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21. David Katz - Sustainable Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Basic guidelines for future farming by David Katz . One of the articles in Living With The Land (IC 8) Winter 1984, Page 37 http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC08/Katz.htm | |
22. Digital Green: A Participatory Framework For Agricultural Extension A research project that uses participatory videos to promote sustainable agricultural practices in small and marginal farming communities. http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/india/projects/digitalgreen/ | |
23. Sustainable Agriculture | Bayside Grange Sustainable Agriculture. The Bayside Grange participates in Sustainable Agricultural efforts by working with the Northcoast Growers Association and the Community Alliance for Family http://www.baysidegrange.org/sustainableagriculture | |
24. TILTH PRODUCERS OF WASHINGTON A Chapter of Washington Tilth Association, fosters and promotes ecologically sound sustainable agriculture in the interest of environmental preservation, human health and social equity. http://www.tilthproducers.org/ | |
25. Sustainable Agriculture Meetup Groups - Sustainable Agriculture Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Sustainable Agriculture http://sustainable-agriculture.meetup.com/ |
26. Common Sense Environmental Fund Supporting Effective Strategies To Sustainable Agriculture. T he environmental costs incurred through modern, chemical intensive farming are no longer acceptable. http://csshome.com/sustainableagriculture.htm |
27. National Sustainable Agriculture Coalition National alliance of farm, rural development and conservation groups. Provides information on the organization, its work, publications, getting involved and the blog. http://sustainableagriculturecoalition.org/ |
28. Earthwise Resources Development Australasia A demonstration site for sustainable agriculture. Details of the site, courses in permaculture, location. http://www.earthwise.org.au/ |
29. Sustainable Agriculture: Definitions And Terms (1999; Revised 2007; Updated Link Sustainable Agriculture Definitions and Terms (1999; revised 2007) updated links 6/9/08 http://www.nal.usda.gov/afsic/pubs/terms/srb9902.shtml | |
30. Sustainable Agriculture // Current Discover, create, and post news about Sustainable Agriculture on Current and influence what airs on TV http://current.com/groups/sustainable-agriculture/ | |
31. Sustainable Agriculture Extension Program Iowa State University Provides information on events, research, education, links, funding sources, relevant to Iowa. http://extension.agron.iastate.edu/sustag/ | |
32. European Intitaitive For Sustainable Development In Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture in Practice Awareness, innovation and thorough balance of ecology and economy Integrated Farming points the way for future agriculture http://www.sustainable-agriculture.org/news.php | |
33. Ohio Department Of Agriculture | Sustainable Agriculture Welcome to the Ohio Department of Agriculture. Skip Navigation. Please Note You are viewing the nonstyled version of the Ohio Department of Agriculture site. http://www.agri.ohio.gov/divs/SustainableAg/SustainableAg.aspx |
34. Welcome — Washington Sustainable Food & Farming Network A grassroots, statewide advocacy organization for sustainable agriculture and family farms in Washington State. Mission, programs, links. http://www.wsffn.org/ | |
35. Agricultures Network Aims for poverty alleviation through the promotion of agro-ecological approaches. Includes a collection of links, book reviews, and other information. http://www.leisa.info/ | |
36. Sustainable Agriculture: Introduction Rainforest Alliance Certified (TM) Empowering communities, protecting wildlife, conserving forests. http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/agriculture.cfm?id=main |
37. Center For Integrated Agricultural Systems | a Sustainable Agriculture Research A sustainable agriculture research center at the University of Wisconsin. Details of research, local involvement. http://www.cias.wisc.edu/ | |
38. Welcome To The Frontpage By the grace of Alex Funk and Funk Designs, Dancing Green, Inc., a 501(c)(3) taxexempt non-profit, is using the Sustainable Agriculture domain name to expand sustainability http://www.sustainableagriculture.org/ | |
39. Sustainet - Home Cooperates with projects and organisations in Africa, Latin America and Asia that focus on sustainable agriculture and their wide-scale application. http://www.sustainet.org/ | |
40. Substainable Agriculture-Sci Tracer Bullet-Lib Of Congress Sustainable Agriculture Science Tracer Bullets - Research Finding Aids from the Library of Congress, Science Reference Services. http://www.loc.gov/rr/scitech/tracer-bullets/sustainable-agtb.html | |
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