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81. Sufi-mystic.net - The Key To Sufism; Gudri Shahi Sufi Order; Sufi Saint School.. Information about the Gudri Shahi sufi Order (based in Ajmer, Rajasthan, India) and its genealogy. Includes information about their school, a FAQ, and a collection of mystic literature. http://sufi-mystic.net | |
82. The Official Media Library Of Naqshbandi - Haqqani Sufi Order The Official Media Library of NaqshbandiHaqqani sufi Order. Dedicated to Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya (QS) http://www.sufilive.com/ | |
83. Taneen Home Page A sufi music ensemble, featuring western and middle eastern instrumentation, English lyrics of translated sufi ecstatic love poetry, and Arabic chants. With biography, lyrics, samples, and release ordering. http://www.taneen.org/ | |
84. Sufi - News, Lyrics, Pictures, Reviews, Biography, Videos, Best Songs, Discograp Get the Latest on sufi news, pictures, album reviews, biography, discography, videos, best songs, concerts, photos and tour dates http://www.nme.com/artists/sufi | |
85. A Pilgrim S Guide To The Holy Places In Iraq A guide to tombs important to sufis, Shiite and Sunni traditions, by a sufi shaikh. pdf http://www.quthbiyamanzil.org/Books/Others/HolyPlacesInIraq.pdf |
86. Welcome To The Frontpage sufiSound is the first music portal dedicated to sufi Music, nasheed, Salawat, Qasidas and Naats. http://sufisound.com/ |
87. WelCome To Www.Welcome To Sufigroup.biz........... Manufactures detergent soaps. Also cooking oil under the name of Hamza Vegetable Oil and GheeMills. http://sufi.com.pk/ |
88. Serving The Guest: A Sufi Cookbook & Art Gallery Historical information and many quotes from sufi saints, centered around a culinary theme. Features a gallery of art of the Muslim world. http://www.superluminal.com/cookbook/ |
89. Sufism, Sufis, And Sufi Orders: Sufism's Many Paths An annotated and explanatory listing of resources in sufi Orders Dr Godlas, of the University of Georgia, US http://www.uga.edu/islam/sufismorders.html | |
90. Shabda Kahn, Sufi Ruhaniat International Profile and workshop schedule, with biographies of his teachers; also includes CD sales, and a collection of texts. http://www.marinsufis.com | |
91. Qadiri Rifai Sufi Order A traditional sufi order offers information on belief and practice, their history and teachers, and details of their social service activities and events. http://www.qadiri-rifai.org/ | |
92. Wahiduddin's Web A collection of reflections on sufism, with factual articles and creative writings. http://wahiduddin.net | |
93. Religion & Ethics NewsWeekly . INTERVIEW . Pir Zia Khan . November 8, 2002 | PBS Account of a television interview with Pir Zia Khan about sufism, from the PBS network. http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/week610/pir.html | |
94. Universal Sufism - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Wikipedia article on the spiritual and universalist movement founded by Hazrat Inayat Khan in the early 20th century. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_Sufism | |
95. International Sufi School - School Of Peace And Service Teaches an Islam of service and non violence. Information about their events, research activities, and international contacts. http://www.international-sufi-school.org/ |
96. IAS: Sufi Women Organization Part of the International Association of sufism, the SWO is devoted to creating a harmonious cooperation, friendship and direction to honor the works of sufi women. http://www.ias.org/departments/sufiwomen.html | |
97. The School Of Sufi Teaching - Sufi Teachings And Group Meetings In London A sufi group based in the UK, whose Shaykh resides in India. Offers Naqshbandi, Mujaddedi, Chishti, Qadiri and Shadhili teachings. http://www.schoolofsufiteaching.org |
98. Carolina Sufi Community Information Upcoming events of interest to sufis in North and South Carolina, and neighboring states; includes listings of conferences, retreats, and workshops. http://www.carolinasufi.info/ | |
99. Unani Herbal Healing Products and information on herbs used by sufi healers. Courses and workshops offered. Based in Endicott, NY. http://www.unani.com/ | |
100. Amir Khusrau, Khusro, Khosrow (or Khusrau). Thirteenth century sufi poet who wrote and sang in several languages. http://www.angelfire.com/sd/urdumedia/ | |
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