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21. Sports Law - Attorney Find - Find Attorneys In Over 70 Practice Areas Search for sports law attorneys lawyers for all types of professional sports at Attorney Find. http://www.attorneyfind.com/law-area.asp?CatID=61 |
22. Sports Law & Policy Centers, programs, sports law and policy. http://www.law.duke.edu/sportscenter/ | |
23. Sports Law Scoreboard : Sports Lawyer & Attorney : Fox Rothschild Law Firm : Int Ismael Bautista, Jr. authored this post. On October 20, 2010, LATimes.com reported Magic Johnson sold his 4.5% interest in the LA Lakers for a reported estimated value of $27 http://sportslaw.foxrothschild.com/ | |
24. Sports Law Attorney In Houston - Michael A. Hiller, PC Sports Law Attorney in Houston Michael A. Hiller, PC - a board certified Family Law Attorney in the Houston, Texas area since 1989. http://www.hillerlaw.com/sports-law |
25. Untitled Document From DePaul Law School. http://condor.depaul.edu/~journae/ | |
26. SLA - About The Sports Lawyers Association The Sports Lawyers Association (SLA) is a nonprofit, international, professional organization whose common goal is the understanding, advancement and ethical practice of sports law http://www.sportslaw.org/about.cfm | |
27. Sports Law | The Top 100 Lawyers Sports Law Sports law is perhaps the most recently developed specialty in the law. Originally just a branch of entertainment law, sports law and the http://www.thetop100lawyers.com/sports-law/ | |
28. Entertainment And Sports Lawyer From the American Bar Association. http://www.abanet.org/forums/entsports/esl.html |
29. Sports Law Legal Definition Of Sports Law. Sports Law Synonyms By The Free Onlin The laws, regulations, and judicial decisions that govern sports and athletes. Sports law is an amalgam of laws that apply to athletes and the sports they play. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Sports Law |
30. Soccer Agent And Sports Lawyer Group C Sports Law is a full service sports agency specializing in international player representation and sports litigation. http://www.colosia.com/groupcsportslaw.htm | |
31. Ropes & Gray LLP: Sports Law The Sports Law Practice brings together the diverse practices, resources and experience of the entire firm to focus on sportsrelated issues. Colleges and universities http://www.ropesgray.com/sportslaw/ | |
32. Advice On Sports Law | Irwin Mitchell If you’re a professional sports player or belong to a sports organisation, you’ll have specialised and unique needs with regard to the law. Irwin Mitchell’s niche knowledge http://www.irwinmitchell.com/servicesforbusiness/largebusinesses/commercialagree |
33. PRC Publishing - The Legal Aspect Series Legal books about sports law and sports medicine. http://www.prcpublishingcorp.com/catalog/legal_aspects/default.asp | |
34. Sports Law : The Melbourne Law Masters : The University Of Melbourne Director Delivers Opening Address to ANZSLA Conference The Director of the Sports Law Program, Hayden Opie, delivered the opening address to the 20th Annual Conference of the http://masters.law.unimelb.edu.au/index.cfm?objectId=CFC49992-1422-207C-BA8CF019 |
35. Mark's Sportslaw News News, analysis, cases, statutes and regulations pertaining to sports law. http://www.sportslawnews.com/ | |
36. Sports Law - Sports Law Sports Law includes many areas of law, such as the following Contracts; Tort Law; Criminal Law; Agency; Employment Law; Antitrust; Labor Law; International Property Rights; http://sportslaw.uslegal.com/ |
37. Paul Ruschmann - Writer, Editor, And Researcher Researcher, writer and editor. Published work includes legislative analysis; writing about business, and automotive and transportation issues; and sports law, books, and travel. See online portfolio and experience. http://www.paulruschmann.com | |
38. NiteRider Cutting Edge Cycling Gear & Lights Manufacturer of lighting systems for diving, bicycling, outdoor sports and law enforcement. http://www.niterider.com/ | |
39. Sports Law News And Issues Legalball.com welcomes you to your new homepage for Sports Law, Sports Legal Issues and Sports Business Issues. Covering issues such as Maurice Clarrett's http://legalball.com/SportsLaw.html | |
40. ..:: Centre For Sport And Law ::.. Providing consultancy services and practical resources on legal and risk management issues. Services, bookstore, workshops, A.D.R., articles, doping, clients, harassment. http://www.sportlaw.ca/ | |
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