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         Writing Historical Research:     more books (101)
  1. The critical method in historical research and writing by Homer Carey Hockett, 1955
  2. NEW HISTORY Trends in Historical Research and Writing Since World War II
  3. Collected Writings Historical Essays and Researches (The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey) by De Quincey; Thomas, 2007-09-26
  4. The Collected Writings Of Thomas De Quincey: Historical Essays And Researches V6 by Thomas De Quincey, 2007-07-25
  5. The Collected Writings Of Thomas De Quincey: Historical Essays And Researches V7 by Thomas De Quincey, 2007-07-25
  6. Historical Essays and Researches (The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. VI) by Thomas De Quincey, David Masson, 1897
  7. The Collected Writings Of Thomas De Quincey: Historical Essays And Researches V7 by Thomas De Quincey, 2010-09-10
  8. The Collected Writings Of Thomas De Quincey: Historical Essays And Researches V6 by Thomas De Quincey, 2010-09-10
  9. The Collected Writings Of Thomas De Quincey: Historical Essays And Researches V6 by Thomas De Quincey, 2010-09-10
  10. The Collected Writings Of Thomas De Quincey: Historical Essays And Researches V7 by Thomas De Quincey, 2010-09-10
  11. New historical writing in Namibia: Three research papers (History research paper) by Johanna Mweshida, 1997
  12. Historical essays and researches (Collected writings of Thomas De Quincey, new and enlarged ed., by David Masson) by Thomas De Quincey, 1968
  13. Collected Writings (Volume 7) Historical Essays and Researches (The Collected Wr by De Quincey; Thomas, 2007-01-01
  14. Collected Writings (Volume 6)Historical Essays and Researches (Leather Bound) (The Collected Writings of Thomas De Quincey) by De Quincey, Thomas, 2007-10-23

41., Women In Canadian History
As the focus for workshops and classroom exercises related to writing, historical research, Canadian women, heroes and heroines, or authors. To create your own contest; select a
A Guide to Women in Canadian History
About Meet the Author Contact ... Search
Contest Ideas for "Who is YOUR Canadian Heroine?"
You could use this contest:

  • To develop a program for young adults at your library or school.
  • To create a women�s history week
  • As the focus for workshops and classroom exercises related to writing, historical research, Canadian women, heroes and heroines, or authors.
  • To create your own contest; select a winner for your library, school, class, youth group, or organization.
  • As a good reason to do some local history research. Your group could visit a local museum, archives or historic site to learn more about notable women from your community.
  • If you belong to Pathfinders (Girl Guides of Canada). Help earn your crest for the Women's History Challenge by participating in this contest and learning about a Canadian heroine. More information:
    Home About Meet the Author Contact ... Latest News
  • 42. Ragtime Writing Project - Dr Williams
    Please let me know which character you plan to write about before you begin writing. Historical research In a 23 page essay, give historical context for one of the topics listed
    English 204
    Spring 2002
    Dr. Williams Ragtime writing assignment (response writing #3)
    For this assignment you have a choice of whether you would like to do historical research or a character analysis. This is due April 15th, via email. Please send your document to me as an attachment; do not cut-and-paste your text into a message window. Send your email to: . The assignment will be given a letter grade and averaged into your semester quiz average. Character analysis
    In a 2-3 page essay, discuss how one character changes during the course of the novel. Your analysis should quote from the novel to illustrate your ideas and should include your ideas about why these changes are significant in terms of the novel itself. Avoid plot summary (re-telling the story) and avoid making lists of things that happen to a particular character. Instead offer an interpretation of a particular character and explain why you have arrived at this interpretation. Please let me know which character you plan to write about before you begin writing. Historical research
    In a 2-3 page essay, give historical context for one of the topics listed below (you must sign up for a particular topic prior to doing this assignment), using the internet as your primary research tool. Your research should focus on aspects of the topic that have to do specifically with Ragtime; you must include the addresses of websites where you found your information. Do not rely exclusively on encyclopedia websites. Your paper should give historical information and discuss the topic in terms of the novel—explaining why you think the author included this particular topic/person/event/issue in his book.

    43. Civil War Draft In Wisconsin - Camp Randall
    Historical Research and Creative Writing Historical Research and Creative Writing Historical Research and Creative Writing Historical Research and Creative Writing A.

    44. About C.W.
    He has taught university seminars on the 16th century and women in history, as well as workshops on writing, historical research, and marketing.

    Books About C.W. Press ... Blog Half-Spanish by birth and fully bilingual, C.W. GORTNER was raised in southern Spain, where he developed a lifelong fascination with history. After holding various jobs in the fashion industry, he earned a MFA in Writing with an emphasis in Renaissance Studies from the New College of California.
    Acclaimed for his insight into his characters, he's slept in a medieval Spanish castle, danced in a Tudor great hall, and explored library archives all over Europe. His debut novel The Last Queen garnered international praise and has sold in twelve countries to date. His most recent novel, The Confessions of Catherine de Medici , has sold in five countries to date.
    He's currently at work on his third novel, about Isabella of Castile, and the second novel i n his Tudor series, The Elizabeth I Spymaster Chronicles ( US) or Elizabeth's Spymaster (UK)
    C.W. lives with his partner in Northern California.
    You can contact him at: cwgortner[at] To invite him to your book group, please click here
    Upcoming Appearances
    Causes Home ... About C.W.

    45. Sword Forum International - View Profile: Meg Godbout
    Writing, historical research, military history, running, fencing Occupation Curmudgeonly Student, Writer, and Keeper of Archives at the US Geological Survey

    46. No Place Like Home: A Black Briton's Journey Through The American South
    as a black in a predominantly white society and absorbed by a sense of southern myth and racial history, he produced this account, a blend of travel writing, historical research
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    No Place Like Home
    A Black Briton's Journey through the American South
    By Gary Younge
    280 pp.
    Paper $22.00T Paper, $22.00
    Travelog, social commentary, and journey to self-discovery, the story of a black Englishman's amazing trek through Dixie to connect with his racial identity
    In 1997 Gary Younge explored the American South by retracing the route of the original Freedom Riders of the 1960s. His road trip was a remarkable socio-cultural adventure for an outsider. He was British, journalistically curious, and black. As he traveled by Greyhound bus through the former Confederate states, he experienced an awakening. He felt culturally tied to this strange yet familiar place. Though a Briton by birth and the child of emigrants from Barbados, he felt culturally alien in his native land. In Dixie, however, he met African Americans whose racial distinctiveness was similar to his own. To local blacks he looked like a brother, while sounding intriguingly foreign. As he assessed their political rise in the South, he noted too how African American tradition seemed static and unchanged. It was a refreshing whiff of "home." Awakened to his own identity as a black in a predominantly white society and absorbed by a sense of southern myth and racial history, he produced this account, a blend of travel writing, historical research, wit, and social commentary. His probing examination of the Southland gives fresh perspective on race relations in America.

    47. Monarchy Forum - Profile For Monarchylosangeles
    horseback riding (dressage), the cello, writing, historical research, absinthe Birthdate January 1982 Religion Roman Catholic
    A Message Board Guestbook , or Poll hosted for your website. Monarchy Forum
    Login Search New Posts ... View Profile monarchylosangeles Username: Password: Remember Me?
    Profile Picture No profile picture specified. Contact Information Email: Private Private Messaging: Disabled General Information Avatar: Name: J. Anthony McAlister Location: Los Angeles, California Occupation: President, St. Andrew Society of Southern California Hobbies: horseback riding (dressage), the cello, writing, historical research, absinthe Birthdate: January 1982 Religion: Roman Catholic Ethnic background: French Creole/Ulster Scots/Black American Favorite music: Classical, Rococo, Late Romantic, Chamber, Alternative Rock, Folk, Oldies Favorite books: historical non-fiction Account Information Date Registered: 05/24/06 at 12:54 PM Online Status: Offline Total Posts: 49 (0.03 posts per day) Find Posts: Find all posts by monarchylosangeles
    Find all threads started by monarchylosangeles
    Last Post: 05/20/10 at 03:31 PM Last visit: Unknown

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