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41. Wind Energy - Topics - Forbes.com Research and Markets Wind Power Market Outlook in New Zealand to 2020 Capacity, October 19, 2010 view of New Zealand's wind energy market and provides forecasts http://topics.forbes.com/wind energy |
42. Wind Power Gallery - Arizona Solar Center - Your Guide To Solar And Other Renewa Learn which areas of the country are the most suited for wind energy technology. Includes maps and photos of turbines against different landscapes. Page also gives some pros and cons for using this resource. http://www.azsolarcenter.org/solar-in-arizona/virtual-tours-galleries/wind-energ | |
43. New Zealand Wind Energy Association Ensure that the wind energy industry is fairly represented to the general public, to government and to other stakeholders in the New Zealand energy sector. http://windenergy.org.nz/ |
44. BWE: Startseite The German Wind Energy Association (BWE) has about 7272 individual and corporate members. This makes the BWE the largest individual association for renewable energies in Germany. The BWE represents the interests of wind turbine operators and all individuals who support wind energy. http://www.wind-energie.de/ | |
45. Welcome To The Wind ENergy Data And Information (WENDI) Gateway | WENDI The WENDI Gateway is an integrated system for the archival, discovery, access, integration, and delivery of wind energyrelated data and information. http://windenergy.ornl.gov/ | |
46. Canadian Wind Energy Association | L’Association Canadienne De L’énergie é CanWEA s Mission is to represent the wind energy community - organizations and individuals - and to support development and application of all aspects of wind energy including the promotion of a suitable policy environment http://www.canwea.ca/ |
47. Wind Energy: ATTRA - National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service This section contains education publications and information related to Wind Power http://attra.ncat.org/attra-pub/farm_energy/wind.html | |
48. World Wind Energy Association - Home WWEA the World Wind Energy Association, has grown in the meantime. We have now 280 members from 75 countries; mainly, national associations, scientific institutes and companies. WWEA promotes wind energy on the global level by being a communication platform, providing technology transfer and influencing national and international policies. http://www.wwindea.org | |
49. LAWEA The Latin America Wind Energy Association (LAWEA) is a non profit association, that empower the wind power development. LAWEA s members are companies, organizations and academics involved in wind energy. http://www.lawea.org/ing/ | |
50. European Wind Energy Association - EWEA: Home EWEA European Wind Energy Association - The most powerful wind energy network http://www.ewea.org/ | |
51. Home - GL Garrad Hassan Wind energy consultancy. http://www.garradhassan.com | |
52. Wind Energy As Alternative Energy Source Wind as alternative energy source The increasing global population and the unsatisfied demand of the developing countries will more than cancel out possible reductions http://wind-energy.tripod.com/ |
53. SOLARSAVER Solar and wind energy systems. http://www.solarsaver.co.uk/ |
54. Windenergy.org - WEATS 2009 The Wind Energy Applications Training Symposium (WEATS) is an internationallyacclaimed hands-on workshop on wind energy first launched in 1988. http://www.windenergy.org/weats2009/ |
55. Urban Wind Energy Home Page A guide for the UK. http://www.urbanwindenergy.org.uk/ | |
56. Wind Energy - Cuyahoga County Department Of Development Mission Statement. The Department of Development strives to undertake and support initiatives that sustain the quality of our communities, provide open and affordable housing http://development.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/wind-energy.aspx | |
57. Interstate Renewable Energy Council Monthly updates on renewables, mostly wind energy. http://www.irecusa.org |
58. Wind Energy Wind energy is a green, clean, non polluting source of power which can offset carbon emissions from fossil fuels burned in power stations. http://www.windenergyplanning.com/wind-energy/ | |
59. Wind Power India About wind energy generation in India. http://www.windpowerindia.com/ | |
60. Wind Energy Information Components for your Solar Panel (PV) System. Introduction. Solar electric systems are a popular choice among renewable energy options due to the relatively low maintenance http://wind-energy-information.us/ | |
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