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81. Uuworld.org : Liberal Religion And Life Magazine of the Unitarian Universalist Association. Recent stories, RSS feeds, and subscription information. http://www.uuworld.org/ |
82. First Unitarian Society Of Westchester Sermon Archive Minister of the First Unitarian Society of Westchester, NY. http://www.westchesteruu.org/sermons/sermons.htm | |
83. Revricky.com Sermons by a Unitarian Universalist minister serving a congregation in the Los Angeles area. http://www.revricky.com/ | |
84. 1st Unitarian: 2010-11 Sermons Minister of the First Unitarian Church of Rochester, NY. http://www.rochesterunitarian.org/Sermons.html | |
85. Unitarian Universalist Congregation Of Binghamton Minister of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Binghamton, NY. http://uubinghamton.org/sermons.html | |
86. Unitarian Universalist Church, Online, Welcoming Ministry An online virtual congregation of Unitarian Universalists found all over the world. http://www.uua.org/clf/ | |
87. Unitarian Church In Hungary Directory of congregations, history, news, and media. http://www.unitarius.hu/uch.htm | |
88. Geneva Unitarian Universalists - Home Page UUs in Geneva. http://www.genevauu.org/ | |
89. UU Ministers Association Dedicated to enchancing ministerial skills, effectiveness, and leadership. http://www.uuma.org/ | |
90. Unitarian Universalist Urban Ministry Boston, Massachusetts coalition. Newsletter, list of member churches, and contact information. http://www.uuum.org/ | |
91. Promise The Children, A Unitarian Universalist Organization 501(c)3 organization helping Unitarian Universalists advocate for and with young people. http://www.promisethechildrenuu.org/ | |
92. UUBF Home Page Unitarian Universalists who are interested in investigating and practicing Buddhism. http://www.uua.org/uubf/ | |
93. The Magi Network Home Page An opportunity to contribute financially to the creation of Christian Unitarian churches. http://members.tripod.com/magi_network/ | |
94. Unitarian Universalists For A Just Economic Community UUJEC works to educate within and outside the UUA about the conditions needed to create a just economic community. http://www.uujec.org/ | |
95. Unitarian Universalists For Alternatives To The Death Penalty Activities and contact information. http://www.uuadp.org/ | |
96. University Of Minnesota Unitarian Universalist Student Group University of Minnesota, Twin Cities. Meeting schedule and contact information. http://webuus.com/uuu/ | |
97. Unitarian Universalist Community At Duke University. Meeting times and contact information. http://www.duke.edu/web/uucommunity/ | |
98. UUA: Skinner House Books A UUA imprint that publishes titles on Unitarian Universalist history, theology, biography, and worship. http://www.uua.org/skinner/ | |
99. Unitarian T-Shirts, Unitarian Gifts, UU Apparel Gifts, T-shirts, and other apparel for Unitarian Universalists. http://www.uu.wittyselfexpression.com/ | |
100. Durban Unitarian Congregation Services include readings, music, sermons and stimulating discussions thereof and are followed by coffee and tea during which the subject of the next sermon is discussed. Durban Unitarian services are living proof of a commitment to create a spiritual environment that encourages participants to think for themselves. http://www.unitarian.co.za/unitarians_durban.html | |
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