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         Taoism:     more books (100)
  1. Taoism: The Enduring Tradition by Russell Kirkland, 2004-07-06
  2. Insights into Islamic Esoterism and Taoism by Rene Guenon, 2004-06-25
  3. World Religions: Beliefs Behind Today's Headlines: Buddhism, Christianity, Confucianism, Hinduism, Islam, Shintoism, Taoism by John T. Catoir, 2004-04-09
  4. Sufism and Taoism: A Comparative Study of Key Philosophical Concepts by Toshihiko Izutsu, 1984-08-06
  5. Encyclopedia of Taoism (2 Volume Set)
  6. Eastern Religions: Hinduism, Buddism, Taoism, Confucianism, Shinto
  7. Harmony: Radical Taoism Gently Applied by Eulalio Paul Cane, 2002-08-07
  8. Tao te Ching: The Poetry of Nature by Kari Hohne, 2009-05-13
  9. An Introduction To The Philosophy And Religion Of Taoism: Pathways To Immortality by Jeaneane Fowler, 2005-10-19
  10. A Deconstructive Reading of Chinese Natural Philosophy in Literature and the Arts: Taoism and Zen Buddhism (Chinese Studies :, Vol. 33) by Hong Zeng, 2004-05
  11. Taoism: The Parting of the Way by Holmes Welch, 1971-06-01
  12. The Tao of Teaching: The Ageles Wisdom of Taoism and the Art of Teaching by Greta K. Nagel, 1998-11-01
  13. Creativity and Taoism: A Study of Chinese Philosophy, Art and Poetry by Chung-Yuan Chang, 2011-02-15
  14. Historical Dictionary of Taoism by Julian F. Pas, 1998-06-04

21. Eastern Philosophy- Taoism
Article by Fritjof Capra. Compares taoism to other eastern philosophies as well as discussing dualism.
    by Fritjof Capra
Of the two main Chinese trends of thought, Confucianism and Taoism, the latter is the one which is mystically oriented and thus more relevant for our comparison with modern physics. Like Hinduism and Buddhism, Taoism is interested in intuitive wisdom, rather than in rational knowledge. Acknowledging the limitations and the relativity of the world of rational thinking, Taoism is, basically, a way of liberation from this world and is, in this respect, comparable to the ways of Yoga or Vedanta in Hinduism, or to the Eightfold Path of the Buddha. In the context of Chinese culture, the Taoist liberation meant, more specifically, a liberation from the strict rules of convention.
Mistrust of conventional knowledge and reasoning is stronger in Taoism than in any other school of Eastern philosophy. It is based on the firm belief that the human intellect can never comprehend the Tao. In the words of Chuang Tzu, The most extensive knowledge does not necessarily know it; reasoning will not make men wise in it. The sages have decided against both these methods. Chuang Tzu's book is full of passages reflecting the Taoist's contempt of reasoning and argumentation. Thus he says

22. Taoism - ReligionFacts
Complete guide to taoism (Daoism), including fast facts, glossary of terms, timeline, history, beliefs, practices, online texts, books, and links

23. Taoism
taoism, world religions,China, spirit, soul, God, diversity
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This page was last updated on: August 4, 2007
Eventually, in his older years, he was asked to leave a record of his beliefs so the civilization he was a part of would have it. He did so and produced a volume entitled Tao Te Ching or The Way and Its Power. A testament to humanity's at home-ness in the unverse, it can be read in half and hour or a lifetime.
Upon opening the Taoism's bible, Tao Te Ching, we sense at once that everything revolves around the pivotal concept of TAO itself. Literally, the world means path or way. There are three senses that this "way" can be understood.
First, Tao is the way of ultimate reality. This Tao can not be perceived or even clearly conceived, for it is too vast for reason to fathom. It is, all the same, the ground of everything that follows. Above all, behind all, beneath all is the Womb from which all life springs and to which it returns.  Though the Tao is ultimately transcendent, it is also immanent. In the second sense, it is the way of the universe, the norm, the rhythm, and the driving power in all nature. Basically spirit rather than matter, it cannot be exhausted, for the more it is drawn upon, the more it flows. There are marks of inevitability about it, for when autumn comes "no leaf is spared because of its beauty, no flower because of its fragrance" yet ultimately it is benign. Giving life to all things it may be called the "Mother of the World".

24. An Introduction To Taoism (information On Tao)
An introduction to taoism for beginners. Information on the main people involved as well as book recommendations.
An Introduction to Taoism
Taoism is not the easiest of things to define. The Tao Te Ching begins: Tao: The tao that can be told is not the eternal tao However to approach it from a slightly different angle: What is chinese philosophy? Lin Yutang in his introduction to "The Wisdom of China" talks about the differences between western and eastern philosophy. While western philosophy has been centered around the question: "what can we know", eastern philosophy asked the question: "how do we live". A definition of taoism from the Encyclopaedia Britannica: Taoism: One of the two major religio-philosophical traditions (cf Confucianism) that have shaped Chinese life for more than 2 000 years. In the broadest sense, a Taoist attitude toward life can be seen in the accepting and yielding, the joyful and carefree sides of the Chinese character. Taoism is also characterized by a positive, active attitude toward the occult and the metaphysical (theories on the nature of reality). More strictly defined: Taoism includes the ideas and attitudes peculiar to Lao-Tzu (Tao Te Ching), the 6th-century-BC founder of Taoism, and his later commentators Chuang-tzu and Lieh-tzu, all of whom influenced the ritual worship of the Tao (the Way). From my point of view: I would say taoism is about acceptance and wonder, contentment and excitement. A sort of acceptance of what is, but mixed with that a realisation of just how wonderful everything is.

25. Taoism
A guided tour through the vast and beautiful terrain of taoism its history, cosmology, scriptures, sages and various practices.
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    Elizabeth Reninger
    Taoism Guide zSB(3,2)
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    Solid As A Mountain
    Taoist Standing Meditation
    Standing Meditation is a great way to strengthen and nourish the energy of the lower dantian. Read more
    Forms Of Taoist Practice
    Taoist Sacred Mountains Taoist Symbols ...
    The Natural World
    Clearly the natural world includes mountains, rivers, forests and flowers. But does it include things like red Ferraris? Does it include our human body? Read more
    Taoism Spotlight
    Elizabeth's Taoism Blog
    Further Down The Rabbit-Hole: Explorations Of the Energy-Body
    Tuesday November 16, 2010 Continuing now the exploration begun in yesterday's post , let's play a bit in the sukshma sharira (subtle body) field, described by the Kilmurrays in the following passage: "The second course centers on the subtle or energy body, sukshma sharira in Sanskrit, sambhogakaya in Buddhism, which is experienced as energy or energy flow. The terms chi, qi and prana refer to the organizing movements of aliveness of the subtle body, and, as this is where the confusion of the mind most directly manifests and the healing process most clear, this is the key body for our practice and explorations."

    26. PHILTAR - Trans Cultural Religions/Taoism
    taoism Back A brief history of taoism. The discussion is divided into five periods of Chinese history, from the earliest to the most recent (i) the Warring States (453222
      A brief history of Taoism
      A Short Introduction to Chinese Alchemy

      Chinese Philosophy: Taoism

      This is a clear and concise article by Richard Hooker. He states: "Taoism is based on the idea that behind all material things and all the change in the world lies one fundamental, universal principle: the Way or Tao . This principle gives rise to all existence and governs everything, all change and all life." The glossary, in turn, provides a very interesting discussion of the tao as the 'Way of Heaven', the embodiment of the notions of ming ('destiny') and T'ien ming ('Mandate of Heaven'). Fabrizio Pregadio - Homepage
      Of the resources listed here on Chinese religion and philosophy, those on the Daozang (The Taoist Canon) and 'Taoist studies in the World Wide Web' seem particularly useful. Included in the latter are links to 'Taoism and the Arts of China', and scholarly essays on Laozi (Lao-Tzu) and Zhuangzi (Chuang Tzu) by Alan K.L. Chan and Harold Roth respectively. Both of these essays were published in the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Panlatrevo Home
      This site provides translations of several Taoist works including the Tao Te Ching Lao-tzu (translation Gia-Fu Feng), the

    27. Taoist Mission (Singapore)
    Has some articles about taoism in Singapore and information on the objectives of the mission.
    Skip to navigation Taoist Mission (Singapore)
    Great News!
    In our goal to promote Chinese heritage and culture, Taoist Mission is organizing a Stilt Walking Course during the December School Holidays. The course will be conducted by professional instructors and it will be grouped into Student (6 -12 yrs), Youth (13 – 18 yrs)Open Categories (18yrs above). We have specially engaged professionals from Taiwan to conduct this meaningful and fun filled course.All are welcome to register. We also appeal to sponsorship of equipments, costume needed for the course.
    For those interested, you may wish to call our office @ 6295 6112/6113 for enquires or to register.
    About Us THE OBJECTIVES OF THE MISSION (1) To Glorify Taoism and The Taoist Spirit (2) To Undertake Reseach Related to Traditional Taoist Culture. (3) To Foster Relations Among Followers of Taoism in Singapore. (4) To Help in the Community and Participate in Welfare Service. Business Solutions Click HERE  to find out more! 一块砖 S$10/-,一片瓦 S$100/-, ... One Brick S$10/-, One Tile S$100/-, One Square Foot Land S$500/- 1) Great News! In our goal to promote Chinese heritage and culture, Taoist Mission is organizing a Stilt Walking Course during the December School Holidays.   Click HERE for details! 更多详情点击

    28. Taoism For The Teenage Soul
    How taoism can help you live a happier teenage life, and continue the happiness throughout your life.
    And what does it have to do with you?
    The Tao Te Ching

    The Chuang Tzu

    Great Books on Taoism
    Read and Share Ideas and Experiences.
    Taoism for teens is a site for teens and made by teens about Taoism and other eastern ways of thought and how they can help you in your daily life. We have a lot of great stuff for you to check out. If you are new to Taoism, a good place to start is What is Taoism section.
    A new section about the three teaching of China in the What is Taoism? Page
    Some new recommended reading in the Books Section
    Which religion/way of thought would you be interested in learning more about? Buddhism Hinduism Satanism Existentialism Confucianism Christianity Paganism Results

    29. Taoism Origins, Taoism History, Taoism Beliefs
    Origin Map Lens. See when and where every major religion started. Side By Side Religion Comparison Lens. Pick up to three religions/faiths and compare their religion history

    30. Taoism & The Taoist Arts - Home
    A general introduction to taoism and related arts, such as T ai Chi, Meditation, Martial Arts and Herbalism.
    Taoism And The Taoist Arts

    Main Concepts
    Yin and Yang

    The 5 Elements

    Wu Wei / nothingness

    Chi - the vital energy
    Modern Interpretations
    The Taoist Arts:

    Martial Arts

    T'ai Chi
    Herbalism ... Medicine / Diet Bookshop: USA UK Contact Taoism is an ancient Chinese philosophy which promotes living simply and in harmony with nature, and going with the flow. Ancient Taoists believed that by following the natural world, pursuing a strict diet and meditation regime and not struggling with their lot, they could achieve an inner calm, improved health and great martial power. But despite its age, Taoism has a lot to offer the average Westerner and more and more people are turning towards the Taoist arts to help them with questions and problems in their lives. The Taoist masters, often referred to in the ancient texts as 'sages' or even 'immortals' typically studied such topics as meditation, martial arts, herbalism, diet

    31. Taoism | Define Taoism At
    –noun 1. the philosophical system evolved by Laotzu and Chuang-tzu, advocating a life of complete simplicity and naturalness and of noninterference with the course of

    32. Taoism : Daoism Depot : EDepot
    Taoist site for beginners and practitioners alike. A collection of Tao Te Ching translations and a discussion forum for those interested in the subject.

    33. Taoism - Simple English Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    taoism or Daoism is a type of belief. It is at least 2,500 years old and it comes from China. taoism can be called a religion or a philosophy, based on how a person interprets
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search The Yellow Emperor , an early Taoist Taoism or Daoism is a type of belief It is at least 2,500 years old and it comes from China . Taoism can be called a religion or a philosophy , based on how a person interprets Taoism. Tao or Dao is the name of the Force or the "Way" that Taoists believe makes everything in the world. Taoists think that words cannot be used to say the right things about Tao. The very first line of the Dào Dé Jīng (Tao Te Ching) , the most important text in Taoism, says: This is pronounced like, "Dao ke dao fei chang dao." One translation of this into English language might be:
    "The Way that can be explained in words is not the true Way."
    Instead of spending a lot of time trying to explain what the Tao is, Taoists focus on living a simple and balanced life in harmony with nature . This is one of the most important principles in Taoism. Taoists also believe that conflict is not good and that if you have a problem with something, it is better to find a way around it. Some important Taoists are:
    • Laozi . He is assumed to have written Dào Dé Jīng Zhuangzi . He wrote a book with stories that talk about Taoism. Huangdi (the Yellow Emperor ). He is assumed to have been the first Taoist, but nobody knows for sure if he was a real person or not

    34. Ethics Of Daoism And Mo-zi By Sanderson Beck
    Lenghty article on early taoism and ethics.
    BECK index
    Daoism and Mo-zi

    Teachings of Mo-zi

    This chapter has been published in the book . For ordering information please click here.
    Confucius, Mencius and Xun-zi
    From the sixth to the third century BC the chaotic times of conflicts and wars somehow produced a golden age of philosophy in China comparable to what was going on India and Greece. This period of a "hundred contending schools" began with Confucius and an obscure philosopher named Lao-zi, who left a short book that has had an immense influence on China and the world called the Dao De Jing and which became the basis for the Daoist philosophy and religion. A century later Mo-zi founded an original philosophy which was prominent for two centuries.
    The historian Sima Qian tells us that Lao-zi lived during the sixth century BC in the state of Chu and was the keeper of the archives in the imperial capital at Luoyang. Those who held this position were usually skilled in divination and astrology. The historian also relates that Lao-zi met Confucius once and criticized him for his pride and ambition, but Confucius could only compare Lao-zi to the powerful symbol of a dragon. Little else is known of the life of Lao-zi except the legend that when in old age he was leaving Chu, he was stopped by the guardian of the pass into the state of Qin and asked to write down his wisdom. In three days he produced a book of 5,250 characters known as the Dao De Jing , which means the "classic of the way and its virtue (power)" or simply

    35. Definition Of Taoism
    taoism is the second of the three state religions (San-kiao) of China.
    Definition of Taoism
    (TAO-KIAO.) Taoism is the second of the three state religions ( San-kiao ) of China. This religion is derived from the philosophical doctrines of Lao-tze. "Lao-tze's Taoism", says Legge (Religions of China, 229), "is the exhibition of a way or method of living which men should cultivate as the highest and purest development of their nature". According to De Groot (Religious System of China, IV, p. 66): "Taoism, as the word indicates, is the Religion of the Tao, a term meaning Path or Way, but denoting in this peculiar case the way, course or movement of the Universe, her processes and methods. In other words, Taoism is the Religion of Heaven and Earth, of the Cosmos, of the World or Nature in the broadest sense of these words. Hence we may call it Naturism". B.C. ; if the latter was then fifty-one years old according to Chwang-tze, Lao-tze was then one hundred and four years old. This story is too matter of fact and lacks the marvelous legend which should surround the person of the chief of a new religion. Legend was provided for. Ko Hung, already mentioned, had placed the legend of Lao-tze at the beginning of the "Shon-sion-ch'-wan" (Records of Spirits and Immortals), and he says: "His mother carried him after the emotion she felt in seeing a large shooting star. He received from Heaven the vital breath; as he was born in a house whose proprietor was called Li (Pear tree), so he was named Li". Some authors say that Lao-tze was born before heaven and earth. According to others, he possessed a pure soul emanated from heaven, He belonged to the Class of spirits and gods.

    36. Tao - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
    Tao (道, pinyin d o) is a concept found in taoism, Confucianism, and more generally in ancient Chinese philosophy and East Asian religions. While the word itself translates
    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search For other uses, see Tao (disambiguation) "dao" redirects here. For other uses, see DAO (disambiguation) This article may require copy editing for grammar, style, cohesion, tone, or spelling . You can assist by editing it Taoism
    This article is part of a series on Taoism Fundamentals Dao (Tao) De (Te) Wuji Taiji Yin-Yang ... Wu wei Texts Laozi (Tao Te Ching) Zhuangzi Liezi Daozang Deities Three Pure Ones Yu Huang Guan Shengdi Eight Immortals ... Chen Tuan Schools Tianshi Dao Shangqing Lingbao Quanzhen Dao ... Wuliupai Sacred sites Grotto-heavens Mount Penglai Taoism Portal
    ... e Tao pinyin dào help info ) is a metaphysical concept originating in Taoism that has been adopted in Confucianism Chan (Zen) Buddhism and more broadly in East Asian religions and ancient Chinese philosophy . While the word itself literally translates as 'way', 'path', or 'route', or sometimes more loosely as 'doctrine' or 'principle', it is generally used to signify the primordial essence or fundamental aspect of the universe. In Taoist philosophy the word Tao is not generally considered to be a 'name' for a 'thing': it is a reference to the natural order of existence, often referred to as the "eternally nameless” (Tao Te Ching-32. Lao-Tzu ) to distinguish it from the countless 'named' things which are considered to be its manifestations. In Buddhism and Confucianism, by contrast, Tao has come to refer to the outcome of meditative or moral practices (respectively), which is closer in meaning to the Taoist concept of

    37. TAOISM
    taoism, a major world religion taoism (a.k.a. Daoism) Concepts, beliefs, practices, symbol, names, Tai Chi, courses, objects
    About this site About us Our beliefs Is this your first visit? Contact us ... Vital notes World religions BUDDHISM CHRISTIANITY Christian def'n Shared beliefs ... Comparing Religions Non-theistic beliefs Atheism Agnosticism Humanism Other About all religions Main topics Basic information Handling change Quotes ... More information Spiritual/ethics Spirituality Absolute truth Peace/conflict Attaining peace Religious tolerance Religious freedom Religious hatred ... Religious violence "Hot" topics Very hot topics Ten Commandments Abortion access Assisted suicide ... Other topics Laws and news Religious laws Religious news
    Taoism (a.k.a. Daoism)
    Concepts, beliefs, practices, symbol,
    Sponsored link. document.write('');
    Taoist concepts, beliefs and practices:
    Tao is the first-cause of the universe. It is a force that flows through all life.
    " The Tao surrounds everyone and therefore everyone must listen to find enlightenment. "
    A believer's goal is to harmonize themselves with the Tao.
    Taoism has provided an alternative to the Confucian tradition in China. The two traditions have coexisted in the country, region, and often within the same individual.
    The priesthood views the many gods as manifestations of the one Dao, "

    38. Taoism Forum - Grup De Discutii Si Comunitate Online
    Forum moderat dedicat iubitorilor de taoism.
    Bun venit! Intra Inregistreaza-te Home
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    Bun venit la forum! Acesta este un forum de taoism creat si sustinut de asociatia romana de taoism Calea vidului perfect
    Intra sau inregistreaza-te ca sa ai acces la mesaje si sa postezi.
    Mai multe detalii despre acest forum gasesti aici . Regulamentul de functionare este aici Anunturi Subiecte Postari Ultima postare
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    Aceasta sectiune a forumului este la dispozitia administratorului pentru postarea noutatilor si anunturilor de interes general despre site si forum. RSS 28 septembrie, 2010 01:19 Taoism - Discutii de interes general Subiecte Postari Ultima postare
    Tu si taoismul
    Vorbeste-ne despre tine, cum ai ajuns la taoism si daca ai de gind sa ramii? Ce ai citit, ce ai inteles, ce ai vrea sa nai stii? RSS 22 aprilie, 2009 08:41
    Cursuri online de taoism
    Discutii, intrebari, raspunsuri despre cursurile noastre de taoism. RSS 17 octombrie, 2008 03:00
    Tao cel de toate zilele
    Chinezii au o multime de povesti despre taoisti, sfinti, intimplari ciudate etc. Poate stii si tu citeva? Chiar si din amintire? RSS 29 ianuarie, 2010 09:06

    39. Taoism, Daoism - Faiths & Prayer-
    Learn all about taoism or Daoism, a religious philosophy centered around the natural movement of energy, the Way (or Tao, Dao) of the universe.
    Beliefnet Advertisement Search GO Advertisement Advertisement document.write('');
    Belief Beat: A Religion News Blog
    Nicole Neroulias on what's making headlines.
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    People of all faiths find meaning in the religion of 'Star Wars.' Related Topics: Faiths Force Religion Star Wars ... Christ Consciousness
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    Find Daily Inspiration with 365 Taoist Meditations
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    40. China, Taoism And Religions
    A philosophy, a religion and the basis for Chinese Medicine, taoism represents the wisdom accumulated over Chinese history and promotes harmony among beings and nature. and A Few Words.html
    Home Agriculture Art Business ... Travel Arabia Bulgarian Chinese Crotian Czech Danish Dutch English Finish French German Greek Hindi Italian Japanese Korean Norwegian Polish Romania Russian Spanish Swedish ch_client = "supportdesk"; ch_width = 728; ch_height = 90; ch_type = "mpu"; ch_sid = "Chitika Default"; ch_color_site_link = "#0000CC"; ch_color_title = "#0000CC"; ch_color_border = "#FFFFFF"; ch_color_text = "#000000"; ch_color_bg = "#FFFFFF"; Chinese Philosophies and Religions Taoism Taoism and A Few Words about Tao Taoism is a philosophy, a religion and also the basis for Traditional Chinese Medication. It represents the wisdom accumulated over 5,000 years of Chinese history. Together with Confucianism and Buddhism, it has been continuously guiding Chinese in behaviors and governing. There are some very basic different approaches taken by the West and Chinese philosophies. The West treats individual as an independent and separate entity. Chinese treats individual as an element in the whole universe and is interrelated. West tends to be self-centered and thus any blame will be first on others. On the opposite, Chinese is taught to merge self into the environment as a whole or there is no self at all. Tao and Taoism are different from "God" and "Bible". To understand Taoism, one has to "unlearn" or break out from own paradigm to view it from a completely new angle. "Tao" means "behavior, understanding and the constant changing from and to". Taoism is a philosophy and a belief of simplicity and the very nature of universe. There is no absolute "stillness". Everything, including the universe, is changing all the time. The relative "stability" can be achieved when a harmony is reached between "Yin" and "Yang", which are said to be the opposite but related natural forces in the universe. There are five elements in everything. The following diagram described their interrelationship.

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