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         Women In Politics:     more books (100)
  1. New women in politics by Kathleen Bowman, 1976
  2. Pulling no punches: Memoirs of a woman in politics by India Edwards, 1977
  3. Nigerian Women in Politics 1986-1993
  4. Dancing Backwards: A Social History of Canadian Women in Politics by Sharon Carstairs, 2004-01
  5. Breakthrough: Women in Politics (Breakthrough (New York).) by Barbara Williams, 1979-10
  6. Bulgarian Women by Occupation: Bulgarian Female Models, Bulgarian Female Singers, Bulgarian Women in Politics, Bulgarian Women Writers
  7. Suffrage to Sufferance: A Hundred Years of Women in Politics by Janine Haines, 1992-10-23
  8. AMER WOMEN IN POLITICS (Garland reference library of social science) by Nelson Bar, 1983-11-01
  9. Women in Politics: A Global Review (Worldwatch paper) by Kathleen Newland, 1975-06
  10. Woman in politics by Emma Guy Cromwell, 1996
  11. Supermadre: Women in Politics in Latin America (Latin American Monographs, No. 50) by Elsa M. Chaney, 1979
  12. Women in Politics by Sumana Pandey, 1990-12
  13. Benazir Bhutto (Women in Politics) by Mercedes Padrino, Mercedes Padrino Anderson, 2004-03
  14. From Suffrage to the Senate: An Encyclopedia of American Women in Politics (2 Volumes) by Suzanne O'Dea Schenken, 1999-12-01

61. The Home Page Of The Women & Politics Institute - Redirect
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62. Alabama Federation Of Republican Women
AFRW is part of the largest political party organization in the country, the National Federation of Republican Women. Working to advance the power of women through political access and participation.
By Elois Zeanah
President, Alabama Federation of Republican Women Welcome to our website! 
The Alabama Federation of Republican Women is a partner with all Americans who believe in family values, individual initiative, limited government, low taxes, free enterprise, fiscal responsibility, and honest and accountable government. Our goal is to foster the principles of America’s founding fathers and to elect Republicans that share our values and goals. We welcome you to take a few minutes and see what Alabama Republican women are all about and invite you to consider membership in our organization.
Membership in AFRW can make a difference in your life and the lives of those you hold dear. We are blessed to live in the greatest country on earth! America has been a beacon to the world for over 200 years. But now America is adrift. It has strayed from the principles of our founding fathers enshrined in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. In 2010, as AFRW celebrates our 48th anniversary, we watch the current President of the United States and the majority Congress push to fundamentally remake America. Freedoms disappear as Democrats diminish founding principles by steering the nation step by step into socialism.
As President Ronald Reagan once counseled, “We must understand there’s much work before us: to gain control again of government, to reward personal initiative and risk-taking in the marketplace, to revitalize our system of federalism, to strengthen the private institutions that make up the independent sector of our society, and to make our own spiritual affirmation in the face of those who would deny man has a place before God. Not easy tasks perhaps.”

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64. Books On Nigeria - Politics, Women, Economy - Nigerian Books
Publishes books on Nigeria that talk about the past, present and future of Nigeria. Treats issues such as women, politics, land, states, economy, history and nationhood in Nigeria.
SANKORE PUBLICATIONS Sankore Publishers are foremost publishers of books on Nigeria that address issues, which are pertinent to the development of Nigeria and also deal on the myriad of problems of national integration and development crises in Nigeria. These books talk about the past, present and future of Nigeria treating issues such as Women, Politics, Land, States, Economy, History and
BOLANLE AWE M.A (St. Andrews) Ph.D (OXON). OFR.
(1st and 2nd Editions Published Jointly with Bookcraft Ltd, Ibadan). Nigeria Women: A Historical Perspective, is a collection of essays written by some outstanding historians, edited by
Professor Bolanle Awe and first published in 1992. A new edition of a book of such interesting historical dimension is

65. Nashville Women's Political Caucus
Working to strengthen the position of women in political life as officials, legislators, judges, delegates, lobbyists, campaigners and voters. Includes news, events and legislative information.

66. Women In Politics
Department of the Parliamentary Library publications Australia Commonwealth. Women in the current Parliament Number of women in Parliament Senate - House of Representatives
Women in Legislatures Australia Commonwealth State and Territory Affirmative Action Other Links ... Library Publications Overseas Canada New Zealand United Kingdon and Northern Ireland United States of America ... Key Politics Links
Women in Politics
Women - Resources : Social Policy Section Composition of Australian Parliaments by Party and Gender Parliaments Library publications on Women in Politics
State and Territory
Composition of Australian Parliaments by Party and Gender
Australian Capital Territory
New South Wales
South Australia
Affirmative Action
    The Liberal Party of Australia has no affirmative action rules for the selection of women candidates to stand for election.

67. Women Republicans Of Central Kentucky (WROCK
Dedicated to involving women in the political process by educating them about issues, serving as advocates for Republican candidates and recruiting and cultivating candidates. Includes membership information and calendar.

68. The Barbara Lee Family Foundation | Women In Politics
The Barbara Lee Family Foundation is dedicated to 1) cultivating women’s full engagement in the American democratic process and promoting their participation at all levels of
The Barbara Lee Family Foundation Women in Politics Program Area is dedicated to engaging women fully in the American democratic process and promoting their participation at all levels of government. Guidebooks

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Related Information
Grants BenchMark: The National Council of Jewish Women's Campaign to Save Roe v. Wade Center for American Women and Politics Women's Media Center Events Simmons College Political Interns Resource Spotlight Leading with Authority
Leading with Authority shows how women candidates can use all and likeability. Positioning Women to Win: New Strategies for Turning Gender Stereotypes into Competitive Advantages
In this guide we highlight the best practices of the victorious class of 2006 incumbents. We also identify the positive traits and policies voters now associate with female governors and their governing styles - keys to success for women seeking any level of governent office.
131 Mt. Auburn St. #2, Cambridge, MA 02138 phone 617.234.0355 fax 617.234.0357

69. European Database: Women In Decision-making
Facts and figures about women in political leadership in the European Union on regional, national and European level.



The Team

The Database

This is your direct way to the database. Start your query on statistical or individual d ata on women in decision-making positions.
Fact Sheets

Have a look at comparative overviews based on figures from our database. European Institutions
Statistical data on the representation of women in the EU-Institutions. Women in the Telecommunications Industry
With the advent of liberalisation, the telecom-sector has seen great upheavels and ever changing structures. Stability and continuity are hard to come by these days. One of the exceptions: constant low levels of women's representation in top-leadership positions. Here we provide you with data about women in top-leadership positions in the biggest telecommunications companies in the year 2000. Interviews Are women entering politics for different reasons and through different access routes than men? What is special about their career and leadership style? Women politicians in all the Member States of the European Union have answered those questions in the interviews led by the transnational team of the European Database. Country Reports Are you looking for qualitative data on equal opportunities policies in the European Union? Choose a Member State and find information on electoral and party systems, women's suffrage, legal frameworks, equal opportunities infrastructure and governmental objectives/strategies, plus actions to promote women's participation in politics. 'Quick facts' provide you with everything at a glance and feature portraits of outstanding women who have influenced the development of gender equality in their countries.

70. Afghan Women In Political Spotlight
Report on the female delegates at the Loya Jirga.
June 26, 2002
Africa Americas Asia Pacific ... REGISTER NOW. It's Free! Today's News Past Week Past 30 Days Past 90 Days Past Year Since 1996
Afghan Women in Political Spotlight
ABUL, Afghanistan, June 25 — If Afghanistan has produced a surprise of late, it is the vocal and fearless entry of its women into the traditional male domain of politics. With the continuing discoveries of Al Qaeda weapons, violent clashes between warlords, and politics so confused that the description byzantine barely catches the complexity, it can sometimes seem to outsiders that little progress is being made in post-Taliban Afghanistan. For women, that is not the case. Just six months ago, under the Taliban, they were not allowed to leave the house uncovered, or receive education beyond the age of 8. Now they have found their voice — to the joy of many, and the consternation of some. "Afghanistan has come out of a very dark and terrible graveyard," said Dr. Nazdama, assistant director of the hospital in the town of Gardez, southeast of Kabul, and one of the Pashtun women delegates to this month's grand council, or loya jirga, which marked the firm emergence of women in Afghan politics. Dr. Nazdama, who uses just one name, was one of 200 women who joined 1,400 male delegates and determinedly used the platform to show Afghanistan that women want peace, not war, education, not guns, construction and jobs, not poverty.

71. Çѱ¹¿©¼ºÁ¤Ä¡¹®È­¿¬±¸¼Ò
Non-partisan and non-profit organization to protect women s rights in the political, economic, and social spheres of society.
KIWP publishes a quarterly Newsletter in Korean and in English in order to enhance the understanding of women and politics.
Presentation of the Paper in the Asia Pa...

CAPWIP announces the election of its new...

Reorganization of KIWP Homepage (www.kiw...

Submitted to the UN New York Headquarter...
Survey on the ¡®Political Consciousness ...

72. Women In Networking - Home
have a look at our women's agenda in download section and send us your comments at . download our petition 1 in 3 and get as many signatures as

73. State Library Of South Australia
Online catalogue and research inquiry service. Information on South Australian history, including timeline of women s suffrage, Mary Lee, suffragette, and women and politics in South Australia. Oral history collection in text and sound.
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State Library of South Australia
For your information...

74. Brazil - Women In Politics
Brazil Table of Contents. The women's suffrage movement began in Brazil in the early 1900s. As in the United States, women were first fully enfranchised at the state
Women in Politics
Brazil Table of Contents The women's suffrage movement began in Brazil in the early 1900s. As in the United States, women were first fully enfranchised at the state level. In 1927 in Rio Grande do Norte, the state election laws were amended giving women the right to vote. A year later, Alzira Soriano was elected mayor of Lajes, Santa Catarina State. Finally, the new national election code, signed by President Vargas in 1932, allowed women to vote in the May 1933 elections for the 1934 Constituent Assembly. Two women were elected to that body. Many women have been elected mayors. In 1985 Luiza Fontenelle (Workers' Party) was the first woman elected in a state capital (Fortaleza, Ceará). The most important elective office held by a woman in Brazil was the mayorship of São Paulo , which Luiza Erundina (Workers' Party) won in 1988. Although women have become federal judges by public examination, none has ever been appointed to Brazil's superior courts. In 1988 President Sarney appointed the first woman to the National Accounting Court. However, this appointment was more related to the appointee's notorious journalist husband than to her judicial qualifications (see Gender, ch. 2). By 1994 women constituted nearly half of the electorate. In August 1994, data from the TSE (Superior Electoral Court) showed that of 94,782,410 registered voters, 49.4 percent were women.

75. Sewall-Belmont House And Museum
Headquarters of the historic National Woman s Party. The museum explores the evolving role of women and their contributions to society through the continuing, and often untold, story of women s pursuit for equality.
  • Visit Us
    90 years ago, women in America finally won the right to vote.
    Celebrate the 90th anniversary of suffrage by honoring an influential woman in your life!
    Click here to learn about this exciting campaign Click here to visit the exhibit
    Sign up for our Email updates
    2010 Alice Award Recipient: The Honorable Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House
    Yes, Please! The Art of Etiquette October 11 at the Stewart R. Mott House; hear from Etiquette and Social Networking experts Amy Zantzinger and Laura Schwartz! Click here for details...
    The 19th Amendment and the
    Fight for Women's Suffrage
    On August 18, 1920, one man, Harry Burn, changed his vote in the Tennessee state legislature from a "Nay" vote to an "Aye" vote and Tennessee became the 36th and final state needed to ratify the 19th Amendment enfranchising women. While it was one man's vote at the urging of his mother: "don't forget to be a good boy and help Mrs. Catt put the "rat" in ratification," that officially secured the 19th amendment, it took years of hard work, dedication and sacrifice from a cadre of women to make the right to vote a reality. As we celebrate the 90th Anniversary of woman suffrage, we thank the men who ratified the amendment, but more importantly we pay a special tribute to the thousands of women who gave everything they had for the right to vote. Read more...

76. Australian Labor Party Women S Conference 2002
Conference papers and resolutions from Women Setting the Agenda held in Canberra, Australia, 27 and 28 April 2002.

77. WOMEN MAKE MOVIES | Women In Politics
Produced by BBC Television, WOMEN IN POLITICS is a major international series of documentaries about women politicians. Profiles of six women who run

78. Moral Moms Are Democrats Too! Homepage
It s time for Morality Moms who are Democrats, who voted Democrat, to get out and talk about their values.

79. Campaigns : Women In Politics : Labour Women
Women in Politics. Labour Women campaign on an ongoing basis to increase women's participation in Irish politics. Women continue to be under-represented (13% of TDs women, 18% of
@import "/common/css/labour_women.css"; dqmcodebase = "/common/js/" //script folder location Wednesday November 17, 2010 Skip to Content Who we are Labour in your area Our ideas ... Join Us Campaigns main site women home campaigns
Women in Politics
Labour Women campaign on an on-going basis to increase women's participation in Irish politics. Women continue to be under-represented (13% of TDs women, 18% of Cllrs women). Democracy is not working when women are not fully represented. Internationally Ireland performs poorly. Labour Women believe that women's political participation is necessary to have more balanced and better politics. Useful links : EU Debate :Gender Equality IDEA : Gender Quotas IPU : Women in National Parliaments Women in Norwegian Politics ... Elections 2009 : RTE Exit poll
Parity Democarcy Campaign
Labour Women launched their 'Parity Democracy' Campaign to increase women's political participation. Women's involvement in politics is essential in order to have more women in decision-making. 'Parity Democracy' Campaign is about increasing women's participation in politics Read Electoral (Gender Parity) Bill 2009 Read News : Labour marks International Women's Day by introducing Electoral (Gender Parity) Bill 2009 Listen Today FM : Labour and Gender Quotas (Ciaran Lynch TD) Check out YOUTUBE : COMMISSIONER WALLSTROM AND GENDER QUOTAS
LW Local Election Handbook
LW Local Election Handbook - available to members Running in an election is not a science only known to few. Most of it is common sense, combined with some tricks of the trade. However, for new candidates it can be difficult to get up and running if there is little help and practical support. In the Labour Party we give that support. We do not want any new candidate to feel that they are completely on their own. We train, advice and support our candidates best we can.

80. International Women S Democracy Center (IWDC)
It was established to strengthen women s global leadership in all facets of democracy, to ensure women s full participation in citizenship and governance.
"In order for any nation to achieve its full economic, social and political potential, all of her citizens must have an equal opportunity to participate in the democratic process." The International Women's Democracy Center was established to strengthen women's global leadership through training, education, networking and research in all facets of democracy with a particular focus on increasing the participation of women in policy, politics and decision-making within their own governments. WREI for our 2nd Annual Night O' CHOCOLATE Thursday, October 1 Samuel Gompers Room, AFL-CIO, 815 16th St, NW Washington DC ~Trip to Morocco, Lake Tahoe Ski House, Blackberry Curve 8900, Atlantic City Weekend, Airline Tickets, Spa Retreats, Vineyards Wines, Art, Fabulous Silent Auction, Drawings, Prizes, and Click here to view silent auction items and buy tickets!

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