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1. The Art Of Storytelling Show With Brother Wolf An international conversation of storytellers on the Art of storytelling with Brother Wolf. http://www.artofstorytellingshow.com/ | |
2. Storytelling - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia The web page of the National storytelling Network, with links to its Festival, organization, and resources. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Storytelling | |
3. Corp CORPORATE storytelling. by. STORYCOM. KEN FARMER. ACTOR, COMMUNICATION CONSULTANT, AUTHOR It is just as hard to create a toilet seat as a castle window but the view is different Ben http://storytelling.iwarp.com/Corp.htm | |
4. Storytelling (2001) - IMDb Directed by Todd Solondz. With Selma Blair, Leo Fitzpatrick, Robert Wisdom, Maria Thayer. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0250081/ | |
5. Helpful Tips From The Storytelling Center Advice for those interesting in becoming (better) storytellers. News Calendar Bulletin Board Features Swaps Workshops storytelling Tips About the Center Resources Contact http://www.storytelling-nyc.org/tips.html |
6. Voyageur Storytelling Offers Country Supper storytelling Concerts in Northern Bruce Peninsula, Ontario. http://www.voyageurstorytelling.ca | |
7. Storytelling Easier Since people began to communicate with each other, Tell me a story has been a request of both children and adults. http://42explore.com/story.htm | |
8. Storytelling Syllabus storytelling Professor Diane Howard, Ph.D. Course Objective The primary objective of this course is to enable each student to improve in his or her demonstration of http://dianehoward.com/storytelling.htm | |
9. The Moth - Live Storytelling Performances Professional and amateur storytellers based in New York. http://www.themoth.org |
10. Illinois Storytelling Annual storytelling festival, directory of storytellers, calendar of storytelling events. http://www.storytelling.org/ | |
11. National Storytelling Network storytelling Magazine . storytelling Magazine is published five times annually, bringing NSN members news of important events, trends, people, and publications in the national http://www.storynet.org/about/magazine.html | |
12. Home Site For Ohio Storyteller Eric James Wolf - Brother Wolf Storytelling. Storyteller Eric Wolf of Yellow Springs, Ohio, describes his storytelling projects and work. http://www.ericwolf.org | |
13. Storytelling: Information From Answers.com n. 1. One who tells stories; a narrator of anecdotes,incidents, or fictitious tales; as, an amusing storyteller . 2. An historian; in contempt. Swift. 3. A euphemism or http://www.answers.com/topic/storytelling |
14. Dunn, Debbie storytelling Performances, storytelling Workshops, School Residencies, and Staff Development for Teachers. Mosheim, Tennessee. http://moredunntales.com |
15. The Art Of Story Telling The Art of storytelling will help you learn how, and includes hints on techniques, contacts with online story resources and websites, storytellers, and associations devoted to http://www.eldrbarry.net/roos/art.htm | |
16. Smithsonian Folklife Festival - 2009 - Giving Voice - Storytelling storytelling. storytelling, perhaps the bestknown oral tradition of African American culture, exemplifies the desire to express oneself and convey a sense of heritage. http://www.festival.si.edu/2009/giving_voice/storytelling.aspx | |
17. Eli Rarey - Storytelling Storyteller with unusual and eclectic selections. Based in Los Angeles. http://www.elirarey.com/storytelling/ |
18. Storytelling Websites storytelling Websites and Resources Elizabeth Figa, Ph.D., Assistant Professor University of North Texas School of Library and Information Sciences http://www.courses.unt.edu/efiga/STORYTELLING/StorytellingWebsites.htm | |
19. Home Educator, Workshop Leader, Director of The National Youth storytelling Showcase, Professional Storyteller http://www.elizabethrose.biz/ | |
20. International Storytelling Center The International storytelling Center is dedicated to inspiring and empowering people everywhere to capture and tell their stories, listen to the stories of others, and use http://www.storytellingcenter.net/ |
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