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         Us Virgin Islands Government:     more detail
  1. D&B Export Guide: The US Virgin Islands by D&B, 2007-08-21
  2. Construction of Headquarters for the National Academy of Science, Space, and Technology in the Greater Metropolitan Area of Youngstown-Warren, Oh (H.R by United States, 1993-01
  3. Light List, 1999, V. 3, Atlantic and Gulf Coasts, Little River, South Carolina to Econfina River, Florida (Includes Puerto Rico and the United States Virgin Islands)

21. British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission
Regulatory authority responsible for the supervision and inspection of all financial services in the BVI. Provides list of divisions, directory of registered agents, FAQ section, news reports and warnings.

22. Corporations And Trademarks�-�United States Virgin Islands :: Office Of The Lieu
Thank you for your interest in forming a corporation or other business entity in the Virgin Islands. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor through the Division
Lt. Gov. Gregory R. Francis
My Responsibilities
About the USVI
Corporations and Trademarks Thank you for your interest in forming a corporation or other business entity in the Virgin Islands. The Office of the Lieutenant Governor through the Division of Corporations and Trademarks, serves as the registry for all corporate filings in the Virgin Islands. We develop the appropriate forms required to form a business entity, file all corporate documents as required by law and provide information to the public on a corporation's status, directors, officers and business purposes. This guide will help you as you begin to examine the options available to you and your business. However, it cannot replace the specific knowledge and guidance that can be provided by a lawyer and a tax advisor as you make your own personal business decisions. Therefore, we encourage you to seek this assistance, when necessary, as you move through this process.

23. The British Virgin Islands Ports Authority:::::
Government agency responsible for all marine ports of entry in respect to cargo and passenger vessels entering and leaving the territory. Includes photos, descriptions, fees, ferry schedules and cargo statistics.
Home Contact Us Member Login
  • About Us ... Cargo Statistics //SYNTAX: tabdropdown.init("menu_id", [integer OR "auto"]) tabdropdown.init("glowmenu", "auto") AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase',',0,28,0','width','920','height','339','src','bvi','quality','high','pluginspage','','wmode','transparent','movie','bvi' ); //end AC code Facilities Services Our Mission The provision and maintenance of the required sea transportation infrastructure for the British Virgin Islands, and the efficient and effective handling of the related cargo and passenger operations. Organization The British Virgin Islands Ports Authority (The Authority) was established by the British Virgin Islands Ports Authority Act, No. 12 of 1990 (the Act), as a separate corporate entity, solely owned by the Government of the British Virgin Islands. The Authority began its operations under the Act in January 1991. Prior to the establishment of the Authority, most of its functions were carried out by the Ports and Marine Services Department of the Government (see also

24. Home | US Virgin Islands
Includes travel information such as entry requirements, places, activities, and events.

25. DOI Office Of Insular Affairs (OIA)
The U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Insular Affairs has administrative responsibility for coordinating federal policy in the territories of American Samoa, Guam, the U.S
OIA Home Feedback Contact Us Accessibility
The Government of the Virgin Islands is seeking a Director, Bureau of Information Technology (BIT), as established pursuant to Title 3, Section 10 et seq. Virgin Islands Code (Act No. 6634). BIT administers the information technology functional area to ensure that the Government of the United States Virgin Islands has all equipment and software necessary to compile, store and process data in every form. The Director, a cabinet-level position, contributes to organizational policy planning regarding technology and systems required to maintain and upgrade government operations. Work involves recognizing new developments in information systems technology and anticipating government-wide modifications; identifying long term needs for information systems and acquiring hardware to meet application needs; ensuring confidentiality and reliability of data, proprietary information, and intellectual property; and functioning as a top-level contact to assist end users in determining information systems requirements and solutions. Salary: Executive Level 1 Major Duties and Responsibilities: Qualifications, Skills and Abilities:

26. WorldLII - Categories - Countries - British Virgin Islands
Catalog and search facilities for over 500 databases from 55 countries including case-law, legislation, treaties, law reform reports, law journals, and other materials.

27. US Virgin Islands Government
US Virgin Islands Local Government Politics US Virgin Islands Home. US Virgin Islands Actors, Acting US Virgin Islands Agency, Travel

US Virgin Islands Home
US Virgin Islands Actors, Acting
US Virgin Islands Agency, Travel

US Virgin Islands Agriculture
US Virgin Islands Web Designer

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BGID� ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Privacy Discuss Web Contact

28. British Virgin Islands Electricity Corporation
Located in Road Town, Tortola the BVIEC is the sole provider of electrical power for the territory. Includes a mission statement, notice of power outages and corporate history.

29. StateMaster - US Virgin Islands Government Statistics
Government statistics on US Virgin Islands. 11 facts and figures, stats and information on US Virgin Islands Government. Source Bureau of Justice Statistics, 2003; United

30. Deputy Governor's Office
Information about the Deputy Governor s Office. Includes list of services, news center, departments headed by the DGO, resources and information pertaining to legal issues, reports and reviews.

31. US Virgin Islands Government
Home; Resort Real Estate. Bahamas Resort Real Estate. Abaco Resort Real Estate; Berry Island Resort Real Estate; Bimini Resort Real Estate; Grand Bahama Resort Real Estate

32. BVI : : Department Of Human Resources
Resource for Civil Service opportunities, training and retirement plans. Includes online forms and applications, current job vacancies, salary and benefits information and FAQ.
Home Contact Us Forms and Publications Employment Opportunities FAQ ... Sitemap
How Your Actions Help You Achieve Success
:: Read more :: Previous Articles This website has been designed to provide you with�information�about working for the British Virgin Islands Government. You will find current job vacancies, forms and applications, information on employment policies, and more. We hope you will enjoy your visit and come back often.
Message From the Director
As we begin our journey into 2010, the Department of Human Resources is poised to ensure that the officers of the Government of the Virgin Islands are well equipped and enabled to adequately move this territory forward. 2009 has been a year of adjustment, one fraught with many uncertainties for us all, but as we strive to ensure that Public Officers are treated in a fair and equitable manner, we pledge to continue to endeavour to enact the �Continuous Change� necessary to take the Public Service to a higher level of growth and development. The Department of Human Resources is committed to providing the adequate support to all Public Officers that will allow them to perform to the best of their abilities in 2010 and beyond. To facilitate our supporting role, we have put forward a plan that focuses on streamlining and increasing efficiency while making any effort to maintain stability and fairness in the Public Service achievable.

33. Politics Of The United States Virgin Islands - Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia
Politics of the United States Virgin Islands takes place in a framework of a presidential representative democratic dependency, whereby the Governor is the head of the local government
Politics of the United States Virgin Islands
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Jump to: navigation search This article does not cite any references or sources
Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources . Unsourced material may be challenged and removed (December 2009) U.S. Virgin Islands
This article is part of the series:
Politics and government of

U.S. Virgin Islands

34. Welcome To The BVI London Office Website
Office located in Mayfair representing the BVI in the United Kingdom and European markets to attract overseas investment and awareness. Includes information for financial services, art, culture, and news.

35. Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority
St. Thomas (340) 7141635 main number (340) 714-1636 Fax Number St. Croix (340) 778-8135 Main Number
  • Home About Us St. Thomas
    (340) 714-1635 main number
    (340) 714-1636 Fax Number

    St. Croix
    (340) 778-8135 Main Number
    (340) 773-0551 Fax Number
    Economic Development
    The next PFA Board Meeting is rescheduled for Saturday October 9, 2010 at 2:30, Goverment House, 1105 king Street, Christiansted, St. Croix.
    Requests for Proposals available through the Office of Economic Opportunity

    VIPFA Mission Statement To promote and sustain economic and social development in the U.S. Virgin Islands The U.S. Virgin Islands Public Finance Authority (PFA) was created in 1988 by the U.S. Virgin Islands Legislature. The PFA is a public corporation and autonomous government instrumentality for the purposes of aiding the Government in the performance of its fiscal duties and in effectively carrying out its governmental responsibility of raising capital for essential public projects. The PFA is also empowered to borrow money and issue bonds to encourage private enterprise investments that maximize employment opportunities and better the lives of all Virgin Islanders.

36. Guide To Law Online: British Virgin Islands - Law Library Of Congress (Library O
Annotated compendium of online sources providing access to primary documents, legal commentary and general government information about specific jurisdictions and topics.
@import url(/css/loc_standard_ss.css); @import url(/law/css/loc_law_sub.css); skip navigation The Library of Congress Law Library ... Contact Us
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British Virgin Islands
(Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom)
Constitution Executive Judicial Legislative ... General Sources
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  • COURTS: Eastern Caribbean Supreme Court , consisting of the High Court of Justice and the Court of Appeal; Magistrate's Court; Juvenile Court; Court of Summary Jurisdiction Courts (British Virgin Islands)
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Legal Guides

37. US Virgin Islands Government Overview
Home; Resort Real Estate. Bahamas Resort Real Estate. Abaco Resort Real Estate; Berry Island Resort Real Estate; Bimini Resort Real Estate; Grand Bahama Resort Real Estate

38. HM Governor's Office In The British Virgin Islands
Appointed by Her Majesty, the Queen, the Governor s office is located in Road Town, Tortola. Provides information regarding the role and responsibilities of the Governor, his office and staff. News, events and UK visa and passport information.

39. US Virgin Islands Government Criticised For Promising American Eagle Subsidy. -
Free Online Library US Virgin Islands government criticised for promising American Eagle subsidy.(Brief Article) by Airline Industry Information ; Business Transportation Virgin Islands government criticised for promis
CacheBuster('') Printer Friendly
18,428,190 articles and books Periodicals Literature Keyword Title Author Topic Member login User name Password Remember me Join us Forgot password? Submit articles free The Free Library ... Airline Industry Information artId=128613945;usrSelf=false;
US Virgin Islands government criticised for promising American Eagle subsidy.
AIRLINE INDUSTRY INFORMATION-(C)1997-2005 M2 COMMUNICATIONS LTD LTD 1 Laron-type dwarfism 2 Leukotriene D 3 Long-term depression, see there 4. Long-term disability
The government in the US Virgin Islands has been criticised for promising a subsidy for American Eagle flights between two islands.
Senators have reportedly asked how the administration of the US territory intends to pay for the agreed subsidy, signed by Lieutenant Governor lieutenant governor
n. Abbr. Lt. Gov.
An elected official ranking just below the governor of a state in the United States.
The nonelective chief of government of a Canadian province. Vargrave Richards in November last year, The Associated Press reported. The flights started in December 2004 and the agreement may cost the government up to USD USD
In currencies, this is the abbreviation for the U.S. Dollar.

40. Department Of Environment Fisheries
Agency established to surveil and protect the ecology of the Virgin Islands. Includes information about fishing and licenses, coral reefs, mangroves, sea grass beds, water quality, oil and chemical spills, environmental threats and more.
Home Monitoring Information Environmental Sensitivity During the time that spill data has been collected, the BVI averaged a total of 9 spills per year with the greatest amount having taken place in 1999. So far during 2006 we have had a total of ten oil spills. Particulary, there was a very bad spill at Lloyd's ghut on January 15th which leached straight into Beef Island Channel. And there was an additional raw sewerage and oil spill around the same time in the Slaney area that affected a very large region of the southern coast. And the cleanup efforts.
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