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21. Home Welcome The Business Coalition for Tax Reform (BCTR) is a forum for bringing together the views of the business community on tax reform issues. http://www.bctr.org/ |
22. California Tax Reform Association Non-profit organization advocating for state tax relief efforts and spending limits on government. http://www.caltaxreform.org | |
23. Time For A Tax Reform - Forbes.com Apr 03, 2009 The last change took place in 1986, so we are long overdue. http://www.forbes.com/2009/04/02/time-tax-reform-opinions-columnists-overdue.htm |
24. Incentives And Tax Reform | Ohio Business Development Coalition The result of a significant tax reform, Ohio has substantially lowered the cost of doing business in the state with the lowest taxes in the Midwest by 2010. http://www.ohiomeansbusiness.com/incentives-and-tax-reform/ | |
25. Economic Justice Headquarters Tax Reform Banneker Center Essays, mailing list, and forum, questioning leading tax reform proposals. http://www.progress.org/banneker/ | |
26. Tax Reform Australia Tax Reform Australia Efficient, Effective and Fair Revenue Collection for the Public Good http://www.taxreform.com.au/ | |
27. Tax Reform 2000 The Present Tax system is a mess! It is inordinately wasteful, just plain unfair, and a major source of political corruption. http://taxreform2000.org/ | |
28. The Progress Report -- Independent Daily News News, analysis, and discussion on issues from progressive perspective on topics including economic justice, corporate welfare, urban sprawl, and tax reform. http://www.progress.org/ | |
29. Americans For Fair Taxation: Americans For Fair Taxation Organization dedicated to fully replacing the U.S. federal income tax system with a national sales tax. http://www.fairtax.org/ |
30. Volusia Tax Reform CAUTION It’s Tax Season and you need to attend your local and county budget hearings The NewsJournal has an article with the relevant information. http://www.volusiataxreform.com/ | |
31. ITEP Press Release On Tennessee Tax Reform Proposals Institute on Taxation and Economic Policy finds that two leading tax reform proposals would provide tax cuts for most, while resolving the state s impending budget shortfall. http://www.ctj.org/html/tnpr1199.htm | |
32. Today Foundation A Dallas-based public policy organization with interests in education, criminal justice and tax reform. http://www.todayfoundation.org/ | |
33. Tax Reform 2000 Arguing in favor of a 10% flat tax. http://www.taxreform2000.org | |
34. The Tax Foundation - Tax Foundation's "Tax Policy Blog" Tax Reform. A welldesigned tax system raises revenue for necessary programs as efficiently, fairly, and simply as possible. The goal of fundamental tax reform is to reconcile http://www.taxfoundation.org/blog/topic/7.html | |
35. BMES Press Main Page Analysis suggesting that, despite a public perception that tax reform initiatives have resulted in lower taxes for the working classes, the benefit has gone almost entirely to the rich. http://www.bmes.net/ | |
36. Tax Reform - Issues - United States Congressman Ander Crenshaw - Florida's 4th D There’s no question we need to reform our tax codes. Not only must we push to make the Bush tax cuts permanent, taxpayers also deserve a more efficient, better managed system. http://www.crenshaw.house.gov/?p=TaxReform |
37. Low Incomes Tax Reform Group | Home A group that lobbies the government and the Inland Revenue to simplify tax rules and services for those on low incomes. The website contains their reports and recommendations. There are also a number of practical hints on the site for low income tax payers. http://www.litrg.org.uk/ | |
38. Florida Property Tax Reform Committee Florida Property Tax Reform Committee, Governor Crist wishes to extend to you his appreciation for the work you have undertaken to address the pressing property tax issues http://www.propertytaxreform.state.fl.us/ | |
39. SOCM | Statewide Organizing For Community EMpowerment A rural Tennessee citizen s organization working for social, environmental, and economic justice through grassroots organizing. Interests include strip mining, economic issues, toxics, timbering, and state tax reform. http://www.socm.org/ | |
40. Tennessee Education Association - Home Statewide teachers organization engaged in supporting public policies that promote and maintain public education, including state tax reform and increased school funding. http://www.teateachers.org |
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