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1. Worst Teams In Sports History The Lions own a distinction no team wants worst in NFL history. Facing one last chance to avoid their dubious destiny, the Lions lost Sunday's season finale to the Packers 31 http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/galleries/worst_teams_in_sports_history/worst_ | |
2. Lynn Sports History Mayor Judith Flanagan Kennedy welcomes you to the official website of Lynn, Massachusetts. http://www.ci.lynn.ma.us/aboutlynn_sports_history.shtml | |
3. Sports History.us Providing sports history on esoteric topics that often fall below the collective sports radar. http://www.sportshistory.us/ | |
4. Index Information on the activities, publications and conferences of the Society. http://www.sporthistory.org/ | |
5. Sports History The Home Page of Dorothy Jane Mills As the widow of Dr. Harold Seymour, the first and leading historian of baseball, I was for forty years http://dorothyjanemills.com/sports-history | |
6. History Of Sport - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Martin Polley, 'Sports History a practical guide', Palgrave, 2007. Scott A.G.M. Crawford (Hrg.), Serious sport J.A. Mangan's contribution to the history of sport, Portland, OR http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_sport | |
7. Carnegie Mellon Libraries History Sports History Sports History Archives, Libraries, and Museums. Below are archives, libraries, and museums for sports history. For additional resources, see History Archives, Libraries, and http://www.library.cmu.edu:7850/Research/Humanities/History/sports.html |
8. Guzzi Daytona - 1100 Sport & Prototype WebSite Daytona and 1100 Sport history and models. http://daytonasite.free.fr/ | |
9. HickokSports.com - History - Top Menu This document is the top menu for the HickokSports.com history section, the largest collection of sports history on the Internet. http://www.hickoksports.com/history.shtml | |
10. Sports History Related Posts Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Sports History, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Sports History. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Sports-History/111558752203941?v=stream |
11. Pesäpallo - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Brief article describing the sport and its history. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finnish_baseball | |
12. MSU - Sports History The Sports History website celebrates the uniquely rich history of Spartan athletics, from the early competitions in 1880s studentrun field days and the Michigan http://sports.history.msu.edu/ | |
13. A Short History Of Your Sport. Sporting History And Facts. SPORTS HISTORY The origins and roots of the sports we play . Badminton. The origins of the game of badminton date back at least 2000 years to the game of battledore and http://www.athleticscholarships.net/history-sports-a-l.htm | |
14. Leadership And Legacy - Athletics And The University Of Oregon | Homepage Sports, essays, photographs and timeline illustrate the history of sports at the University of Oregon http://sportshistory.uoregon.edu/ |
15. Total Pro Sports - This Day In Sports History (October 27th) – New York Mets Oct 27, 2010 It was on this day in 1986 that the New York Mets and Boston Red Sox played game seven of the World Series. The Mets would win the deciding game 85 earning http://www.totalprosports.com/2010/10/27/this-day-in-sports-history-october-27th | |
16. BBA, The Belgian Boomerang Association Sport history and introduction, local tournaments listing, and a photo gallery. http://www.lexasoft.com/bba/ | |
17. SportsKnowHow.com - Sport History - Home Page SportsKnowHow.com is the only site on the net that provides Histories for a variety of sports in one http://www.sportsknowhow.com/history/index.html | |
18. Sitting Volleyball Australia Game integrating able and disabled players. How to play, sport history and information for schools. http://www.sittingvolleyball.org.au/ |
19. HickokSports.com - History - Index By Sport Sports History http://www.hickoksports.com/history/sprtindx.shtml | |
20. Parkland High School Sports History (Allentown, PA) A complete look at Parkland High School sports, dating back to the 1950's including all game results for every sport Parkland has ever fielded as a varsity team. http://parklandsportshistory.com/ | |
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