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Truancy Prevention: more books (17) | ||||
21. Truancy Prevention Through Mediation Program: An Overview Constructive, nonviolent forums, processes, and techniques for resolving disputes http://disputeresolution.ohio.gov/truancyoverview.htm | |
22. Truancy Prevention | Nebo School District The constitution only guarantees the American people the right to pursue happiness. You have to catch it yourself. http://www.nebo.edu/student_services/truancy |
23. Truancy Prevention Program « Shenandoah County Truancy Prevention Truancy Prevention Program. MISSION STATEMENT. The Shenandoah County Truancy Prevention Programs’ goal is to reduce truancy, improve academic achievement, and strengthen truant’s http://truancyprevention.wordpress.com/prevention-plan/ | |
24. Truancy Prevention Initiative - Louisiana Recovery School District There is a direct link between student achievement and regular school attendance. Improving school attendance is crucial to closing the achievement gap that many students face. http://www.rsdla.net/StudentsAndFamilies/TruancyPrevention.aspx | |
25. SCOE: Resources: For Administrators: Truancy Prevention The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) is to foster student success through service to students, schools, and the community. http://www.scoe.org/pub/htdocs/truancy-prevention.html | |
26. Truancy And Dropout Prevention Program Introduction. The Truancy and dropout Prevention Program describes a oneyear pilot program conducted at Sabal Palm elementary School in Tallahassee, Florida. http://www.fsu.edu/~truancy/program.html | |
27. Truancy Prevention Programs Truancy Prevention Programs What Is The Truancy Prevention Program?The Truancy Prevention Program is an early intervention program operated collaboratively by the Allegheny http://www.aiu3.net/Level3.aspx?id=360 |
28. Philly SOS-Program Details For Truancy Prevention LCFS is contracted by the Philadelphia Department of Human Services of Community Based Prevention and Deliquency Programs as well as the Philadelphia SChool District to visit http://www.phillysos.org/ServiceDetails.asp?serviceID=2015840398 |
29. Truancy Prevention In Action Series | National Dropout Prevention Center/Network This series should be of use to several audiences those who want to build political will to initiate a truancy reduction program; practitioners who work with struggling students. http://www.dropoutprevention.org/publications/truancy-prevention-in-action-serie | |
30. NCSE - National Center For School Engagement truancy prevention Truancy Prevention Program Truancy Prevention Specialist Truancy Prevention Through Mediation Truancy Program Truancy Protocol Truancy Reduction Intervention http://truancyprevention.org/truancypreventionregistry/index.cfm?fuseaction=prog |
31. DHSTruancy Prevention Programs To make a referral or learn more about Prevention Services call 215683-4000 DHS’ office of Truancy and Delinquency Prevention is responsible for developing and implementing a http://dhs.phila.gov/dhsphilagovp.nsf/Content/Prevention-TruancyPreventionProgra |
32. Shenandoah County Public Schools - Truancy Prevention Program Truancy Prevention Program MISSION STATEMENT. The Shenandoah County Truancy Prevention Programs' goal is to reduce truancy, improve academic achievement, and strengthen truant http://www.shenandoah.k12.va.us/v.php?pg=139 |
33. Pennsylvania Truancy Toolkit Truancy prevention plenary to be held at the 2008 Safe Schools Conference On May 7, 2008, Judge Joan Byer, current president of the National Truancy Prevention Association, will be http://www.patruancytoolkit.info/ |
34. SCOE: Resources: For Administrators: Truancy Prevention: Truancy Mediation Progr The mission of the Sonoma County Office of Education (SCOE) is to foster student success through service to students, schools, and the community. http://www.scoe.org/pub/htdocs/truancy-mediation.html | |
35. Cowley County Youth Services The official website for Cowley County in South Central Kansas. Cowley is located 135 miles west of the Missouri state line and touches the Oklahoma border. Our county seat is in http://www.cowleycounty.org/youthservices/truancy.htm | |
36. Truancy Prevention Association TRUANCY PREVENTION IN ACTION BEST PRACTICES AND MODEL TRUANCY PROGRAMS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY National Center for School Engagement July 2005 An initiative of the Colorado Foundation for http://truancypreventionassociation.com/ | |
37. TRUANCY PREVENTION | Topeka Capital-Journal, The | Find Articles At BNET TRUANCY PREVENTION from Topeka CapitalJournal, The provided by Find Articles at BNET http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qn4179/is_20050310/ai_n12942891/ | |
38. Children & Families First - Teens - Truancy The goals are to improve school attendance and reduce the risks that contribute to truancy. Prevention. School personnel identify middle school youth, ages 914, who are at-risk for http://www.cffde.org/truancy.htm | |
39. PolicyOptions Wiki / Truancy Prevention Initial categories taken from ERIC Clearinghouse Report. Strict Laws Regulations Take Parents Child to Court; InSchool Programs; Computer Technology http://policyoptions.pbworks.com/Truancy-Prevention |
40. New Life-The Truancy Prevention Program The Truancy Prevention Program . New Life’s Truancy Prevention Program was established as a result of an initiative of the Chester County Department of Children, Youth and http://www.newlifeyouthandfamilyservices.org/Web Site 9-7-2004/truancy.htm | |
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