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41. Sweden: Government — Infoplease.com Encyclopedia — Sweden Government. Sweden is a constitutional monarchy governed under the constitution of 1975, which replaced that of 1809. The hereditary monarch is the head http://www.infoplease.com/ce6/world/A0861385.html |
42. Welcome To The Frontpage A non-profit association serving all consuls of foreign diplomatic representation in Sweden. http://www.consularcorps.org/ | |
43. Sweden History - Sweden Government Sweden government is typical of the European countries in that it is a constitutional monarchy with a parliament democracy. In other words they still have royalty to rule the http://swedenhistory.net/sweden-government.html | |
44. Embassy Of Guatemala Includes information about archaeology in Guatemala, a business guidebook, and information on Sweden-Guatemala relations. http://www.guatemala.se/ | |
45. Sweden Government Type - Government Facts and statistics about the Government type of Sweden. Updated as of 2010. http://www.indexmundi.com/sweden/government_type.html | |
46. Embajada De Chile En Suecia Embassy of Chile in Stockholm. Contains facts about Chile, contact details, and related links. http://www.embassyofchile.se/ | |
47. Sweden - Government Short facts on government of Sweden. Travel in Sweden. A total of 54 members have visited 110 locations in Sweden. http://www.traveljournals.net/explore/sweden/government.html | |
48. Embassy Of Italy In Stockholm Provides information about Italy and Italian activity in Sweden, as well as general information on Sweden. http://www.ambstoccolma.esteri.it/ | |
49. Articles About Sweden Government - Page 3 - Los Angeles Times Sweden Government News by Date. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Sweden Government from the Los Angeles Times (Page 3 of 4) http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/sweden-government/recent/3 |
50. Sweden Government - TravelPuppy Sweden Government comprehensive information about the government of Sweden, the Sweden constitution and political situation http://travelpuppy.com/sweden/government.htm | |
51. Sweden: Government — FactMonster.com Encyclopedia — Sweden Government. Sweden is a constitutional monarchy governed under the constitution of 1975, which replaced that of 1809. The hereditary monarch is the head http://www.factmonster.com/ce6/world/A0861385.html | |
52. The Israeli Government's Official Website, By The Ministry Of Foreign Affairs Features information about embassy and its operations and services, Israel and the peace process, related links. http://stockholm.mfa.gov.il/ |
53. Sweden Government Sweden Local Government Politics Sweden Home. Sweden Actors, Acting Sweden Agency, Travel Sweden Agriculture http://www.internationaldiscussions.com/country/sweden/sweden-government.php | |
54. LIETUVOS AMBASADA ŠVEDIJOJE Includes a history of diplomatic relations between the Republic of Lithuania and the Kingdom of Sweden. Lithuanian, English http://se.mfa.lt/ | |
55. Sweden/Government - Discussion And Encyclopedia Article. Who Is Sweden/Governmen Sweden/Government. Discussion about Sweden/Government. Ecyclopedia or dictionary article about Sweden/Government. http://www.knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/Sweden/Government/ |
56. Welcome Page | Page D'accueil Offers advice about visas and immigration and advice for Swedish students in Canada. http://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/sweden-suede/ |
57. Sweden Government Information Travel Document Systems; Passport and Visa Services. This is the site for the latest Travel Information and the most complete collection of online Visa Applications on the web. http://www.traveldocs.com/se/govern.htm | |
58. My Jewelryblog Embassy of Ecuador in Stockholm, also including contact information for the Honorary Consulate in Gothenburg. http://www.embajada-ecuador.se/ | |
59. Politics Of Sweden - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia Politics of Sweden takes place in a framework of a parliamentary representative democratic constitutional monarchy. Executive power is exercised by the government, led by the Prime http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politics_of_Sweden | |
60. Welcome To Pakistan Embassy Stockholm, Sweden Pakistan Embassy located in Stockholm and accredited to Sweden, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia. Has information on Pakistan and Sweden. http://www.pakistanembassy.se/ | |
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