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41. Freeport High School Homepage Academics, sports, school calendar, events, staff email, and documents. | |
42. Buchholz High School Information on academics, activities, sports, the school paper, student organizations, and a faculty directory. http://bhs.sbac.edu/ | |
43. WesleyChapelFLA.Com A local community site that covers sports, schools, library events, clubs and organizations as well as local news. http://www.wesleychapelfla.com/ |
44. Dunedin High School - Home Of The Falcons Activities, academics, sports, and other school information. http://www.dhs.pinellas.k12.fl.us/ |
45. Murdock Middle School Academics, activities, student services, sports, school calendar, and contact information. http://yourcharlotteschools.net/Schools/MMS/MMS.html |
46. Redirecting To Palm Bay High School Web Site . . . Faculty, staff web sites, organizations, sports, school calendar, scholarships, and adult education information. Contains external links page to city, county and state resources, including FCAT practice. http://palmbay.hs.brevard.k12.fl.us/ | |
47. Spruce Creek High School The Hawks Soar. Clubs, sports and school calendar of events. http://schools.volusia.k12.fl.us/sprucecrkh/ | |
48. Oliver Springs High School Public high school in Roane County system. Information and online chat forum about Bobcats sports, plus other school information. http://oshs.roaneschools.com/ | |
49. Oak Ridge High School Public high school (grades 9-12) for the City of Oak Ridge. About policies, curriculum, staff, sports, and other school activities. http://orhs.ortn.edu/ | |
50. Colstrip Public School K-12 system. Administration, governance, curriculum, sports, school pages, and other news and information. http://www.colstrip.k12.mt.us/ | |
51. Newtown High School Information on library media center, guidance department, sports, school band, departments and administration. http://www.newtown.k12.ct.us/nhs/ |
52. Ellington Middle School Classes, clubs, sports, school life and library information. http://www.ellingtonpublicschools.org/Middle_School/index.htm | |
53. Russellville Independent Schools (Logan County) District profile, calendar, sports, school sites, staff directory, and contact information. http://russellville.kyschools.us/ | |
54. Cordia - Lotts Creek Community School Features its history, information about sports and a school handbook. http://www.knott.k12.ky.us/schools/cordia/index.html |
55. The Marine Acedemy Water sports school located at Bafra. Courses offered, prices, photo gallery, and contact details. English/Turkish/Greek http://www.themarineacademy.com/ | |
56. Home Page Find business, history, dining, hotel, motel, sports, schools, churches, parks, wildlife, culture, art, events, news. http://www.bastroptexas.com/ | |
57. St. Michael's Anglican Diocesan College Kaduna Nigeria, Secondary School Christian mission secondary school offers information on academic achievement, departments, administration, sports and school history. Includes photo gallery. http://www.stmichaels-college.com/ |
58. Schott's Photography Specializes in wedding and portrait photography, but also offers family, sports, school, and commercial services. http://www.schotts.net/ | |
59. Home - Maple Grove Education Centre A junior high school teaching students in grades seven to nine in English or French Immersion. Lists general information, sports, school announcements, extra-curricular activities, parents, students and committees. http://www.mgec.ednet.ns.ca/ |
60. Stockdale ISD Features district information, news, sports, and school calendar. http://www.stockdale.k12.tx.us/ |
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