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21. Stepfamily: Definition From Answers.com LipmanBluementhal, Jean, et al. Step Wars Overcoming the Perils and Making Peace in Adult stepfamilies. New York St. Martin's Press, 2004. Lofas, Jeanette. http://www.answers.com/topic/stepfamily |
22. Designing Dynamic Step Families Remarriage Preparation CD for workshops complete with Power Point Presentation using “Designing Dynamic stepfamilies DVD Series” A PowerPoint presentation with content http://www.designingdynamicstepfamilies.com/ | |
23. Psych Pages Over 200 articles and book reviews on topics such as depression, anxiety, stress, trauma, aging, emotions, marriage and relationships, divorce, and stepfamilies. http://www.psychpages.com/ |
24. First Things First: Building Strong Stepfamilies Barbara and Larry Marter met through friends. Although they did not hit it off immediately, it did not take long for their relationship to grow serious. http://firstthings.org/page/resource-center/for-stepfamilies/building-strong-ste |
25. Stepfamilies By James H. Bray - Trade Paperback - Random House stepfamilies by James H. Bray, Category Family Relationships Stepparenting, Format Trade Paperback , 288 pages, ISBN 9780767901031, On Sale April 20, 1999, Price $14.95 http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780767901031 |
26. Stepfamily Network - Helping To Support Stepfamilies Through Sharing And Discuss The Stepfamily Network supports stepfamilies through sharing and discussion. The opinions are those of the posters and not SFnet. http://www.stepfamily.net/ | |
27. The Special Problems Of Stepfamilies - Jehovah's Witnesses Official Web Site The stepfamily has become a common type of household in many parts of the world. Yet, stepfamilies have unique problems. http://www.watchtower.org/e/19990301/article_01.htm | |
28. AAMFT - Stepfamilies Consumer Update AAMFT Consumer Update stepfamilies. A stepfamily forms when one or both adults in a new couple bring children from a previous relationship. http://www.aamft.org/families/Consumer_Updates/Stepfamilies.asp | |
29. First Things First: Stepfamilies stepfamilies don’t always step together. Often there’s quite a bit of stumbling and stepping on toes. But it is possible to get in sync and begin stepping together toward some http://firstthings.org/page/resource-center/for-stepfamilies/ |
30. Stepfamilies By James H. Bray - Trade Paperback - Random House - Print About The stepfamilies Written by James H. Bray and John Kelly. Category Family Relationships Stepparenting; Format Trade Paperback, 288 pages; On Sale April 20, 1999 http://www.randomhouse.com/catalog/display.pperl?isbn=9780767901031&view=pri |
31. Families: Making Stepfamilies Work Parents of a “blended family” face plenty of challenges, but there are things you can do to make communication easier and help children adjust to their new reality. http://www.apa.org/helpcenter/stepfamily.aspx |
32. Stepfamilies PreWedding Tips . Is Premarital Counseling or Education for You? Deciding to get or stay engaged? Premarital / Relationship http://www.stayhitched.com/stepfam.htm | |
33. Kathryn Elizabeth Jones Bio and published works including the prologue and first chapter of A River of Stones. Free newsletter on divorce and stepfamilies. http://www.ariverofstones.com | |
34. Stepping Stones Counseling Center - Newsletter Experienced, licensed mental health professionals dedicated to improving and enriching the quality of stepfamily life in Northern New Jersey. http://www.stepfamilies.com/stories.html | |
35. Premarital Counseling For Those Pondering Remarriage | Successful Stepfamilies Successful stepfamilies Christian resources for churches, stepfamilies, and single-parents from family therapist and author, Ron Deal. http://www.successfulstepfamilies.com/view/44 | |
36. Stepfamilies, Years ago, when divorce was far less common, it was somewhat unusual to live in a stepfamily. So most teens had few, if any, friends who lived under those circumstances. http://www.massgeneral.org/children/adolescenthealth/articles/aa_stepfamilies.as | |
37. Stepfamilies - How To Videos Stepfamilies Over one thousand new stepfamilies form everyday in the United States. In fact one of out every three Americans will live as part of a stepfamily at some point in their life. http://www.videojug.com/tag/stepfamilies |
38. Kids' Health - Topics - Sometimes a family is split up. Maybe mum and dad decide to live apart. Maybe mum or dad dies. After a time mum or dad may start a new relationship. That may lead to the child http://www.cyh.com/HealthTopics/HealthTopicDetailsKids.aspx?p=335&np=282& |
39. Channel 4 - Family - 21st Century Family Looking at what it is like to be a stepchild or stepparent stepfamilies. by Joy Francis. stepfamilies help and info. First, here's a definition. http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/F/family/21st/stepfamilies.html | |
40. Articles About Stepfamilies - Los Angeles Times stepfamilies News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about stepfamilies from the Los Angeles Times http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/stepfamilies |
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