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1. Sufi Poets — Poet Seers A collection of sufi Poets with brief biographies and selected poetry. http://www.poetseers.org/spiritual_and_devotional_poets/sufi/ | |
2. Sufi Order International North America The whole world's treasure is too small a price for a word that kindles the soul. Hazrat Inayat Khan. The sufi Order is a tax-exempt 501c(3) organization. http://www.sufiorder.org/ | |
3. Sufism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia sufism or taṣawwuf is defined by its adherents as the inner, mystical dimension of Islam A practitioner of this tradition is generally known as a ṣūfī (صُوفِيّ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sufism | |
4. BBC - Religions - Islam: Sufism However throughout history a sufi was most often understood to be a person of religious learning who aspires to be close to Allah. They understand their purpose in life from the http://www.bbc.co.uk/religion/religions/islam/subdivisions/sufism_1.shtml | |
5. Movimento Sufi Internazionale In Italia E Ticino_Sufismo Sito ufficiale del movimento sufi internazionale in Italia e Ticino presenta l insegnamento sufi di Hazrat Inayat Khan. http://www.movimentosufi.com/ | |
6. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths Covering the doctrine of sufism in Islam, its practice, history, and the majortraditional sufi orders and shaykhs; including topics such as sufi women, spiritual transformation http://www.uga.edu/islam/Sufism.html | |
7. Sufi Prayer Flags With Arabic Calligraphy And Islamic Designs Beautiful sufi Prayer Flags and Banners with Arabic Calligraphy and Islamic Designs, contains sacred phrases and divine attributes. sufi Prayer Flags offers prayers and blessings http://sufiprayerflags.com/ |
8. Rochester Sufi Order Local branch of the sufi Order International in Rochester, New York. Includes events listing, activities, and collection of readings. http://launchingpad.hypermart.net/Sufi | |
9. Sufism: Definition From Answers.com The use of the title sufi by nontraditional groups to refer to themselves, and their appropriation of traditional sufi masters (most notably Jalaluddin Rumi) as sources of http://www.answers.com/topic/sufism |
10. Comparative Index To Islam : SUFI sufi. The Mystical Movement within Islam that began in 8th and 9th centuries, partly as a call to return to a simple ascetic life with devotional practices (eg. the http://www.answering-islam.org/Index/S/sufi.html | |
11. Sufi E Sufismo In Italia, Ordine Sufi Jerrahi, Pagine Di Sufismo Milano Scheda della Tariqa con eventi e musica, temi e dergha, arte e libri. http://www.sufijerrahi.it/ | |
12. The Story Of The Woman Sufi - Hindustan Times Oct 30, 2010 The sarcophagus chamber of many sufi shrines in this city is barred to women. So it is pleasantly surprising to discover a dargah dedicated to a woman. But Fatima http://www.hindustantimes.com/rssfeed/lifestyle/The-story-of-the-woman-sufi/Arti |
13. SUFIS.ORG Last modified January 12, 2007 +slb (web@sufis.org). http://sufis.org/ |
14. Sufi Healing For The Soul sufi healing for the soul through the Shadhiliyya teachings of Sidi Muhammad alJamal ar-Rifa'i ash-Shadhuli http://sufihealing.org/ | |
15. School Of Sufi Teaching - Home - Naqshbandi, Mujaddidi, Chishti, Qadiri And Shad Information about a School of sufi Teaching, offering tuition in five sufi Orders. Includes background reading and details of programs. http://www.sufischool.org/ | |
16. Universal Sufism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Universal sufism is a universalist spiritual movement founded by Hazrat Inayat Khan while traveling throughout the West between 1910 and 1926, based on unity of all people and religions http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/International_Sufi_Movement | |
17. L'Ordine Sufi Nematullahi | The Nimatullahi Sufi Order Principi e pratica di ordine sufi Nematollahi i libri sul sufismo, riviste e poesie, oltre che una buona dose di testi tradizionali e dottrinali. http://www.nimatullahi.org/it/ | |
18. Sufi | Define Sufi At Dictionary.com 1. a member of an ascetic, mystical Muslim sect. –adjective 2. of or pertaining to sufis or sufism. Use sufi in a Sentence See images of sufi Search sufi on the Web Origin http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Sufi |
19. Home: SufiPaths.net, Serving California's Bay Area, Sonoma County, And The Regio Info and calendar for sufi activities and Dances of Universal Peace in California's Bay Area, Sonoma County, and the region http://sufipaths.net/ | |
20. Mainpage Sufi Lovehood All-Beloved A Dutch group following the teachings of Inayat Khan; includes devotional resources and readings, and details weekly Heartsingings. http://www.xs4all.nl/~sufilab/ | |
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