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61. Spinal Cord Injury - My Child Has - Children's Hospital Boston Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are due to a traumatic injury that results in a bruise (contusion), or a partial tear or a complete tear (transection) in the spinal cord. http://www.childrenshospital.org/az/Site1150/mainpageS1150P0.html | |
62. Spinal Cord Injury Information Pages Resources for quadriplegics, paraplegics and caregivers. Includes sections on bowel, bladder and skin management, autonomic dysreflexia and other health issues. http://www.sci-info-pages.com/ | |
63. Spinal Cord Injury A personal story of a tetraplegic. Topics include the story of his injury, bladder and bowel management, and personal reflections. http://sci.petertan.com/ | |
64. Spinal Cord Injury Spinal cord injury — Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, treatment of damage to the spinal cord. http://www.cnn.com/HEALTH/library/spinal-cord-injury/DS00460.html |
65. San Jose Spinal Cord Injury Attorneys – Northern California Spine Injury Lawyers Van Der Walde Associates – Experienced San Jose Spinal Cord Injury Lawyers and Personal Injury Attorneys. Our attorneys have a proven track record of successful case results. http://www.spinal-cord-injury-law-firm.com/ | |
66. The Spinal Cord Injury Zone A collection of information on spinal cord injury. http://www.thescizone.com |
67. Whitney Hope - Encouraging Others By Bringing Hope Non-profit camp for disabled persons. Includes information on spinal cord injury and a newsletter. http://www.whitneyhope.com | |
68. Magee Rehabilitation - Spinal Cord Injury Magee Rehabilitation Hospital has a specialized Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation program. http://www.mageerehab.org/spinal-cord-injury-rehab.php | |
69. Full Circle Foundation Aspires To Raise Accidental Spinal Cord Injury Awareness Dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injuries and establishing a rehabilitation clinic. Go-kart racing events raise awareness and bring hope to those paralyzed. http://www.fullcirclefoundation.com | |
70. AANS - Patient Information Neurosurgery is the medical specialty concerned with the prevention, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation of disorders that affect the entire nervous system including the spinal http://www.neurosurgerytoday.org/what/patient_e/spinal.asp |
71. Reeve Foundation's Paralysis Resource Center - Spinal Cord Injury - Paralysis Re Encourages and supports research to develop effective treatments and a cure for paralysis caused by spinal cord injury and other central nervous system disorders. http://www.paralysis.org | |
72. SPINALCORD: Pain After Spinal Cord Injury This InfoSheet is based in large part on Pain Following Spinal Cord Injury Clinical Features, Prevalence, and Taxonomy* by Philip J. Siddall, Robert P. Yezierski, and John D http://www.spinalcord.uab.edu/show.asp?durki=41119 |
73. Spinal Cord Injury - Spinal Cord Injury A spinal injuries resource. Includes message boards, chat, research and cure information, and mobility details. By Andy, who experienced a SCI in 1994. http://www.spinal-injury.net/ | |
74. Spinal Cord Injury | Attorneys, Lawyers & Legal Resources Spinal cord injury attorneys and lawyers offer free case evaluation and information on spinal cord injury symptoms, causes and statistics. http://www.forthepeople.com/spinal_injury.htm | |
75. General Publications From Paralyzed Veterans Of America | Paralyzed Veterans Of An Introduction to Spinal Cord Injury Understanding the Changes, 4th edition This booklet provides basic information about spinal cord injury, suggests additional readings, and has http://www.pva.org/site/PageServer?pagename=pubs_generalpubs |
76. Spinal Cord Disorders Message Board Discussing spinal cord injuries, with a no ads policy. http://www.healthboards.com/spinal-cord-disorders/ | |
77. Alabama Head Injury Foundation Improving life for people with traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury. http://www.ahif.org | |
78. Spinal Cord Injury - Definition Of Spinal Cord Injury In The Medical Dictionary . Approximately 10,000 new spinal......Spinal Cord Injury Definition. Spinal cord injury is damage to the spinal cord that causes loss of sensation and motor control. http://medical-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/spinal cord injury |
79. SpinalNet - Welcome To SpinalNet UK based spinal cord research resource base, providing information on spinal cord injury, including support, rehabilitation and treatment http://www.spinalnet.co.uk/ |
80. Spinal Cord Injury Department Information; MetroHealth Medical Center Location/Phone Numbers. MetroHealth Medical Center 2500 MetroHealth Drive, Cleveland, OH 441091998 (216) 778-7800 http://www.metrohealth.org/body.cfm?id=346&oTopID=345 |
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