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         West Virginia Education General:     more books (100)
  1. Requirements for the classification of high schools and regulations for junior high schools in West Virginia by Lloyd L Friend, 2010-06-07
  2. Conditions in the Paint Creek District, West Virginia: Hearings ... Sixty ...
  3. Educational survey of Wheeling, West Virginia: a report of a survey of the public schools of the independent school district of Wheeling, West Virginia, ... under the direction of the United States Co
  4. West Virginia Arbor and bird day manual, 1906; program, notes and suggestions for Friday, April thirteenth
  5. The School Laws of West Virginia (Large Print Edition) by Department of Education, 2008-08-20
  6. The History of Education in West Virginia by Author Unknown, 2009-04-27
  7. Education, and Not Instruction: An Address Delivered at the Celebration of the Twenty-Fifth Anniversary of the Founding of Salem College, at Salem, West Virginia, June 12, 1913 by Corliss Fitz Randolph, 2010-01-10
  8. Columbian History of Education in West Virginia by Benjamin Stephen Morgan, 2009-12-25
  9. Autobiography of a Good Life: Growing Up in West Virginia on a Hill Farm, Getting an Education, Traveling in a World Filled With Friends by Roger L. Lee, 2000-07
  10. Program for Lincoln day and suggestions for the observance of the birthdays of other eminent men
  11. School architecture, containing articles and illustrations on school grounds, houses, outbuildings, heating, ventilation, school decoration, furniture, and fixtures by Morris Purdy Shawkey, 2010-08-19
  12. Biennial Report
  13. Report of the survey of the Grafton City Schools
  14. Supplement to the revised school law of West Virginia, containing acts and amendments relating to education, enacted by the Legislature at the regular session of 1913 by West Virginia, 2010-08-08

21. Lincoln County School District - Lincoln County Schools
(Hamlin) District news, calendar, mission statement, school directory and web sites, employment opportunities, menus, and resource links.

22. Grant County Schools
(Petersburg) Programs of study, calendar, employment information, school web sites, central office directory, and online forms.

23. Braxton County Schools
(Sutton) Mission statement, district profile, budget, school directory and web sites, calendar, employment opportunities, special programs, and student achievements.

24. :: Monroe County Schools ::
(Union) School directory and web sites, board policies, and administrative directory.

Contact Us
Last ad ded news
Monroe County Schools Efficiency Study Results Released

Tuesday Oct 26, 2010
2010/2011 Grading Schedule

Sunday Aug 15, 2010
Sherriff Address Monroe County Board of Education

Tuesday Aug 3, 2010
More News

Our Mission In partnership with the community, Monroe County Schools will lift every child to become a life-long learner who values self and others, has the courage to work for the greater good, and the tenacity to succeed in a changing world. School Profiles Click Here!

25. Cabell County Schools
(Huntington) District history, school sites, central office personnel, and board policies.

26. Fayette County Schools
(Fayetteville) Mission statement, school directory and web sites, calendar, board minutes, departments, and lunch menus.
Fayette County Schools 111 Fayette Avenue
Fayetteville WV 25840-1299
Phone (304) 574-1176 .. FAX (304) 574-3643 .. Job Hotline (304) 574-1176
Central Office Contact Information
News and Announcements
Comprehensive Education Facilities Plans
Breakfast Menu
Lunch Menu

Techie Kids / Techie Stuff
Young Writers Contest Winners

Local School Information
Addresses, Phone, E-Mail
Pictures Web Sites Board Business Members 2010-2011 Meetings Schedule Future Meetings Notice Minutes ... County Policies Board Office Department Pages Federal Programs Food Services Personnel Technology Calendar Information 2010-2011 School Calendar Central Office Work Schedule 2010-2011 Regional Board Meeting Parent Teacher Resources Parent Resources on the Web Lesson Plan Templates Curriculum Maps WV Department of Education ... Job Vacancies/Application Info Your CHILDREN are the FOCUS of ALL that we do. VISION: The vision of the Fayette County Board of Education, through the efforts of the county school community, is to produce capable, responsible, lifelong learners who are prepared to contribute positively to an ever-changing world. MISSION: Preparing all students for success in the 21st century, the Fayette County School community is committed to providing a collaborative culture where high expectations, driven by a rigorous and relevant curriculum, allow students to reach their fullest potential.

27. Pendleton County Schools, Pendleton County, WV - Brandywine, Franklin, North For
(Franklin) Bus routes, calendar, school web pages, administrative directory, district profile, employment opportunities, and special services.
Welcome to the
Pendleton County Schools Web site.
Updated 11 November 2010
Board of Education
To read more BOE minutes, please visit this page.

BOE agenda for 16 November 2010

BOE minutes for 13 October 2010

BOE minutes for 11 October 2010
BOE minutes for 3 August 2010

Recent Updates Insurance page has been updated. Policy Manual has been updated School bus routes have been updated Information and enrollment information about the 403(b) Plan ... School Technology News Archive No Vacancy Postings All applications must be received in the BOE office prior to 4 p.m. the day of the deadline. Application deadlines are in parentheses. Visit the Vacancy Page for an application or if you have one on file, to obtain a Vacancy Consideration Form. Visit the School Web Sites Brandywine Elementary School North Fork Elementary School Franklin Elementary School Pendleton County High School ... Pendleton County Middle School During the school year newsletters and monthly calendars are available on these sites in addition to handbooks, staff listings and athletic schedules.

28. Mingo County Board Of Education
(Williamson) Board policies and minutes, calendar, administrative directory, employment opportunities, and school directory.
Mingo County Board of Education
Building 21st Century Leaders!
We believe...
We believe...
1. Everyone can learn and has the right to be educated to his/her potential.
2. Schools and school systems are responsible for creating classroom opportunities and
climate necessary for all students to be successful in the 21st century.
3. Commitment to high standards in all aspects of the organization is essential to produce
21st century leaders.
Core Beliefs of Mingo County Schools
We believe...
Search Mingo BOE Site: You are visitor since Oct. 22, 2007. We believe... We believe... We believe... 4. Strong instructional leadership and highly qualified personnel are required to create systemic change and develop a culture that values every student while building 21st century leaders. 5. Education requires a working relationship among the home, the school, and the community. 6. Education for the 21st century will include: rigorous and relevant academic and technical skills needed to compete in a global society, an exploration of the arts, a focus upon wellness, and opportunities to make real life connections.

29. Welcome To The Upshur County Board Of Education!
(Buckhannon) School directory, calendar, mission statement, administrative directory, school sites, district news, and employment opportunities.

30. Hampshire County Schools - Official Website
(Romney) Mission statement and goals, calendar, school directory and web sites, menus, and employment opportunities.
Home Calendar Menus Contact Us RSS
var ysnHorizontal=false; Board of Education District Calendar Employment E-Services ... Staff Directory
Support your schools during American Education Week - November 14 - 20:
  • Monday, November 15 - Kick-off Day - AES Open House - 4:00 - 7:00 pm
  • Wednesday, November 17 - Education Support Professionals Day
  • Thursday, November 18 - Educator for a Day Friday, November 19 - Substitute Educators Day
Reminder - There is no school for students from November 22-26 for Fall Break and Thanksgiving.
Mon, Nov. 15 - Fri, Dec. 10 RMS 3rd Annual Toy Drive
Tue, Nov. 16 RMS American Education Week Open House
Mon, Nov. 22 - Fri, Nov. 26 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
Thu, Nov. 25 Thanksgiving Day Holiday - NO SCHOOL
Fri, Dec. 3 Mid-term Progress Reports Due
Mon, Dec. 6 Board Meeting
Mon, Dec. 6 - Fri, Dec. 10 Silent Auction for Hampshire County Special Olympics Mon, Dec. 20 Board Meeting Tue, Dec. 21 Accrued Time Day - 2 1/2 hr. Early Dismissal Wed, Dec. 22 ISE Day - No School for Students It's Time to Enroll - Open Enrollment for American Fidelity Insurance American Fidelity representatives will be in Hampshire County to sign up enrollees for insurance - including the flexible medical spending accounts. Additional info...

31. Calhoun County Schools
(Grantsville) District news, calendars, online forms, board policies and minutes, school web sites, employment opportunities, and contact information.

32. Wayne County Board Of Education
(Wayne) Board policies, calendar, school sites, departments, employment opportunities, and contact information.
Wayne County Board of Education Education for the 21st Century! Gary L. Adkins - Superintendent

33. Webster� County Board Of Educati
(Webster Springs) Community information, school web pages, administrative directory, and contact information.
Webster County Board of Education Why Not the Best ? 315 South Main St. Webster Springs, WV 26288 Phone: 304-847-5638 Fax: 304-847-2538 E-Mail Inquiries Have a Great Day! Schools Personnel School Calendar Staff Development ... 2010-11 Bus Routes Lisa Fleming's class on the right
participating in a live electronic field trip concerning the
environment. She let them use her phone to call in questions that
were answered during the broadcast. The picture on the left is Scarlett
Short's class; the students watched as the Chilean miners were being
rescued live on BBC.
2010 - 2011 School Calendar

34. Kanawha County Schools
(Charleston) Departments, school web sites, administrative directory, calendar, and staff development information.

35. Hancock County Schools
(New Cumberland) Calendar, school directory, departments, board minutes, employment opportunities, curriculum, transportation, staff development, and contact information.
To afford all students the academic and social skills necessary to become productive members of society
...... Mission of the Hancock County Schools

Individuals wishing to review Hancock County's Five-Year Strategic Plan, which includes TitleI, Title II, Title III, and Title IV should contact: Office of the Assistant Superintendent 304-564-3411 ext 385 NEWS Students selected for Govenor's School and Honors Academy Mrs. Sara DeVecchis honored by Office Max Hancock County Bond Levy 2010 Retirees ... Hancock County Students place in National Academic Games Tournament

36. Tucker County Schools 501 Chestn
(Parsons) Calendar, school sites, mission statement, administrative directory, district news, board minutes, and contact information.
Your browser does not support script Tucker County Schools
501 Chestnut Street
Parsons, West Virginia 26287
304-478-2771 (phone)
304-478-3422 (fax)
Superintendent - Rick Hicks
It's About Learning
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In accordance with Federal law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) policy, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, or disability. To file a complaint alleging discrimination, write USDA, Director, Office of Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20250-9410 or call, toll free, (866) 632-9992 (Voice). Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay at (800) 877-8339 or (800) 845-6136 (Spanish). USDA is an equal opportunity provider and employer.

37. McDowell County Schools - Home
(Welch) Administrative directory, calendar, school web sites, menus, employment opportunities, and board policies.
The mission of McDowell County Schools is to facilitate the intellectual, social, and emotional development of each student; to achieve his/her maximum potential through excellence in the 21st Century teaching and learning.

38. Welcome To The Monongalia County Schools Webpages
(Morgantown) Special programs, school directory and web sites, district profile, board policies and minutes, administrative directory, employment opportunities, menus, and departments.
County Calendar Destiny Administrators Students ... EMAIL Monongalia County Schools Educating the Future showMenus(1,'horizontal') Click on Bus for Bus Schedules MCS' Technology Acceptable Use Policy for

Open House and Parent Conferences Schedule

See Past Vidcasts
Please Click Here for Information on Meningitis You are invited to attend the final Grad Nation Forum
at Mountaineer Middle on November 17th at 6 pm Monongalia County School Bus Driver, Lester LeMasters named National Children's Choice Driver of the Year Dr. Frank Devono - named State Superintendent of the Year Archived Reports...... Check out the Site of the Week Monongalia County's Non-Discrimination Policy Updated st

39. Nicholas County Schools
(Summersville) School web sites, administrative directory, and employment opportunities.
400 Old Main Drive, Summersville, WV 26651 (304)872-3611

40. Hardy County Schools
(Moorefield) District profile, calendar, administrative directory, school web sites, employment opportunities, test scores, budget, and FAQs.

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