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         Vietnam Geography:     more books (100)
  1. Viet-Nam: Webster's Timeline History, 1947 - 2005 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-24
  2. Vietnam: Webster's Timeline History, 7000BC - 1975 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-10
  3. Vietnam: Webster's Timeline History, 1994 - 2002 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-10
  4. Vietnam: Webster's Timeline History, 2003 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2010-03-10
  5. Doi Moi policy and the small-enterprise boom in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.: An article from: The Geographical Review by Donald B. Freeman, 1996-04-01
  6. Portrait of a Tragedy: America and the Vietnam War by James A. Warren, 1990-05
  7. Entrepreneurship in Vietnam: Transformation and Dynmaics (Indonesian Unit)
  8. Culture and Customs of Vietnam by Mark W. McLeod, Nguyen Thi Dieu, 2001-06-30
  9. Postwar Vietnam: Dynamics of a Transforming Society (Indochina Unit)
  10. Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia (Traveler's Companion)
  11. Vietnam (New True Book) by Karen Jacobsen, 1992-04
  12. The Vietnam War: Webster's Timeline History, 1867 - 2007 by Icon Group International, 2009-02-23
  13. Culture Quest World Tour ~ Vietnam Unit Study by Paula Ordunez, 2009-02-12
  14. Vietnam (Readings: One World) by Trace Taylor, 2010-09

41. VN Embassy : Learn About Vietnam : Geography : Ha Noi
Thủ tục h nh ch nh tại Cơ quan đại diện Việt Nam ở nước ngo i. Forms and How to Apply. Viet Nam Foreign Ministry. Tạp ch Qu Hương

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Thủ tục hành chính tại Cơ quan đại diện Việt Nam ở nước ngoài
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Viet Nam Foreign Ministry
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Ha Noi VN Embassy Learn about Vietnam Geography : Ha Noi Capital of Vietnam Area: Over 913 square km Population: 3.3 million (1.3 million in the inner part and 2 million in the suburbs of the city) History For many centuries B.C, the Hanoi area was made by the Hung Kings the capital. At present, vestiges of the Co Loa citadel are found. This is the ancient capital's fortification of King An Duong Vuong, built in the third century B.C. In the 10th century, Vietnam gained independence after over 1000 years under the rule of the northern aggressors. In 1010, King Le Thai To moved the then capital from the inaccessible Hoa Lu area to the Dai La Citadel (present day Hanoi) as the latter was more convenient for production and trade. The King named the new capital "Thang Long", meaning "the soaring dragon" which, according to legend, was seen flying up from the citadel by the King and considered by himself as a good omen of prosperity. Nowadays, one may see in Hanoi architectural projects built in that time such as One-Pillar pagoda, Tran Vu temple, ancient university of Quoc Tu Giam-Van Mieu. By the end of the 14th century, the Le dynasty weakened. Ho Quy Ly usurped the throne and moved the capital to Thanh Hoa, called "Tay Do" (the capital in the West). The old capital Thang Long was called the Dong Do citadel (the citadel in the East).

42. Vietnam Geography
Vietnam Geography. Geography of Vietnam can be divided in to four sections that range from rugged mountains to marshy fertile flatlands. Towards the south lies the Gulf of

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Vietnam Information Vietnam Geography [Code: 21]
Vietnam Geography
Located in South East Asia, Vietnam starts to emerge as a major tourist attraction. Vietnam has two main cities, the political capital Hanoi and the economic capital Ho Chi Minh City (also known as Saigon).
Square Miles : 125,138 square miles (325,359 sq. km)
Borders : 2,386 miles (3,841km) total, bordering the countries of Cambodia
(west), Laos (west) and China (north).
Coastline : 2,153 miles (3,466km) excluding islands.The coastline lies on the South China Sea.
Terrain : The north and south parts of Vietnam are characterized by low, flat deltas. Central Vietnam consists mostly of highlands. Hilly, mountainous terrain is prominent in the far north and northwest. The peninsula is S-shaped, and there are thousands of offshore islands and archipelagos. The largest islands are the Hoang Sa (Paracel) and Truong Sa (Spratly) archipelagos.
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44. Vietnam Geography
Vietnam Geography Virtuoso Vietnam Travel Specialists recommended by NBC and Travel Channel TV Great value here, priceless geography information, family, group rates, and
Sitemap Asia Vacations Vietnam Vacations Advertise on this Site ... Email this page to a friend Vietnam Geography
Location: Southeastern Asia, bordering the Gulf of Thailand, Gulf of Tonkin, and South China Sea, alongside China, Laos, and Cambodia
Geographic coordinates: 16 00 N, 106 00 E
Map references: Southeast Asia
total: 329,560 sq km
land: 325,360 sq km
water: 4,200 sq km
Area - comparative: slightly larger than New Mexico
Land boundaries:
total: 4,639 km border countries: Cambodia 1,228 km, China 1,281 km, Laos 2,130 km Coastline: 3,444 km (excludes islands) Climate: tropical in south; monsoonal in north with hot, rainy season (mid-May to mid-September) and warm, dry season (mid-October to mid-March) Terrain: low, flat delta in south and north; central highlands; hilly, mountainous in far north and northwest Elevation extremes: lowest point: South China Sea m highest point: Ngoc Linh 3,143 m Natural resources: phosphates, coal, manganese, bauxite, chromate, offshore oil and gas deposits, forests, hydropower Land use: arable land: 17% permanent crops: 4% permanent pastures: 1% forests and woodland: 30% other: 48% (1993 est.)

45. VN Embassy : Learn About Vietnam : Geography : Regions And Climate
Thủ tục h nh ch nh tại Cơ quan đại diện Việt Nam ở nước ngo i. Forms and How to Apply. Viet Nam Foreign Ministry. Tạp ch Qu Hương

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Thủ tục hành chính tại Cơ quan đại diện Việt Nam ở nước ngoài
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Viet Nam Foreign Ministry
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Regions and climate VN Embassy Learn about Vietnam Geography : Regions and climate Vietnam is a long and narrow country, lying completely in the tropical zone. Its landmass forms the shape of the letter S on the east side of the Indochinese Peninsula in Southeast Asia. Vietnamese eastern border consists of more than 3,000 km of coastline, facing the East Sea and the Pacific Ocean. To the north, Vietnam shares its border with China, while to the west, with Cambodia and Laos. Vietnam's S -shaped landmass widens in the north and in the south. Northern Vietnam has large plains lying in the river basins of the Red, Lo, and Chay Rivers, which flow in a northeast-to-southwest direction into Bac Bo Gulf. North and northwest of these plains are large hilly and mountainous areas. Northern Vietnam is influenced by a monsoon climate, with four distinct seasons and high humidity. In order to cultivate land and earn their living, inhabitants of the north built dikes over the centuries, resulting in today's system of dikes that are thousands of kilometers long along the river banks. Southern Vietnam has the Mekong River, which originates in China, and flows through Laos and Cambodia before entering Vietnam. In Vietnam, the river splits into nine tributaries before flowing into the East Sea, which is the reason the Vietnamese call it the Cuu Long (Nine Dragons) River. The rich and fertile Mekong Delta region is the leading rice producer in the country. The south has only two seasons, the rainy season and the dry season.

46. Vietnam Geography & Weather - Vietnam Information
Vietnam Geography. Unlike most other countries of a similar size, Vietnam extends across two climatic zones, with a moderate climate in the North, and a tropical climate in the
Vietnam Information Weather-wise and geographically, Vietnam is unusual. With rolling hills, plains and great beaches it is a country of contrasts and its weather reflects this dual personality.
Vietnam Geography
Unlike most other countries of a similar size, Vietnam extends across two climatic zones, with a moderate climate in the North, and a tropical climate in the South. The country measures more than 1,650km from North to South with a coastline about 2,000km long, covering an area of 329,560 square kilometres. Laos and Cambodia share its western borders, with China to the North, and the South China Sea to the East and South. There are five distinct geographic regions: the mountainous north with peaks above 3,000 metres; the Red River delta of Hanoi; the Annamite Mountain Range, which divides North and South; the narrow coastal strip between the Annamite Mountain Range and the South China Sea, and the Mekong delta in the South.
Weather in Vietnam
Covering two different climatic zones, Vietnam has a moderate northern zone, with winter from November to April, and summer from May to October, and a tropical southern zone, with the climate much like the rest of Southeast Asia. The south's cool, dry season is from November to January, the hot dry season from February to April or May, and the rainy season from May or June to October. Vietnam is occasionally affected by typhoons during the rainy season.

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