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         Women In Politics:     more books (100)
  1. Women and Politics in the Third World (Women in Politics)
  2. Palestinian Women and Politics in Israel by Suheir Abu Oksa Daoud, 2009-05-31
  3. Madeleine Albright (Women in Politics) by Kerry Acker, 2004-02
  4. Retrieving Women's History: Changing Perceptions of the Role of Women in Politics and Society (Berg - UNESCO Series in Women's Studies) by S. J. Kleinberg, 1992-08-26
  5. Civil War Sisterhood: The U.S. Sanitary Commission and Women's Politics in Transition by Judith Ann Giesberg, 2006-07-01
  6. Winning Their Place: Arizona Women in Politics, 1883-1950 by Heidi J. Osselaer, 2009-04-25
  7. Women in Politics: Outsiders or Insiders (5th Edition) (Alternative eText Formats) by Lois Duke Whitaker, 2010-08-01
  8. Queen Noor (Women in Politics) by Susan Muaddi Darraj, 2004-02
  9. A Rising Public Voice: Women in Politics Worldwide
  10. Memoirs of a Woman in Politics by joan m. purcell, 2004
  11. Nancy Pelosi (Women in Politics) by Hal Marcovitz, 2004-01
  12. Hillary Rodham Clinton (Women in Politics) by Heather Lehr Wagner, 2004-02
  13. Russian Women in Politics and Society (Contributions in Women's Studies) by Norma Corigliano Noonan, 1996-10-21
  14. State Feminism, Women's Movements, and Job Training: Making Democracies Work in the Global Economy (Women in Politics in Democratic States)

21. Women In Politics
IPU work in the field of promoting democracy through partnership between men and women in politics.

Also on this site:
Taking action on violence against women

- Parliamentary campaign " Stop violence against women. Female genital mutilation "

22. What She Said!
Directory of political blogs written by women.
var BL_backlinkURL = "";var BL_blogId = "8326873";
What She Said!
The next time some guy asks you where all the female bloggers are,
tell him What She Said!
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Women Against Sarah Palin
Go, Sisters, go! Women Against Sarah Palin is a new blog by women who are appalled at John McCain's selection of the lying, vindictive Sarah Palin to be his running mate. She's a Women's Rights nightmare - anti-choice, anti-sex education, pro-theocracy, pro-drilling, anti-environment, anti-polar bears, a dyed in the wool Right Wing Nut.
We MUST be sure that Barack Obama wins this election, or this odious woman might be our president, given John McCain's obvious age and infirmity. posted by Morgaine @ 12:39 AM 1 Comments Links to this post
Sunday, June 08, 2008
The wife John McCain callously left behind
Mail Online
This story will absolutely break your heart. John McCain, the man who wants to be your president, came home from Hanoi to discover his beautiful wife had been disfigured in a car accident that required her to undergo 23 surgeries and left her 5 inches shorter because her legs were crushed. As soon as he found another pin-up girl, this one not only beautiful but heiress to a beer distributing fortune, he dumped her.
She says she isn't bitter, but then he pays her medical bills. What a creep. People who knew the couple refer to him as a phoney with no character. Ross Perot, who paid Carol's medical bills while John was a prisoner of war, calls him the classic opportunist:

23. Women In Politics | Women In Government | Women In Congress
Women In Politics is an important topic in the United States. From Mayors to Senators, we need more.

24. Home Page Of CAPWIP, The Center For Asia Pacific Women In Politics
The Third Global Congress of Women in Politics and Governance, October 1922, 2008 Sixth Asia Pacific Congress of Women in Politics, February 10-12, 2006

The Third Global Congress of Women in Politics and Governance, October 19-22, 2008
Sixth Asia Pacific Congress of Women in Politics, February 10-12, 2006 Training on Making Governance Gender Responsive ... Women's Participation in Politics - facts and figures from Beijing and Beijing +12 CAPWIP CSO Database Resources Center staff Contacting CAPWIP and sub-regional focal points ... Asia Pacific Online Network of Women in Politics, Governance and Transformative Leadership Please send us your comments CAPWIP site designed by Geoff Corner

25. ѱġȭ
A non-partisan, non-profit organization aiming to foster the inclusion of more women in politics to equalize representation in government and change Korea s political environment.
[] Political elites and se...

[] The electability of wom...

26. OnlineWomen: Statistics
Women in Politics (2008) Women in Politics (2005) Women in Parliament in 2008 The Year in Perspective ; Global Database of Quotas for Women

This section contains facts and figures on women's participation in politics, governance, and decision-making and other relevant statistics on women.
(Updated: April 2009)
Women In Parliament: 19451995 In 50 years
  • The number of sovereign states with a parliament has increased seven-fold. The percentage of women Member of Parliaments (MPs) world-wide has increased four-fold.
26 parliaments
  • 3.0% women MPs 2.2% women Senators
61 parliaments
  • 7.5% women MPs 7.7% women Senators
94 parliaments
  • 8.1% women MPs 9.3% women Senators
115 parliaments
  • 10.9% women MPs

27. Women In Politics - Australia's Culture Portal
An article about the history of women being elected to parliament in Australia, and recent developments in the representation of women amongst the ranks of Australian
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Connecting you with Australian culture online Communiqu - Culture Portal closure
  • A-Z index By category
    Australian women in politics
    Carol Porter, Get Elected, 1997, silkscreen print. Courtesy of the State Library of Victoria In 1902 Australia's new Commonwealth Parliament paved the way for a new form of democracy by granting women the vote and the right to be elected on a national basis. This was a significant victory for Australia's suffragette movement . It succeeded despite strong opposition to the Commonwealth Franchise Act 1902 , which enshrined these new women's rights in law.
    Leading the world in rights and yet, the longest lag time for election
    Edith Cowan, MLA. Courtesy of A Vote of Her Own While New Zealand had granted women the right to vote in , in 1902, Australia granted women the right to vote and also to seek election. This reflected the rights of women to vote and seek election in South Australia and to vote in Western Australia, rights granted in and respectively.

28. Republican Woman S Guide To Just About Everything
Links useful for following United States politics, especially Republican women in politics. Pro-choice, Pro-life, moderate, and conservative perspectives covered.

29. Women In Politics - Women Rulers - Laws About Women
Women in the public sphere, active in politics, ruling nations. Includes women rulers and other politicians from ancient to modern times. Also includes laws about women's
zWASL=1 zGL='0';zGR='ca-about-radlink'; zJs=10 zJs=11 zJs=12 zJs=13 zc(5,'jsc',zJs,9999999,'') zDO=0
  • Home Education Women's History
  • Women's History
    Women in the public sphere, active in politics, ruling nations. Includes women rulers and other politicians from ancient to modern times. Also includes laws about women's rights and roles.
  • Rulers/Queens/State Heads (350) Public Officials (290) First Ladies (237) Women Political Figures (11) ... Women Patriots - American (24)
  • Free Women's History Newsletter! Sign Up if(zSbL<1)zSbL=3;zSB(2);zSbL=0
    Explore Women's History
    Must Reads Most Popular Marilyn Monroe Quotes Roe v. Wade Coco Chanel August 26, 1920 ... Quotes by Women Free Women's History Newsletter! Sign Up By Category splitList(gEI('bcl')); Special Features

    30. Women In Politics (Harper's Magazine)
    What a woman had to do to make it in the American century

    31. *Parliamentary Democracy - Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)*
    The world organization of parliaments. Site about parliamentary democracy, elections, human rights, participation of women in politics, and about how it all works on the level of national legislative institutions and internationally.

    This site was last updated on 16 November 2010

    32. Women In Politics
    Home Photo Gallery Classroom Documents Selected Writings of Eleanor Roosevelt. Women in Politics Eleanor Roosevelt Publishing Information
    Home Photo Gallery Classroom Documents
    Selected Writings of Eleanor Roosevelt Women in Politics
    Eleanor Roosevelt Publishing Information Originally published in Good Housekeeping
  • We are about to have a collective coming of age! The women in the United States have been participants in government for nearly twenty years. I think it behooves us to look back on this period in which we have been serving our apprenticeship and decide what our accomplishments have been, how much good our education has done us, and whether we really are able to consider ourselves full-fledged citizens.
  • Where did we start and how far have we come?
  • Perhaps it would be as well to mention also that some of the dire results prophesied if women were given the vote haven't come about, either.
  • Let us see what women have actually done in public life thus far.
  • Certain other suffrage leaders I know only from hearsay. Inez Milholland, for instance, was probably very able, and she certainly used her personal attractions to drive home her point! There is no question about it, both charm and good looks are useful weapons, which ladies can always use to good advantage when they have them, no matter what offices they hold.
  • Available facts about women who have actually occupied political office during the past twenty years are incomplete, and it is extremely difficult to get accurate information. We can get figures for certain years and nothing for other years. Fortunately, the League of Women Voters will shortly publish its 1939 compilation on women in public office, which will supplement our information.
  • 33. Our Work | Women In Politics | California Center For Civic Participation
    Our Mission. To empower youth to be vital participants in decision making processes at all levels.

    34. Association Of Libertarian Feminists
    Information on ALF s purpose, news, discussion papers, and membership information.
    Association of Libertarian Feminists
    Main Page About ALF Contact Info Newsletter ... "What's New" page for information about the following: Ladies of Liberty Alliance (LOLA)
    Women are on the march in the libertarian movement!
    They want to work with ALF to further women's goals. The forthcoming book by Sharon Presley
    Standing Up to Authorities: How to Avoid Being Intimidated, Manipulated and Abused ALF is on Facebook

    35. WSSLinks: Women & Politics
    McCormack Institute of Public Affairs, the Center for Women in Politics and Public Policy is committed to advancing women's participation in the public life of
    Women's Studies Section
    WSSLinks , developed and maintained by the
    Women's Studies Section
    of the Association of College and Research Libraries This page provides a selective, annotated list of links with information on women and politics. Individual women politicians' Web pages are not listed. Bibliographies Discussion Lists Research Centers Internet Collections
    Core List in International Politics
    From the WSS Core Lists of books in women's studies; "intended to assist women's studies librarians and collection development librarians in building women's studies collections." By Anne Mosby Page. Core List in U.S. Politics
    From the WSS Core Lists of books in women's studies (see above); by Susan L. Kendall. Women in Politics Bibliographical Database
    From the Interparliamentary Union. "Anyone wishing to know what has been written on the subject of women's participation in political life or on a particular aspect of this question is faced with a challenge: not so much the challenge of the scarcity of bibliographical references, but rather that of the difficulty of gaining access to a reliable database containing a broad selection of bibliographical references grouped by affinities. ... Women in Politics seeks to fill this gap. It has been developed with the contribution of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)."

    36. Women In Politics -
    No, the name isn’t supposed to be facetious, tonguein-cheek or even cougar-esque, despite its sound WUFPAC. The honest truth is that it was just the acronym,” explained 28
    Tuesday, November 16, 2010

    37. Rosella Melanson - Articles
    Archive of columns on women s issues, politics and Acadian issues, most of them recently published in the New Brunswick Telegraph Journal.
    Summers were meant for doing nothing well Rosella Melanson a sign une chronique hebdomadaire traitant de questions fministes, politiques et acadiennes dans le New Brunswick Telegraph Journal entre avril 2000 et octobre 2001. Politics as sports
    If we wanted to be led by polls, we would have designed some computer software ... A bilingual organization has no soul
    I am Acadian ... and this is not a beer commercial

    Rosella Melanson
    Articles, chroniques et essais
    Articles, columns and essays If mothers really had their day
    Politics as sports
    The Canadian Identity? It's on the tip of our tongue
    Pay equity: Pay now or pay later with interest
    CyberDissent: If these were the Sixties, things could be hopping
    Poverty, Justice, Families, Violence, Labour Politics and Citizenship Questions acadiennes Journalism, CyberDissent and Activism Musings The Citizen as chump New Brunswick's meanest law: Employment Standards
    Food banks: Poor substitute for a solution
    Women's work is devalued by the wages of sexism Rosella Melanson wrote a weekly opinion column on women's issues, politics and Acadian issues, in the New Brunswick Telegraph Journal between April 2000 and October 2001. Questions acadiennes Acadian issues Women's Issues Poverty, Justice, Violence, Labour

    38. Women In Politics / Women's Leadership In America History
    U.S. Senator (DNY) and former first lady Hillary Clinton addresses the first graduating class of CUNY Honors College.
    Home First Ladies Women in Politics Settlement Houses ...
    Eleanor Roosevelt

    The World's First Lady Women and War Work Mitsuye Endo
    Persevering for Justice Black Suffrage and the Struggle
    for Civil Rights Feminism and the Women's
    Movement Dolores Huerta - Si Se Puede Women in Science Title IX and the Rise of
    Women's Athletics Women in Politics U.S. Senator (D-NY) and former first lady Hillary Clinton addresses the first graduating class of CUNY Honors College. Shirley Chisholm and Bella Abzug Congress National Organization for Women and even ran for the presidency in 1972. Bella Abzug, an outspoken rabble-rouser from the Bronx, identifiable by her big hats, was a Civil rights lawyer and peace activist before running for Congress in 1970. Her six years as a representative demonstrated her dedication to social justice issues, and she co-authored additions to the Freedom of Information Act and the Right to Privacy Act (1974) Throughout the next three decades, women steadily made inroads to political power. However, the most significant year for women in politics was 1992, when as many as 60 million women voted, and their impact was felt. After the ballots were counted, 24 new women had been elected to the House of Representatives along with five new female senators, the largest increase of women political leaders in American history.

    39. Women’s Political Participation
    Provides resources for political leaders and activists interested in pursuing avenues which will ensure the greater participation of women in public life through political parties.
    The National Democratic Institute is a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization working to support and strengthen democratic institutions worldwide through citizen participation, openness and accountability in government.
    • Who We Are What We Do Where We Work Who We Work With ...
      Women’s Political Participation
      Related Articles
      Democracy Updates
      Young Women Leaders Share Advice, Stories in New NDI Publication Building confidence, enhancing capacity and making connections is the focus of a new practical guidebook for aspiring young women leaders just published by NDI. The book combines ideas and strategies from the Institute's Youth of Today, Leaders of Tomorrow (YOTLOT) program with best practices and recommendations from NDI's quarter century of working with women leaders around the world. It features expert advice for young women with a drive and desire to become leaders.
      Partner Spotlight
      Albanian Women Claim a Voice in Politics through Advocacy on Health Care A multipartisan network of politically active women is working to improve the lives of women in Albania by advocating on their behalf and making the political process more inclusive. Albania has one of the lowest levels of women's representation in Europe, and the initial challenge of gaining access to government officials, even at the local level, often dissuades women from trying to impact public policy. In the face of this challenge, NDI's civil society partner, the Women's Network for Equality in Decision Making, spent the summer undertaking an advocacy initiative to improve health care for women.

    40. Bangladesh - Women In Politics
    Bangladesh Table of Contents. Women participated extensively in antiBritish agitations during the 1930s and 1940s and were an active force during the independence
    Women in Politics
    Bangladesh Table of Contents Prior to the 1988 parliamentary elections, the provision for reserved seats for women had been allowed to lapse. The result was that women were left practically without representation at the national level, although there were other forums for political involvement at the local level. In mid-1988 three women sat on union and subdistrict councils. Municipal councils also included women, but the law precluded women from exceeding 10 percent of council membership. Some women's groups, such as the Jatiyo Mohila Sangstha (National Organization for Women), have held major conferences to discuss women's problems and mobilization strategies. Although these women's organizations were the province of middle-class women, they served as training grounds, as did local councils, for a new generation of politically active women. More about the Government and Politics of Bangladesh Enter your search terms Submit search form Web

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