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81. The Ethics Side Of Suicide Discussion of professional ethics and the care of suicidal individuals and related issues. http://lifegard.tripod.com/index-3.html | |
82. Website Blamed For Student Suicide • The Register suicide of a 22 year old, from England. http://www.theregister.co.uk/2004/11/18/suicide_website/ |
83. Suicide News And Video - FOX News Topics - FOXNews.com Watch breaking news videos and read news updates about suicide on FOXNews.com. http://www.foxnews.com/topics/health/mental-health-depression-stress/suicide.htm |
84. Suicide suicide and the absurd. Contrasting the views of Albert Camus and Thomas Nagel. http://www.nobunaga.demon.co.uk/htm/suicide.htm | |
85. Sociology - Suicide suicide (from Latin sui caedere, to kill oneself) is the act of intentionally ending one's own life. Attitudes vary on suicide from culture to culture. http://www.aboutsociology.com/sociology/Suicide |
86. From Ideas On Liberty Szasz objects to physician-assisted suicide which makes suicide a medical issue rather than a moral one. http://www.szasz.com/iol7.html | |
87. Suicide suicide is a very real issue for those with bipolar disorder (manic depression). The estimates are as high as 20% of people who suffer from Bipolar Disorder will kill themselves. http://bipolar.about.com/od/suicide/Suicide.htm | |
88. The Right To Suicide By Patty Fleener M.S.W. There should be no right to commit suicide, since suicidal people are not their real selves. http://www.mental-health-today.com/articles/rightsui.htm | |
89. Contemplating Suicide? A former police officer states his opinions about suicide. Prevention oriented. Christian. http://www.behindthebadge.net/suicide/index.html | |
90. LCMS FAQ Suicide The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod stand on suicide. http://www.lcms.org/cic/suicide.html |
91. Suicide And The Silence Of Scripture | Christianity Today | A Magazine Of Evange From Christianity Today Magazine. Ethics of suicide and suicide cases in the Bible. http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2000/127/42.0.html | |
92. Will God Forgive Suicide? Biblical view of whether God will forgive a Christian who commits suicide. http://www.behindthebadge.net/suicide/index-2.html | |
93. Comparative Index To Islam : SUICIDE suicide is forbidden in Islam. http://www.answering-islam.org/Index/S/suicide.html | |
94. Suicide Legal Definition Of Suicide. Suicide Synonyms By The Free Online Law Dic The legal term suicide defined and explained. http://legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com/Suicide |
95. Layman's Guide To Suicide, A Humorous Book On Suicide And Suicide Planning A humorous book on suicide and suicide planning. http://www.keyword.com/cd/laymans_guide/pageone.htm | |
96. MyStudios- Pieter Bruegel, The Suicide Of Saul Pieter Bruegel s painting of the biblical suicide. http://www.mystudios.com/art/northern/bruegel/bruegel-suicide-saul.html | |
97. Index.html Medical consequences of suicide attempts. Contains substantial parts of Geo Stone s standard reference book, plus additional material. http://suicidemethods.net | |
98. Thinking About Suicide A suicide resource including self assessment software, suggestions, news about suicide online, resources, list of organizations, and support news groups, visual art depicting suicide, suicide computations, survey of visitors http://www.suicidepreventtriangle.org/ | |
99. ::National Council For Suicide Prevention:: of the Council....... http://www.ncsp.org/ | |
100. Fierce Goodbye A faith-based perspective on suicide based on a documentary, covers many issues. http://www.fiercegoodbye.com/ |
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