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         Women In History:     more books (100)
  1. Women in European History (Making of Europe) by Gisela Bock, 2009-07-20
  2. Unsung: A History of Women in American Music by Christine Ammer, 2001-02-15
  3. The History of Women's Mosques in Chinese Islam by Maria Jaschok, Shui Jingjun Shui, 2000-07-25
  4. A Social History of Women in Ireland, 1870-1970 by Rosemary Cullen Owens, 2005-01
  5. Women of Victorian England (Women in History) by Clarice Swisher, 2004-10-15
  6. Women in the History of Political Thought: Ancient Greece to Machiavelli (Women and Politics) by Arlene W. Saxonhouse, 1985-08-15
  7. The English Woman in History by Doris Mary Stenton, 1977-12
  8. Sporting Females: Critical Issues in the History and Sociology of Women's Sport by Jennifer Hargreaves, 1994-05-17
  9. The Majority Finds Its Past: Placing Women in History by Gerda Lerner, 2005-04-18
  10. From Workshop to Warfare: The Lives of Medieval Women (Women in History) by Carol Adams, Paula Bartley, et all 1991-01-25
  11. Women of the French Revolution (Women in History) by Thomas Streissguth, 2004-08-27
  12. Women of the Sufferage Movement (Women in History) by Lydia D. Bjornlund, 2003-05-16
  13. Loving Women: A Study of Lesbianism 500 Ce (Women in History, 3) by Arthur Frederick Ide, 1985-10
  14. Women in History - Women of the Vietnam War by Mark Schynert, 2004-07-12

81. Women In History Of Scots Descent
Introduction Where we tell you our aims for this section. Frances Wright, Woman's Advocate Frances Wright was born in 1795 in Scotland but had an early interest in America.
Women in History of Scots Descent
  • Introduction
    Where we tell you our aims for this section. Frances Wright, Woman's Advocate
    Frances Wright was born in 1795 in Scotland but had an early interest in America. After educating herself from a college library, she visited the United States when she was 23. During her travels, she wrote Views of Society and Manners in America. This travelogue hails American life as progressive in contrast to the backwardness of the Old World. Mary Lyon, First Woman Principle in America
    Mary Lyon was born on February 28, 1797, in Buckland, Massachusetts. She started teaching school in 1814. Elizabeth Virginia Wallace Truman
    Whistle-stopping in 1948, President Harry Truman often ended his campaign talk by introducing his wife as "the Boss" and his daughter, Margaret, as "the Boss's Boss," and they smiled and waved as the train picked up steam. Flora MacDonald
    Flora was a heroine to Prince Charles Stewart but also to many highlanders. Elizabeth Mure
    The 1st wife (though never queen) of Robert II, is a shadowy figure of whom little is known.

82. VVG: Vereniging Voor Vrouwengeschiedenis
The study of the history of women and gender. The VVG contains information, activities, links, articles and events.

83. Female Explorer
Articles, book reviews and research guides about Female Explorers - adventurous women who ve dared to explore their world.
"Adventure is worthwhile in itself." Amelia Earhart Home Article Archives Explorer News Links ... Books Etc. "I want to do it because I want to do it. Women must try to do things as men have tried. When they fail, their failure must be a challenge to others." Amelia Earhart
" I’ve never found my sex a hinderment; never faced a difficulty which a woman, as well as a man, could not surmount; never felt a fear of danger; never lacked courage to protect myself. I’ve been in tight places and have seen harrowing things." Harriet Chalmers Adams
This site is dedicated to all the wondrous women who dared, and continue to dare, to explore the world around them. Sign up today for our FREE e-mail newsletter - The Female Explorer will keep you updated on articles and news about Female Explorers past and present! Subscribe today by sending an e-mail to: with SUBSCRIBE in the Subject line!
In Memorium: 01-Feb-2003
The world lost seven explorers today, two of them female - Kalpana Chawla, the first Indian-born women to make it into space, and Laurel Clark, physician/astronaut. While we mourn with the families and friends of all who were lost, we also celebrate the lives of these courageous men and women. May there be many more such brave explorers to follow in their footsteps.
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84. DMarie Time Capsule
A women s time capsule.
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85. Multimedia Sites: Women's History
Multicultural links to Women s History.
Multimedia Sites in Women's History
This site has been incorporated into American Women's History: A Research Guide See the Digital Collections section for general sites that include American women's history sources. The following sections under the Subject Index to Research Sources include links to collections similar to those found on Multimedia Sites in Women's History
Women's History Home Page
Ken Middleton
Todd Library, Middle Tennessee State University

86. Home Page, Swarthmore College Peace Collection
A research archives devoted to collecting, preserving, and making accessible, materials on non-governmental women,s efforts towards peace.

Hours of Operation
Moore Fellowship
Resources Available at Swarthmore College Resources Resources on Peace History
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Jane Addams with American Delegation to International Conference of Women, The Hague, 1915
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Click here New Book in the Library Telling Tales About Men looks at WWI British conscientious objectors to war (available 03/2010) Pictured in photo collage: Esther Eichel picketing in front of White House for the release of her conscientious objector son, Seymour [half-tone image from newspaper clipping, Philadelphia Daily News , May 21, 1957; Eichel Family Collection (DG 131), Box 8]; Conscientious objectors condemned to death in WWI before their sentences were commuted to prison terms: (l-r) Mayer Bernstein, Thomas Shotkin, Jacob Schneiderm, Benjamin Salmon, n.d. [3.25" x 5.25" sepia photo; Subject File: Conscientious Objection/Objectors]; Jane Addams, ca. 1888-1892 [3" x 4" sepia photo; Jane Addams (DG 001)];

87. Women's History At The International Institute Of Social History
A bibliography of women s history in historical and women s studies journals
@import url(/styles/iisg.css ); Home Sitemap Questions, Comments
Women's History
Index Women's History Collections at the IISH ViVa Bibliography Virtual Library Women's History ... Nederlands Email: Print Version
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Women's History in Other Labour History Institutions Search IISH Collections
Women's History at the IISH
Introduction This page provides an overview of women's and gender history projects at the International Institute of Social History (IISH) , one of the world's largest documentary and research institutions in the field of social history in general and the history of the labour movement in particular. Women's roles in social movements are documented in IISH archival and manuscript collections . The Institute provides information on women's and gender history elsewhere in the Netherlands and worldwide. It maintains ViVa, a current bibliography of women's history in scholarly journals , the WWW Virtual Library Women's History , and Kenau, the discussionlist for women's and gender history in the Netherlands and Belgium . The web pages of the Socialism and Sexuality Network , the Dutch yearbook for women's history and the Dutch foundation for early modern history are hosted by the IISH. The Institute participates in important projects on

88. Women's History Network
Promotes research of historical women and provides networking for individuals and organizations. Also publishes the Women s History magazine.

89. TIME Newsfiles: Women's History
Large collection of articles and features of historical women featured in Time Magazine.
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90. Worldwide Guide To Women In Leadership
This site is dedicated to the women who have ruled since the beginning of times, or as long as the sources date back. What is new?

Women State Leaders and Women rulers throughout the ages

WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP This site is dedicated to the women who have ruled since the beginning of times - or as long as the sources date back.
There have always been female rulers . Egyptian Queens are believed to have governed from around 3000 BCE, and the first to be named by the sources without any doubt is Ku-baba, who ruled the Mesopotamian City-State of Ur round 2500 BCE. First female ministers
However, it was not until during and just after the World War I that the first few women became members of the revolutionary governments in Ukraine, Russia, Hungary and Ireland. Nina Bang, Danish Minister of Education 1924-26, was the first woman to be minister in democratically elected parliamentary government. See more in First female ministers . Nevertheless, development was slow and it was not until the end of the 20th century that female ministers stopped being unusual, though a number of countries don't have women in their governments at the moment.

91. Notable Women Ancestors: Women's Biographies
A growing database containing biographies and genealogy data of famous and not-so-famous women submitted by actual living descendants.
Search billions of records on Note on the banner
This site generously
Hosted by RootsWeb

Notable Women Ancestors,
Honored to be part of
The History Channel On-Line
You are the visitor to this Page since April, 1997. Last updated 10/21/07 These pages, as well as my genealogy site, are dedicated to
my mother, Dorothy Williams Behling FEATURED WOMAN
Sarah Winnemucca
Margaret DeVane - Humorous Mary Peck Butterworth - Notorious Dessie Elizabeth Hayter Leaming - Heroines Edna (Wean, Mountain) Williams - Notorious ANNOUNCING: Notable Women Ancestors the Newsletter , now available. Click here for details. NO-TA-BLE , adj. 1. Worthy of note or notice; remarkable. 2. Characterized by excellence or distinction; eminent. The lives of ALL women are "notable" - at least in the eyes of the genealogists who research them, and that is the ONLY criteria necessary for a woman to be included at this web site. Some are famous, others are not. Those who are famous have, until recently, often been overlooked by mainstream historians. The extent to which our schoolbooks and popular folk collections have largely ignored the most vivid, powerful women is simply astounding. There are an even greater number of women who, while possibly not contributing anything historically significant, nonetheless managed to lead very interesting lives. The fact that they survived at all is a credit to their courage and stamina. There was nothing "ordinary" about our female ancestors who risked their lives traveling in tiny ships across the ocean, living on the frontier and giving birth to numerous children. Most were uneducated. Many of their lives went unrecorded, or at best, are only noted in the records by their married surname and a few dates. The lives of some women are known to us only because of the historical circumstances that pushed them, often unwillingly, into the limelight, such as the colonial women who were accused of witchcraft or taken captive by warring Native Americans.

Dedicated to highly decorated War Heroine and author of children s stories, Noor Inayat Khan.
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Read an email sent by David in UK: Sample Letter to the Editor WE CAN MAKE IT HAPPEN ! The fiftieth anniversary of her posthumous award of the GEORGE CROSS came up on April 5th, 1999. Although it would have been nice to see a stamp by then, we're realistically hoping for an issue in the early part of the new Millenium. Please Note: If you are a long time supporter of Princess Noor, click

93. All About Women In Vietnam
The military, which prided itself on the records it kept in Vietnam, counting the enemy number of weapons captured, cannot to this day say with certainty how many women served. The army that sent them never bothered to count them.

94. Women Of WWI, I Need Your Memories!
A site for the collection of stories about women who served in WWI
Women of WWI, I Need Your Memories!
Related or Useful Web Sites Angelfire - Free Home Pages
Information about WWI

American Association for the History of Nursing

Red Cross


95. Essay: Women And The Crusades (Women In World History Curriculum)
A look at the impact of the Crusades on women.

96. Medieval Sourcebook: Sex And Gender
Catalogue of sources relevant to the study of medieval gender roles.
ORB Main Page Links to Other Medieval Sites Medieval Studies Course [Halsall]
Halsall Home
... Byzantine Studies Page
Other History Sourcebooks: African East Asian Indian Islamic ... Exploration Contents

97. Kamat's Potpourri: Social Life In Medieval Deccan : Status Of Women
Status of Women in 14th Century South India. Outlines specific traditions practiced in medieval regions.
more ads Status of Women in Medieval Karnataka
by Dr. (Mrs.) Jyotsna Kamat
Last Updated : June 09,2010 O ne would expect that in medieval times women were almost like domesticated pets caged in the house, considering all the equality and libertarian movements the mankind has gone though. Lawmaker Manu's oft-quoted statement that women are not worthy of freedom strengthens this expectation. However, the inscriptions, literary sources and sculptures of the period give an astonishingly different picture of status of women in South India in medieval times. According to B.P.Mazumbar, Northern India did not have any women administrators of provinces or kingdoms during this period. In contrast, Karnataka had women who administered villages, towns, divisions and heralded social and religious institutions. Piriyaketaladevi, a queen of Chalukya Vikramaditya VI ruled three villages. According to an inscripture of 1148 A.D. Lakkadevi was a village headman. Jakkiabbe ably administered seventy villages after premature death of her husband. Mailalladevi, a senior queen of Someshwara-I ruled the important province of Banavasi comprising 12,000 villages. It is evident from a inscripture of 1187 A.D. that the Jain nuns enjoyed the same amount of freedom as their male counterparts. There were female trustees, priestesses, philanthropists, musicians and scholars.

98. Feminae: Medieval Women And Gender Index
Index of publications on women, sexuality and gender in the Middle Ages.

A comprehensive list of books and articles with information on women writers of the Middle Ages.
Back to Medieval Studies Page
Robbins Library Bibliography

Barratt, Alexandra, ed. Women's Writing in Middle English . New York: Longman, 1992. (Robbins and Stacks PR1120 .W66 1992)
Bynum, Caroline Walker. Holy Feast and Holy Fast: The Religious Significance of Food to Medieval Women . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1987. (Robbins, Stacks, and Div. School BR253 .B96 1987)
Jesus as Mother: Studies in the Spirituality of the High Middle Ages . Berkeley: University of California Press, 1982. (Robbins, Stacks, and Div. School BV4490 .B96)
Cherewatuk, Karen and Ulrike Wiethaus, eds. Dear Sister: Medieval Women and the Epistolary Genre . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993. (Robbins PN6131 .D4 1993)
Delany, Shiela. Writing Woman: Woman Writers and Women in Literature, Medieval to Modern . New York: Schocken Books, 1983. (Stacks PN481 .D4 1983)
Dronke, Peter. Women Writers of the Middle Ages: A Critical Study of Texts from Perpetua to Marguerite Porete . New York: Cambridge University Press, 1984. (Robbins, Stacks, and Div. School PN471 .D76 1984)

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