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1. The Cambridge History Of Russia - Cambridge University Press The Cambridge History of Russia Volume 3, The Twentieth Century Series The Cambridge History of Russia Edited by Ronald Grigor Suny University of Chicago and University of Michigan http://www.cambridge.org/asia/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521811446&ss= |
2. The Cambridge History Of The Cold War - Cambridge University Press The Cambridge History of the Cold War Volume 2, Crises and D tente Series The Cambridge History of the Cold War Edited by Melvyn P. Leffler University of Virginia http://www.cambridge.org/uk/catalogue/catalogue.asp?isbn=9780521837200&ss=in |
3. US Presidents: Adams, John To Wilson, Woodrow From Answers.com US Presidents Adams, John to Wilson, Woodrow from Answers.com Biographical information, political appointments, historical documents, online references and other points of http://www.answers.com/library/US Presidents BoW |
4. US Presidents Wilson, Woodrow US President (28) 12/28 /1856 02/03 /1924 Harding, Warren G. US President (29) 11/02 /1865 08/02 /1923 Coolidge, Calvin US President (30), VP (29) http://www.born-today.com/Today/pres.htm | |
5. Index Agricultural Adjustment Act, 1933, 13 Agricultural Adjustment Act, 1935, 13 Wilson, Woodrow (US President and http://jac.aopsys.com/articles/world-food-security/world-food-security-page529.h | |
6. Highlights From The Archives Of The American Colllege Of Surgeons: Previous High Wilson, Woodrow (US President) Writes to Franklin Martin, MD, FACS (September 2006) (Document) Clinical Congress Exhibit Hall, Then and Now (October 2006) (Photo) http://www.facs.org/archives/previousdate.html | |
7. Highlights From The Archives Of The American Colllege Of Surgeons: Previous High Wilson, Woodrow (US President) Writes to Franklin Martin, MD, FACS (September 2006) (Document) For more information, contact Susan Rishworth, Archivist, at 312202-5270 or srishworth http://www.facs.org/archives/previous.html | |
8. Great Lives Wilson, Woodrow (US President) Xiaoping, Deng (Chinese leader) Yeltsin, Boris (Russian President) Zedong, Mao (Chairman of Chinese Communist Party) http://jacanaent.com/Biographies/Pages/!Biography.htm | |
9. Cambridge University Press 0521809959 - The Unquiet Western Front on the Western Front , ļ³ļµ Wilhelm II, Kaiser, ļµļ¶ Wilson, A. N., author, ļøļµ Wilson, Trevor, historian, ļ³ļ³, ļ·ļ¹, ļ¹ļ·ļø, ļ±ļ°ļ° Wilson, Woodrow, US president http://assets.cambridge.org/97805218/09955/index/9780521809955_index.pdf |
10. Big Book Names welcome to nicd national institute on chemical dependency a national clearinghouse organization for information on alcoholism, drug addiction and addictive behaviors. http://www.nicd.us/AApeopleinHx.html | |
11. Winter Denis - Email, Address, Phone Numbers, Everything! 123people.com Index Asquith, Herbert, Prime Minister, Attenborough, Richard, producer and Wilson, Woodrow, US president, Winter, Denis, historian, Winter, Jay, historian, http://www.123people.com/s/winter denis |
12. AA History -- People In AA Literature People In A.A. History Mentioned In The Literature Who Were They? What Did They Do? We Know A Little About These Listed Below http://www.barefootsworld.net/aapeople.html | |
13. ARMENIA: The Survival Of A Nation Wilson, Woodrow, US president 277, 280, 281; Award to Armenia 315ā16; Fourteen Points 264. Wolf, L. 104. Woods, H. C. 185 . Xenophon 21, 48. Ximenes, Ottoman agent 143 http://www.armenia-survival.50megs.com/Survival_Index.htm | |
14. Sherlock Holmes Pastiche Characters - W Wilson, Woodrow (US President (19131921), 1856-1924) The Case of the Last Battle (L.B.Greenwood) 485, 488-489, 492 The League of Heroes (Xavier Maum jean) 84-87, 127, 140 http://www.schoolandholmes.com/characterswilk.html | |
15. Western Philosophers, Scientists And Theologians - By Miles Hodges C Cabot, John (Italian/English explorer late 1400s) Cabot, Sebastian (English explorer - early 1500s) Cabral, Pedro Alvares (Portuguese explorer - early 1500s) http://www.newgenevacenter.org/09_Biography/09c_Movers/09c_Movers-r.htm |
16. Chris Harman: A People's History Of The World (Glossary) Wilson, Woodrow US president 191321. Wycliffe, John 14th century English precursor of Reformation. Zhou Enlai (Chou En-lai) Prominent Chinese Communist from mid-1920s onwards, prime http://marxists.org/archive/harman/1999/history/glossary.htm | |
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