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41. Urban Forestry | City Of Vancouver, Washington Browse the Urban Forestry Newsroom for the latest stories and articles. View the 0910 Urban Forestry Workplan and Annual Report. Become a NeighborWoods Steward and make your http://www.cityofvancouver.us/urbanforestry/ | |
42. Urban Forestry Lab. Exercise, Word Search Puzzles Hands-on activities for exploring urban forests. http://www.na.fs.fed.us/spfo/pubs/uf/lab_exercises/cover.htm | |
43. The Tennessee Urban Forestry Council Includes Tennessee champion trees, landmark and historic trees, tree planting and pruning information, events calendar, and links to other urban forestry information. http://tufc.com/ | |
44. Landscape Nursery And Urban Forestry - UMass Extension Provides educational programs and research-based information on environmentally sound landscape management practices. Includes program information, fact sheets and resources. http://www.umassgreeninfo.org |
45. Urban Forest Local Tree Care Providers Workshop November 10, 630-830 PM Tree Planting Report - 2010 Urban Forest Action Plan - 2007 Urban Forest Canopy Report - 2007 Urban Forestry Management Plan http://www.portlandonline.com/parks/index.cfm?c=38294 |
46. All About Trees - Tree Surveys - Tree Health - Ecology - North East Uk Consultancy in all aspects of arboriculture and urban forestry. Co. Durham. http://www.allabouttrees.co.uk/ | |
47. Spokane Parks & Recreation There are several ways to donate to Urban Forestry. Heritage Tree Program. Nominate significant and historic trees in the City of Spokane as a Heritage Tree. http://spokaneurbanforestry.org/ |
48. WoodPlan Tree Management Software Systems Software for forestry, record keeping, mapping and modelling, harvesting control system, urban forestry, forecasting and valuation. http://www.woodplansolutions.com/ | |
49. Urban Forestry @ Forestry Images The International Society of Arboriculture needs your photos for an archive of Arboriculture and Urban Forestryrelated images. Members can offer their pictures for ISA use http://www.forestryimages.org/urban.cfm | |
50. Communities In Bloom Canadian beautification program that awards Bloom Ratings for achievement in floral displays, landscapes, turf, urban forestry, community involvement, heritage conservation, environmental awareness and tidiness. http://www.communitiesinbloom.ca |
51. Texas Urban Forestry Council Site provides information about the organization's programs, invasive pests, trees, has links to related sites and has a news page with urban forestry related articles. http://texasurbantrees.org/ | |
52. MICHAEL GYE & HEIDI KROGSTAD URBAN FORESTRY LTD. Consulting arborists specializing in tree protection plans, hazard tree assessment reports and appraisals. Includes staff profiles, a list of clients and service details. http://www.michaelgye.ca/ | |
53. Urban Forestry Meetup Groups - Urban Forestry Meetups Helps groups of people with shared interests plan meetings and form offline clubs in local communities around the world about Urban Forestry http://urban-forestry.meetup.com/ |
54. Park Design Consulting Management and maintenance by Leonard Phillips - consulting landscape architect. Providing consulting services for park design, park management, and urban forestry. http://parkdesign.tripod.com |
55. D. A. White Arborist offering consulting services for horticulture, landscaping, urban forestry, gardening and the design arts. Includes profile, online inquiries, and articles. http://www.ontarioprofessionals.com/ | |