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61. InfoSource: Gay/Bisexual Male Suicide Problems: Web Resources (1) Information related to gay and bisexual male suicide problems. http://www.youth-suicide.com/gay-bisexual/gbsuicide.htm |
62. Suicide (1897) suicide (1897) Excerpt from Robert Alun Jones. Emile Durkheim An Introduction to Four Major Works. Beverly Hills, CA Sage Publications, Inc., 1986. Pp. 82114. http://durkheim.uchicago.edu/Summaries/suicide.html | |
63. Suicide Prevention A collection of resources in suicide prevention in Australia and New Zealand http://www.healthinsite.gov.au/topics/Suicide_Prevention | |
64. Suicide | Define Suicide At Dictionary.com –noun 1. the intentional taking of one's own life. 2. destruction of one's own interests or prospects Buying that house was financial suicide. 3. a person who intentionally http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/suicide |
65. Suicide Prevention Help | The Friendship Letter | Global Web Directory Offers a personal approach for those who are despairing and thinking about suicide, and a directory of helpful suicide prevention resources from around the world. http://www.suicidepreventionhelp.com | |
66. Suicide | LIVESTRONG.COM suicide. suicide is ForeverIf you are feeling suicidal right now and you want someone to talk to, call 911 in the United States. Stay on the phone with them until someone comes http://www.livestrong.com/article/13945-suicide/ |
67. Jesus Loves U 2 - Are You Thinking Of Suicide? Christian-themed suicide prevention information. http://www.jesuslovesu2.com/suicide/suicide3.htm | |
68. Suicide And Suicide Grief Includes ethical issues discussion, a glossary of suicide terminology, and a letter to suicidal young people. http://lifegard.tripod.com/ | |
69. Suicide - Definition And More From The Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary Definition of word from the MerriamWebster Online Dictionary with audio pronunciations, thesaurus, Word of the Day, and word games. http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/suicide |
70. Suicide Is A Teenage Epidemic That Can Be Prevented By Watching For The Signs Of Help is available for teens who experience depression and thoughts of suicide. Preventing suicide and surviving it. http://www.jaredstory.com/teen_epidemic.html | |
71. SUICIDES HUMAN EVOLUTION SOCIETY AND MODERN DISEASES SUICIDAL CONDITION www.solarnavigator.net suicide, love, marriage and Humans, the ability to think, the human brain and the power of thought - evolution of our environment and Life on the http://www.solarnavigator.net/animal_kingdom/humans/suicide.htm | |
72. Suicide And The Schools How school staff and students can detect and intervene to prevent suicide. http://www.ncpamd.com/Suicide.htm | |
73. CDC - Injury - Violence Prevention - Suicide Prevention - Home Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Your Online Source for Credible Health Information http://www.cdc.gov/ViolencePrevention/suicide/index.html |
74. My Friend Is Talking About Suicide. What Should I Do? Learn some of the warning signs that a person is considering suicide and what to do to help. http://kidshealth.org/teen/school_jobs/good_friends/talking_about_suicide.html |
75. Suicide And Suicidal Behavior: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia suicide is the act of deliberately taking one's own life. Suicidal behavior is any deliberate action with potentially lifethreatening consequences, such as taking a drug http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/article/001554.htm | |
76. Suicidal-thoughts666 :: Lighten Up Or Die... Want To Die ...don't Advice and information from a young person for teens suffering with depression and thoughts of suicide. Some graphic images. http://www.freewebs.com/suicidal_thoughts666/ |
77. Suicide (Harper's Magazine) Source Joint Task Force 160, U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay, Cuba http://harpers.org/subjects/Suicide |
78. The Ethics Side Of Suicide Ethical issues associated with suicide treatment, intervention and facilitated suicide. http://members.tripod.com/~LifeGard/index-3.html | |
79. Suicide Definition Of Suicide In The Free Online Encyclopedia. suicide Lat.,=selfkilling, the deliberate taking of one's own life. suicide may be compulsory, prescribed by custom or enjoined by the authorities, usually as an alternative http://encyclopedia2.thefreedictionary.com/suicide |
80. Suicidal Ideation In Virtual Support Groups An overview of the occurrence of people posting suicide notes to cyberspace groups.The value of virtual support groups is addressed. http://webpages.charter.net/stormking/suicide.html | |
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