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81. Sustainable Agriculture Summary | BookRags.com Sustainable Agriculture. Sustainable Agriculture summary with 3 pages of encyclopedia entries, research information, and more. http://www.bookrags.com/research/sustainable-agriculture-ansc-04/ |
82. Sustainable Soil And Water Ltd - Sustainable Environmental And Farming Solutions Provider of sustainable farming and environmental solutions using beneficial microorganisms that exist freely in nature. http://emsustains.co.uk | |
83. Applying The Principles Of Sustainable Farming This publication discusses the principles of environmental, economic, and social sustainability, and provides practical examples of how to apply them on the farm. http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/PDF/Transition.pdf |
84. Adding Value To Farm Products This article describes some different approaches to increasing the output from a farm in a sustainable way. http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/PDF/valueovr.pdf |
85. Go Allegiant - Pioneers In Developing The Essential Infrastructure Needed By Dev Group of multinational companies that conceives, designs and implements core technologies that result in sustainable economic development for emerging nations. http://www.goallegiant.com |
86. About Us - Centre For Sustainable Development Initiatives The CSDI is a non-governmental organisation dealing with sustainable natural resource development in the drylands of Kenya, concentrating on the three main themes of water, livelihoods and health. http://www.csdikenya.org | |
87. Agtechtours :: Agri Tours: Agricultural Tours, Horticultural Tours, Technical To Provides agricultural and horticultural technical tours in Spain for growers and food industry professionals from around the globe considering environmentally safe innovative crop production and post harvest cultivation techniques through the use of new technology. http://www.agtechtours.com | |
88. Altieri Lab Vineyard Agroecology Home Provides information about research being conducted by the Altieri Lab at UC Berkeley on the management of non-crop vegetation for the enhancement of natural pest regulation in vineyard agroecosystems. http://agroecology.berkeley.edu | |
89. Tarwyn Park Peter Andrews developed Natural Sequence Farming to regenerate the Bylong horse stud that was dry, barren, salty and eroded. Now Tarwyn Park is green, has water and is frost tolerant. http://www.tarwynpark.com | |
90. PAULOWNIA SURFBOARDS, WOODEN SURFBOARDS, PAULOWNIA This project aims to turn 4 acres of unused agricultural land in France into a sustainable Paulownia plantation. http://www.paulownia.co.uk |
91. Vanashree Provides information on this small farm in India including the low cost, organic and natural integrated farming methods used, the alternate energy utilization and the water conservation techniques. http://www.vanashree.in | |
92. Agriculture Information on research into the challenges facing agriculture on the Canadian Prairies provided by the International Institute for Sustainable Development. http://www.iisd.org/natres/agriculture/ |
93. Suman Sahai Blog Articles on agricultural themes, climate change, food security, gene patents, IPR and GM issues, from an Indian perspective. http://sumansahai-blog.blogspot.com/ | |
94. Seed And Plant Sanctuary For Canada (Seed Bank, Gene Bank) Charitable organization dedicated to the health and vitality of the earth through the preservation and promotion of heritage seeds. http://www.seedsanctuary.com | |
95. Home - Morethanorganic Community formed by the owner of a small, certified organic farm in North Spain to discuss sustainable farming. Includes a forum and blog. http://more-than-organic.com |
96. Home | ISEAL Alliance Describes objectives, which are to improve social auditing processes in agriculture. Also organizational details and partner information. http://www.isealalliance.org/ | |
97. Training For Rural Development: Agricultural And Enterprise Skills For Women Sma Information on an international research project to explore the type of training that can help women smallholders be more productive and adaptable. http://www.skillsdevelopment.org/t4rd | |
98. Foodpolicy.co.uk An independent reference service for food policy researchers and decision-makers containing a library of food policy documents, current affairs and events. http://www.foodpolicy.co.uk |
99. Alleviating Third World Hunger, Promoting Agricultural Development - Carter Cent Provides the tools and means to help farmers in sub-Saharan Africa increase their crop yields through agricultural development. http://www.cartercenter.org/health/agriculture/index.html |
100. ANN Agricultural News Network Agriculture extension service aiming to reach farmers in rural areas of Maharashtra and make available to them information on research and new developments in the field of agriculture. http://www.anntvindia.com | |
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