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81. Mike Utley Foundation Dedicated to finding a cure for spinal cord injuries and to providing financial support of selected research, rehabilitation and education programs. http://www.mikeutley.org/ |
82. SPINAL CORD INJURY (SCI) SPINAL CORD INJURY (SCI) FACT SHEET. A spinal cord injury disrupts the communication between the brain and other parts of the body and messages no longer flow past the damaged http://www.pecentral.org/adapted/factsheets/spinalcord.htm | |
83. Website The Center for Paralysis Research develops and clinically tests novel methods of treatment for spinal cord injury and the effects of paralysis. http://www.vet.purdue.edu/cpr/ | |
84. Spinal Cord Injury Rehab | Paralysis Therapy | Long Term Spinal Cord Injury Reha Good Shepherd is a worldclass inpatient and outpatient rehabilitation network providing long term spinal cord injury rehab and assistive technology services to patients http://www.goodshepherdrehab.org/spinal-cord-injury | |
85. Spinal Cord Injury Rehabilitation Offers spinal cord research and trauma. A partnership between Northwestern University, Northwestern Memorial Hospital and the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago. http://www.northwestern.edu/spine/ | |
86. Home Dedicated to the improvement of the physical quality of life for persons with a spinal cord injury through targeted scientific and medical research. http://www.csro.com/ | |
87. Lois Pope Life Center Life Fellows will help lead the way into the prevention and cure of neurological disorders, diseases, and spinal cord injuries. http://www.life-edu.org/lifecenter.html |
88. Northwest Regional Spinal Cord Injury System The mission of the NWRSCIS is to improve the lives of people with SSCI through excellent patient care, research and education. Details about patient care, projects, research and a FAQs. Located in Seattle, Washington. http://sci.washington.edu |
89. Kowal Read about Martin Kowal who has a spinal cord injury due to a diving accident. http://www.martinkowal.com/ |
90. Music By Jon Weems: Recordings Of Original Songs Man who writes music after a spinal cord injury. http://www.jonweems.hostrack.com/ | |
91. Jerry Haney Home Page Information on recovery from a spinal cord injury. http://www.jerryhaney.com | |
92. Nikos Voulgaropoulos Home A personal account of spinal cord injuries and independent living. http://www.disabled.gr/nikos |
93. A Policeman's Lot In The Greater Manchester Police A British policemen describes his spinal cord injury disability and dealings with the Greater Manchester Police. http://www.apolicemanslot.co.uk | |
94. Gary's Page, Gazzers Home Page An account and site by Gary, C3-4 incomplete, with links on spinal cord injury. http://www.gazrobs.freeuk.com | |
95. Kris Ann Piazza - Spinal, Spinal Cord Injury, Spinal Cord Injury Pool, Disabled, Inspiring people with disabilities, spinal cord injuries in particular, to reject the victim label that has often accompanied the word disability. http://www.krisannpiazza.com | |
96. Spinal Cord Injury Info Exchange Resources are offered by the author who suffered a spinal cord injury and is a T-11 paraplegic. http://www.msouza.net | |
97. Quest For The Spinal Cord Cure - Home To help find a cure for paralysis as well as peer counsel those afflicted with spinal cord injuries. http://www.freewebs.com/questforthespinalinjurycure/index.htm |
98. Travis Roy Foundation Provides grants to spinal cord injury victims based on financial need and funds research. Site contains information about Foundation grants, events/fundraisers and programs, as well as SCI information and resources. http://www.travisroyfoundation.org | |
99. Determined2Heal A 501(c)3 nonprofit formed by Josh Basile after suffering a C4-C5 spinal cord injury. Provides strategic information to help simplify the difficult transition families of newly injured patients face when dealing with paralysis. http://www.determined2heal.org | |
100. CareCure Community Forums provide information on spinal cord injury care, caregiving, cure, funding, research, and trials. Get questions answered by spinal cord researcher Wise Young, MD, PhD. http://sci.rutgers.edu/ | |
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