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21. Index Led by master teachers Victor deThouars and Robert Vanatta, the school is located in Bellflower, CA. Its site provides detailed information on activities of the school and its community, its ethics, history and teaching staff. http://www.serak.net/ |
22. Untitled Document Flash-only site of Judo club in Los Angeles. Long history and teaches traditional Judo. Club and Judo-related information and resources. http://home.pacbell.net/tenri/ | |
23. Kelowna Waldorf School Kelowna, British Columbia. Preschool through grade 8. School history, teaching philosophy, fees, and school calendar. http://www.kelownawaldorfschool.com/ |
24. 1066 Is No Longer All That - Telegraph Victoria Hislop asks Simon Schama and Tristram Hunt where our teaching of history is going wrong. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/education/educationnews/4791785/1066-is-no-longer-all | |
25. Woodbridge Christian Church Includes non-denominational church s history, teachings, and community information. http://www.woodbridgecc.org/ |
26. St Philothea Greek Orthodox Church History, teaching liturgy, services, photo gallery and parish life are shown. http://www.stphilothea.ga.goarch.org/ |
27. Fakultät Für Chemie Und Pharmazie – Universität Innsbruck History, teaching and research programs, with profiles of members at the Institute of Pharmacy, Austria. http://www.uibk.ac.at/fakultaeten/chemie_und_pharmazie/ | |
28. CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Megarians Short article on the history and teachings of this school by William Turner. http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/10146b.htm | |
29. Rothesay Netherwood School ~ IB Boarding Private Independent School Canada A co-ed boarding and day school in for grades 6 through 12. Lists its history, teaching philosophy, campus information and career opportunities. http://www.rns.cc/ | |
30. Palyul Ling, A Nyingmapa Center Of Tibetan Buddhism Centers located worldwide. History and teachings of Buddhism and the Nyingma school. News. Contact information and links to centers. http://www.palyul.org | |
31. Amaravati Buddhist Monastery Thai Forest tradition. Includes history, teachings, and details of retreats. http://www.amaravati.org |
32. RR0834 English translations of all or part of several hymns by martyrs. http://www.warwick.ac.uk/fac/arts/History/teaching/protref/RR0834.htm | |
33. Christian Life Index Quarterly publication of the Holy Trinity Romanian Orthodox Church in Los Angeles, with articles about the History, Teachings and Practices of the Orthodox Church. Editor V. Rev. Fr. Constantin Alecse http://www.holytrinity-la.org/engl/pages/general/isuemain.html | |
34. Christian Faith : History :: Arianism A short article with a description and history of the teaching of Arius. http://www.neobyzantine.org/orthodoxy/history/arianism.php | |
35. Marcionism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia A Wikipedia article on the history, teaching, related systems and criticism of this belief system. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marcionism | |
36. Marcionism - Everything On Marcionism (information, Latest News, Articles,...) A series of short articles on the definition, the history, the teachings and criticisms of Marcionism. Each article has links to related information. http://www.spiritus-temporis.com/marcionism/ | |
37. Through The Bible In Twelve Lessons Series of studies in Bible history teaching Dispensationalism. Submit answers online at the end of each study. http://members.cox.net/rev.claude/bible00.htm | |
38. James Madison University - School Of Art And Art History The School of Art and Art History offers three undergraduate degrees in art the B.F.A. in Studio Art, the B.S. in Studio Art; and the B.A. in Studio Art or Art History. Teaching licensure is available as part of all undergraduate degree programs. http://www.jmu.edu/art/ |
39. NEA New Hampshire The mission of the NEA-NH, a regional affiliate of the NEA, is to strengthen and support public education and to serve our members professional, political, economic and advocacy needs. The links on this site include a detailed history of teaching and the development of a professional teaching association in NH; several professional, electronic newsletters; and links for teachers, support staff and parents. http://www.neanh.org/ | |
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