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21. The Government Offices Including Ministries The Government Offices including ministries. The Government governs the nation. It is assisted by the Government Offices, an integral authority comprising the Prime Minister's Office http://www.sweden.gov.se/sb/d/576 |
22. Swedish Financial Supervisory Authority Finansinspektionen is responsible for supervising companies in the insurance, credit and securities markets. http://www.fi.se/ | |
23. Sweden's Government: Socialist Swedes look to their Sweden government to provide jobs, health care, and more. http://www.essortment.com/all/governmentswede_rbfh.htm | |
24. Sweden Government Sweden Government statistics and information about the government of Sweden. http://www.nation-info.com/Sweden-Government.html | |
25. Swedish National Space Board (SNSB) Summaries of the main national space projects and links to detailed activity information. http://www.snsb.se/ | |
26. 'Sweden Government' 'Sweden Government' Council of State Government This new study examines the relationship between two key issues in the ongoing debate on urban governance- leadership 'sweden http://ap93.tcc-retail.com/swedengovernment.html | |
27. Sweden Government Website Listing And Information Sweden government with information on Sweden websites on the internet. http://www.ezilon.com/regional/sweden/government/index.shtml | |
28. FOI:s Startsida - FOI, Totalförsvarets Forskningsinstitut Carries out security policy studies and threat assessments, and develops control and command systems for the defense sector and international peace-keeping efforts. http://www.foi.se/ | |
29. Sweden: Government The Royal Family Photo Tina Buckman Government http://www.sverigeturism.se/smorgasbord/smorgasbord/society/government/ | |
30. Startsida - Försvarsmakten Official site providing an overview of the structure, history, and operations of the Swedish military. http://www.mil.se/ |
31. Sweden Government Magazines Read online versions of Swedish Government Magazines absolutely free. http://www.allyoucanread.com/sweden-government-magazines/ | |
32. NYHETER An association which aims to stimulate discussion about military and other defence, and to educate the Swedish citizens about current defence policies. http://www.folkochforsvar.se/ | |
33. Princess Madeleine Of Sweden - Home Fan site for the Princess Madeleine, with a large photo gallery and a forum. http://www.madeleine-sweden.com/ | |
34. Articles About Sweden Government - Los Angeles Times Sweden Government News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Sweden Government from the Los Angeles Times http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/sweden-government |
35. Migrationsverket - Migrationsverket Information about visa, work and residence permits, citizenship, asylum and repatriation. http://www.migrationsverket.se/ | |
36. Sweden Government - Ask.com Top questions and answers about SwedenGovernment. Find 31 questions and answers about Sweden-Government at Ask.com Read more. http://www.ask.com/questions-about/Sweden-Government |
37. Startsida | SMHI Offers records, publications, research and customized services in meteorology, hydrology and oceanography. Notes on the organization. http://www.smhi.se/ |
38. MapZones.com : Sweden Government Information of Sweden Government, Political parties, democracy, Prime Minister http://www.mapzones.com/world/europe/sweden/governmentindex.php | |
39. Utrikesdepartementet Information on the ministry, Swedish foreign policy and news about developments in foreign relations. http://www.regeringen.se/sb/d/1475 |
40. Welcome To Swedish Work Environment Authority - Arbetsmiljöverket The central administrative authority for questions relating to the working environment and working hours and the authority to which the Work Environment Inspectorate is accountable. http://www.av.se/inenglish/index.aspx | |
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