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41. Tax Reform - Business Exchange Tax Reform updated news, articles and reactions. Find Tax Reform blogs, resources and related information for business professionals. Tax reform is a process of changing the http://bx.businessweek.com/tax-reform/ | |
42. Tennesseans For Fair Taxation Group that supports state tax reform to reduce Tennessee s dependence on sales tax and distribute tax burden more equitably. http://www.fairtaxation.org | |
43. Broadening The Tax Base Ensuring Our Future Prosperity-Consultation Document A Letter from the Financial Secretary Executive Summary Reforming Hong Kong's Tax System Chapter 1 Is Tax Reform Required In Hong Kong? Chapter 2 Broadening the Tax Base http://www.taxreform.gov.hk/eng/document.htm |
44. Fair Taxes, Fair Tax Plan, Property Tax Reform, Wisconsin Idea A proposal to replace property tax-based funding of education and other tax reforms in Wisconsin and other states. http://www.fairtaxes.com/ |
45. CBI On Tax Reform. Business Tax Policy And Lobbying For The UK Economy. CBI believes that the UK tax regime needs to be kept under continuous review and reformed as necessary to enhance the UK's international competitiveness. http://taxreform.cbi.org.uk/ | |
46. FÖS | Forum Ökologisch-Soziale Marktwirtschaft | © 2010 F rderverein kologische Steuerreform (F S) e.V. - facts, texts and links on the issue of an ecological tax reform and the German ecotax ( kosteuer). http://www.foes.de/ | |
47. Obama In Buffalo: Tax Reform Is Needed, But A Flat Tax Isn't - CSMonitor.com May 13, 2010 President Obama told a townhall meeting in Buffalo, N.Y., that the US will need to rein in its deficit soon, and that could include 'hard decisions' on tax reform. http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Politics/2010/0513/Obama-in-Buffalo-tax-reform-is-n |
48. Home | Canada West Foundation Aims at bringing western perspectives to national policy debates, including such projects as health care, tax reform, and societal development. Information on products, board members, articles, and calendar of events. http://www.cwf.ca/ | |
49. Tax Reform Center for American Progress Progressive Ideas for a Strong, Just, and Free America http://www.americanprogress.org/issues/economy/taxes | |
50. National Review Setting Sun Hudson Institute economist Alan Reynolds argues that tax reform is crucial to reviving the Japanese economy. http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m1282/is_n13_v50/ai_20977850/ |
51. Tax Reform - HRM Tax Reform Update January 27, 2010. Regional Council Committee of the Whole discontinues tax reform process (26, January, 2010) Following a debate today, Halifax Regional http://www.halifax.ca/taxreform/ | |
52. Tax.com: The Opposite Of Tax Reform Some folks are getting excited about tax reform. The sweeping WeydenGregg plan is getting attention. And there are a reports (for example, here and here) that the President's http://www.tax.com/taxcom/taxblog.nsf/Permalink/MSUN-8AMJST?OpenDocument |
53. Lexington Institute The institute informs the public debate in such areas as national security, education reform, tax reform, immigration and federal policy concerning science and technology. Includes issue briefs and position papers. http://www.lexingtoninstitute.org/ | |
54. Congressman Tom Petri, Representing Wisconsin's 6th District Representative Tom Petri, Sixth District, Wisconsin Tax Reform. Pressure has been mounting for many years for reform of the federal tax system. http://petri.house.gov/issues/taxreform.shtml |
55. Tax Reform: Flat Tax - U.S. Government Info/Resources - Date: 03/13/98 About the Armey/Shelby flat tax income tax proposal, from About.com Guide http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/aa031398.htm?TMog=62139766411818&Mint= |
56. Articles About Tax Reform - Morning Call Tax Reform News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Tax Reform from the Morning Call http://articles.mcall.com/keyword/tax-reform |
57. Tax Reform: National Retails Sales Tax Act - U.S. Government Info/Resources - Da Brief, favorable description of a national goods and services tax, from About.com. http://usgovinfo.about.com/library/weekly/aa032098.htm?pid=2761&cob=home |
58. » Tax Reform - Big Government Today’s tea party movement germinated from local taxpayer groups focused on issues like school spending and property taxes, according to Steve Malanga, a senior fellow at the http://biggovernment.com/category/tax-reform/ |
59. Health, Welfare & Entitlements | Cato Institute Supporting the free market approach to health care reform offering health plans across state lines, tax reforms such as large health savings accounts, portable health insurance controlled by the individual rather than government or an employer, portable medical licenses. http://healthcare.cato.org/ | |
60. Articles About Tax Reform - Los Angeles Times Tax Reform News. Find breaking news, commentary, and archival information about Tax Reform from the Los Angeles Times http://articles.latimes.com/keyword/tax-reform |
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