Widow Spiders; Internet Hoax; Arthopod Bites and Stings 'Deadly' Banana Spider or not http://spiders.ucr.edu/daddylonglegs.html | |
19. UCR Spiders Site: Home Daddy Long Legs; Hobo Spiders; Publications; Brown Recluses; Brown Widow Spiders; Internet Hoax; Arthopod Bites and Stings 'Deadly' Banana Spider or not http://spiders.ucr.edu/ | |
20. Household Spiders Venomous Spiders; Publications. Spiders ; Common Florida Spiders ; Common House Spider, Achaearanea tepidariorum (C. L. Koch) (Arachnida Araneae Theridiidae) http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/topic_household_spiders |
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