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1. Writing Historical Research. COMM 436/636 Issues, History of the Mass Media Instructor Ross Collins http://www.ndsu.edu/pubweb/~rcollins/436history/historywriting.htm | |
2. WEBSITE RESOURCES ON THE HISTORY AND CULTURE (ETHNOGRAPHY) OF YOUTH INFORMATION HISTORICAL RESEARCH AND WRITING HISTORICAL RESEARCH AND WRITING ● Guides to Historical Research ● Reading, Writing, and Researching for History A Guide for College http://www.courses.unt.edu/efiga/HistoryAndEthnography/websites.htm | |
3. The Writing Of A Historical Essay Or Research Paper The Writing of a Historical Essay or Research Paper Whether you are writing an inclass essay exam or a 20-page research paper, there are some basic guidelines which you should keep http://www.ilstu.edu/class/hist127/guide.html | |
4. Cromwell Valley Park Membership And Volunteer Form * Fund Raising * Grant Writing * Historical Research * Seasonal Activities * Publicity Mailings * Education programs Children's Program Assistant * Gardening * Habitat http://www.cromwellvalleypark.org/MemFormCVPCRevised5-08.pdf |
5. Uw-madison Writing Center Writer's Handbook Most academic writing projects require you to gather, evaluate, and use the work of others. When you draw upon the work of others, you must give http://www.wisc.edu/writing/Handbook/Documentation.html | |
6. SensualRomance Reviews: Susan Grace She also teaches classes in writing, historical research, characterization, exploring the Internet, and many other topics. One of her favorite activities during the past ten http://sr.thebestreviews.com/author2046 |
7. Lust In Time: Writing The Historical! RESEARCH!!!!! Okay, before you all groan, research can be sooooo much fun! Truly. I mean,you get to go virtual shopping for fabulous gowns and accessories, furniture, fancy townhouses, country http://lustintime.blogspot.com/2009/09/writing-historical-research.html | |
8. Hans Zijlstra - Netherlands | LinkedIn Strong in combining database analysis and action concepts. Hans Zijlstra’s Specialties Direct marketing Online marketing Branding Copy writing Historical research http://nl.linkedin.com/in/zijlvaart | |
9. CT-N Toolbox: Gardner's Multiple Intelligences For Secondary Social Studies Teac Lectures, discussions, word games, choral reading, journal writing, historical research, Read about it, write about it, listen http://www.ctn.state.ct.us/civics/gardner.asp | |
10. History 385/The Art And Method Of History Attention will be paid to historiography, the philosophy of history, and how historians use sources, as well as to procedures used in organizing and writing historical research http://www.nku.edu/~hisgeo/Vitz/HIS385.doc | |