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21. Swimming Strokes, Benefits, Classes, History, Tips And Information Read about swimming's fitness benefits and calories burned, strokes (freestyle, backstroke, butterfly, breaststroke), lessons, classes, history and famous swimmers. http://www.medicinenet.com/swimming/article.htm |
22. Olympic Swimming, 2008 Illustrated History Of Olympic Swimming Olympic Triathlon Illustrated History of the Olympic Triathlon in the Sum Illustrated History of Synchronized Swimming - Synchro Swimming History http://swimming.about.com/od/swimmingolympics/ss/swim_hist_pics_10.htm | |
23. Swimming - History (All-Americans/Award Winners) - Official Site Of Fairmont Sta Official Site of Fairmont State University Athletics (Awarded to the senior studentathlete who has maintained the highest GPA during his/her career while at Fairmont State) http://www.fightingfalcons.com/mswimming/history/ | |
24. Swimming - History A selection of articles related to Swimming History Swimming - History Encyclopedia - Swimming. Swimming is the method by which living creatures move themselves through water in a http://www.experiencefestival.com/swimming_-_history |
25. Swimming History ISport.com Read about the history of the sport of Swimming, an overview of rules and regulations along with links to official resources, and a comprehensive glossary of Swimming terms and http://swim.isport.com/swimming-history/ |
26. Swimming: Encyclopedia II - Swimming - History Main article History of swimming Swimming has been known since prehistoric times. Drawings from the stone age were found in the cave of swimmers near Wadi Sora (or Sura) in the http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Swimming_-_History/id/5499589 |
27. Swimming History The Internet's number one source for Swimming History http://www.sunenterprises.com/swimming-pools/swimming-history.php | |
28. A Brief Look At Olympic Swimming History Olympic swimming history doesn't recount much concern swimming events in the history games of times gone by. Who knows for sure? The Greeks the founding fathers of earliest http://www.syl.com/hb/abrieflookatolympicswimminghistory.html | |
29. Competitive Swimming History | EHow.com Competitive Swimming History. Though the act of swimming has been a staple of movement for countless centuries, only during the 19th century and the revival of international http://www.ehow.com/facts_4868062_competitive-swimming-history.html | |
30. HickokSports.com - History - Synchronized Swimming This document is a history of synchronized swimming. It is a page in the History section of HickokSports.com, the largest collection of sports information on the Internet. http://www.hickoksports.com/history/synchsw.shtml | |
31. Swimming History Facebook Welcome to the Facebook Community Page about Swimming history, a collection of shared knowledge concerning Swimming history. http://www.facebook.com/pages/Swimming-history/108020582566176 | |
32. Hung Out To Dry Wild Swimming History - Cambridge Swimming History Cambridge Wild Swimming History. Learning to swim in the river was once the norm for children in Cambridge. Wild swimming was taught as part of the school curriculum. http://www.hungouttodry.co.uk/page8.htm | |
33. Women's Swimming History | EHow.com Women's Swimming History. Women have been instrumental in swimming history since its beginnings as a sport. Often they had to fight against discrimination and restrictive http://www.ehow.com/facts_5062699_womens-swimming-history.html | |
34. Swimming History Swimming History Swimming was invented before recorded history. Humans discovered how to swim by accident. A person probably fell into the water and struggled to shore using a http://www.freeessay.com/essays/269821/Swimming-History |
35. Swimming History - Swimwatch | Swimming News & Commentary By David. Last week’s Swimwatch story has prompted some interesting correspondence. You may recall the story was about the Auckland Winter Championships. http://www.swimwatch.net/2010/07/swimming-history.html | |
36. Competitive Swimming History | Answerbag Competitive swimming is a contest. The winner is the swimmer or team to cover a set distance in a smaller amount of time than any other swimmers or teams. http://www.answerbag.com/article/Competitive Swimming History/02f8a43d-2d07-3a18 |
37. Swimming – News Reports, Sydney Results, Ancient Origins, Olympic History, Atlan metres freestyle relay, which remains to this day one of the most poignant races in Olympic swimming history http://www.times-olympics.co.uk/communities/swimming/swimminghistory.html | |
38. Swimming: History Of Swimming Web sites to teach you about the history of swimming including the history of competitive swimming, Olympic swimmers and more. http://www.findingdulcinea.com/guides/Sports/Swimming.html?xa=1 |
39. The International Swimming Hall Of Fame's TIMELINE Of Women's Swimming Hall of Fame's The International Swimming Hall of Fame's TIMELINE of Women's Swimming History TIMELINE of Women's Swimming History TIMELINE of Women's Swimming History TIMELINE http://www.ishof.org/pdf/womeninswimming.pdf |
40. University Of Manitoba: Bison Swimming History CIS Swimming Rankings as of 01/22/08 Women Men 1. Calgary 504 pts / (2) 2. UBC 498 / (1) 3. Laval 322 / (3) 4. http://www.umanitoba.ca/faculties/physed/athletics/swimming/history.shtml | |
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