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81. Environmental Management Two Masters Sustainable Energy Planning and also Engineering in English language. Focus on wind power energy, offers publications, problem based learning. http://www.environmentalmanagement.auc.dk/ | |
82. Pangolin Associates. Sustainability, Energy & Carbon Management. Pangolin Associates. Sustainability services. GHG assessments, energy audits, carbon credit advice. Reduce your business footprint. http://pangolinassociates.com/ | |
83. Plan B - Energy For Everyone's Future Campaign for an end to UK development aid for the oil industry. http://www.planb.org/ | |
84. Sustainability & Energy Conservation | Boulder Housing Partners As the Housing Authority for the City of Boulder, Boulder Housing Partners has emerged as a national leader in sustainability within affordable housing. http://www.boulderhousing.org/es/content/sustainability-energy-conservation | |
85. Nuclear Information And Resource Service - NIRS Information and networking center for citizens and environmental organizations concerned about nuclear power, radioactive waste, radiation, and sustainable energy issues. http://www.nirs.org/ |
86. Sustainability Energy Environment Jobs - Browse Keywords | Juju Job Search Browse Sustainability Energy Environment jobs from 1,000s of job boards and employer web sites in one place. Juju makes your Sustainability Energy Environment job search faster http://www.job-search-engine.com/keyword/sustainability-energy-environment-jobs/ |
87. Tennessee Power Company - Miracle II, Miracle 2, Forecasting, Green Power, Renew Includes articles and other resources about sustainable energy and other environmental topics. Also offers for sale Miracle II detoxifying alternative cleansing and cleaning products. http://home.earthlink.net/~tpco/ | |
88. Institute For Policy Studies: Sustainable Energy And Economy Network Aims to inform citizens to respond to climate change, and the growing energy needs of people in developing countries. http://www.ips-dc.org/seen/ |
89. University Of Victoria - Institute For Integrated Energy Systems Promotes feasible paths to sustainable energy systems by developing new technologies and perspectives to overcome barriers to the widespread adoption of sustainable energy. Research projects, service, communication, people, seminars and library. http://www.iesvic.uvic.ca/ | |
90. The Resilience Centre - Consultants In Business And Community Resilience, Provid The Resilience Centre offers consultancy advice and practical solutions for sustainable energy, land and water resource management, and resource depletion. http://www.theresiliencecentre.co.uk/ | |
91. Saving Energy In Cornwall At Community Energy Plus, Cornwall, UK Providers of sustainable energy advice in the UK. Up-to-date information on renewable energy such as solar power for homes and businesses, and grants for heating, insulation, lighting, etc. http://www.cep.org.uk | |
92. The Sustainable Energy Research Group At The University Of Southampton, UK Research and development in the areas of renewable energy sources and technologies. Objectives, areas of research, publications, press releases, activities and facilities. http://www.energy.soton.ac.uk/ | |
93. Center For Sustainable Energy Develops systems to provide energy for various uses in an environmentally and economically sustainable manner. http://www.uml.edu/res/misc/suseng.html | |
94. Dr. Madadnia's Webpage Research and teaching at the University of Sydney. Area of interests renewable and sustainable energy. http://services.eng.uts.edu.au/~jafarm/ | |
95. Sustainable Architecture And Design | Ecological | Environmentally-friendly | Na Specialises in sustainable and energy efficient design; offers details of practice, projects, and contacts. http://www.halvorsen-architects.co.uk/ |
96. Solar Power & Wind Energy Systems - Www.solar-wind.co.uk Specialists in sustainable energy systems. Catalogue, containing solar powered products, solar panels and wind turbines. http://www.solar-wind.co.uk/ | |
97. Designers And Manufacturers Of The Latest Solar Products London-based designer and supplier of solar-powered street lighting and road signs and other sustainable energy solutions. http://sangeltech.com |
98. Sustainable Energy Society Southern Africa - SESSA News A non profit organisation that is dedicated to the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency. Competitions, media centre, associates, members and energy events. http://www.sessa.org.za/ |
99. SEED Coalition Supports clean air and energy in Texas. Includes information about the problems and proposed solutions, forms for contacting officials, calls to action, mailing list, and articles, fact sheets, and reports. http://www.seedcoalition.org/ | |
100. INFORSE-Europe EU Policy Summary of content, status and INFORSE-Europe positions on EU Energy Policy proposals. From the International Network for Sustainable Energy. http://www.inforse.dk/europe/eupolicy.htm | |
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