2. CONVERSATION SYLLABUS SECOND GRADE running, skiing, soccer, swimming, tennis, volleyball; Olympic sports; numbers 1 to. 100; bronze, country, diver, gold, gymnast, medal, runner, silver, swimmer,build, http://fridaebvg.wordpress.com/conversation-syllabus/ |
SECOND GRADE CONVERSATION SYLLABUS Welcome to The conversation section. Because speaking is limited to a classroom setting, we provide a wide variety of learning experiences and allow students to integrate the language into their daily lives through songs, rhymes, chants, games, dialogues, role play, and mini-plays. They will be asked to speak in English during all their English classes. CONVERSATION- August- September OBJECTIVES: Exchanging personal information, Making introductions, Exchanging information about location, Describing location, Describing ongoing actions, Identifying school subjects and days of the week, Asking about routines, Describing schedules, Expressing likes and dislikes, Giving and following instructions, Giving commands, Making apologies. Talking about school rules. Is there an auditorium? Yes, there is. What do you (they) do on Fridays? I, we (they) exercise in the playground. What do you have on Mondays? What do they have on Tuesdays? They have_. Do you like (spaghetti.) Yes, I do. I love it. KEY VOCABULARY: picture, working, reading, eating, watching, movie, spaghetti, pizza, wash, put, bake, eat, sauce, cheese, mushrooms, pepperoni, elephant, hippo, laugh, shout, talk, jump, tiger, skate, sleep, swim. | |