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41. :: Karen King, Children's Writer (Official site) Author of picture, story, and activity books. Features biography, brief reviews, online reading books, school visits, tutoring information for writing children s fiction. http://www.neton8.co.uk/n8/karenking/ | |
42. Carol Parenzan Smalley - Writing For Children Carol Parenzan Smalley Children's author, small business consultant, professional speaker, writor/editor, photographer, writing coach, business mentor. http://www.carolsmalley.com/wfc.htm | |
43. Fiction Notes By Writing Teacher And Author Darcy Pattison Children s book author provides resources for selecting literature for children and teaching writing to children. http://darcypattison.com/ | |
44. Writing For Children - The Writer Magazine The Writer magazine offers advice and instruction on the craft of writing, author interviews, getting published and freelance writing, plus writing markets in fiction http://www.writermag.com/en/Columns/Writing for Children.aspx | |
45. Compassionate Friends Of Southwest Georgia - Thomasville Georgia A memorial site for parents in the area of Thomasville, Georgia to place photos and writings about their children who have died. http://www.angelfire.com/ga4/cfofswga/ | |
46. Writing For Children Writing for Children . Make 'Em Laugh Using Humor by Laura Backes Children's Book Insider 1744 was a good year for children's literature. http://awriters.tripod.com/cbi.htm | |
47. Adoption Clubhouse A resource for adopted children and their parents. Contains sections such as Speak Out, which features writings from children about adoption, as well as sections on famous people, homework help, clubhouse library, fun stuff, and adoption talk. http://www.adoptionclubhouse.org/ | |
48. Writing For Children - EHow.com Learn about Writing For Children on eHow.com. Find info and videos including How to Write a Children's Book, How to Write for Children's Magazines, How to Write Children's Books http://www.ehow.com/writing-for-children/ | |
49. Online Workshop - Writing For Children Home Join a Community Learn the Craft Get Motivated Contact Us . Read what students say about our courses! http://www.coffeehouseforwriters.com/Children.html | |
50. Maria Ward :: Freelance Artist Freelance artist carrying out commissions, illustrating and writing a children s book, producing a range of cards for sale and painting pictures for galleries. Includes profile, information on commissioning, list of stockists, catalogue of prints for sale, on-line shopping, and contact details. http://www.mariaward.co.uk/ | |
51. How To Write Books For Children: Writing For Children Means Thinking About Your Sep 26, 2008 Writing for children means thinking about your own past, while staying in touch with young people now, says Michael Rosen http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2008/sep/26/michaelrosen.writing.booksforchildre | |
52. Writing For Children Course - Learn To Write For Children With Our Home-Study Co Writng for Children course by the Writers Bureau How to Write for Children! Writing for children is one of the most exciting, challenging, fulfilling and fun types of http://www.writersbureau.com/courses/writing-children/ | |
53. *Writing Children's Books* AARON SHEPARD'S KIDWRITING PAGE *Publishing Children' Update info for The Business of Writing for Children. Kidwriting Samples. Fullsize samples of children’s writer materials. A supplement to The Business of Writing for Children. http://www.aaronshep.com/kidwriter/ | |
54. Writing For Children Course From The London School Of Journalism This LSJ distance learning course shows you how to write stories for Childrenl. Established in 1920,the LSJ has an international reputation for excellence. http://www.home-study.com/children.php | |
55. UW Professional & Continuing Education We’ve moved to a new URL. Please update your bookmarks to our new address. http//pce.uw.edu. This page will automatically redirect in 5 seconds. http://extension.washington.edu/ext/certificates/wfc/wfc_gen.asp | |
56. Fast Track Writing Tutorials - Writing For Children Fast Track Writing Tutorials Get an Author in Your Email Today! http://www.fasttrackwriting.com/tutorials/writing-for-children.php?PARTNER=writi |
57. The Writing School—Writing For Children The Writing School will teach you how to write creatively and how to market your work. You can succeed as a writer. http://www.qualityofcourse.com/course_children.asp | |
58. Writing For Children Help And Information How to articles and practical tips about writing for children, both fiction and nonfiction. http://writingforchildren.bellaonline.com/Site.asp | |
59. Writing For Children:Distance Learning Course-Home Study/Online Courses This Distance Learning Course gives you the unique opportunity to develop a career as a children's writer. The course provide you with the knowledge to develop ideas for books http://www.elearnca.com/page75.php | |
60. London School Of Journalism | Writing For Children This LSJ distance learning course shows you how to write stories for Childrenl. Established in 1920,the LSJ has an international reputation for excellence. http://www.lsj.org/web/children.php | |
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