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21. PHILIPPINE LAWS, STATUTES AND CODES - CHAN ROBLES VIRTUAL LAW LIBRARY A collection of Philippine laws, statutes and codes not included or cited in the main indices of the Chan Robles Virtual Law Library. http://www.chanrobles.com/republicactno8747.htm | |
22. New Y2K Law Limits Lawsuits An Overview of Current Legal Events of Concern and Interest From the Attorneys of Strauss Troy, Cincinnati, Ohio, and Northern Kentucky Fall 1999 IMPACT IN THIS ISSUE New Y2K http://www.strausstroy.com/impact/newsletters/pdf/1999fall.pdf |
23. Policy Lobbying - Janette Toral Is A Book Author, Publisher, Researcher, Consult Janette Toral's homepage on the Internet featuring her art, work, life, and advocacies. http://www.janettetoral.com/policy-lobbying.html | |
24. Benjamin Nicholson, Chair, Firm's Y2K Law Practice Group: Zoom Information Busin Update your professional profile, manage your online reputation or research the professional information of Benjamin Nicholson, Chair, Firm's Y2K Law Practice Group at ZoomInfo http://www.zoominfo.com/people/Nicholson_Benjamin_5167838.aspx | |
25. The Y2K Law Site Support Centre : Http://www.y2k.com/legalpage.htm V OLUME 1, N UMBER 3 F ALL 1998 WATCH WHAT YOU WRITE and WHERE YOU WRITE IT As if we didn't have enough to worry about as Year 2000 thunders down on us, now the email we http://www.canadalegal.com/gosite.asp?s=588 |
26. DigitalFilipino.com - Salient Features Of Republic Act 8792 - The E-Commerce Law Salient Features of Republic Act 8792 The E-Commerce Law by Janette Toral . In 1999, the Philippines Y2K Law was the first law crafted and deliberated online by the private sector http://www.digitalfilipino.com/writing_article.cfm?id=19 |
27. RS 13:5114 PART XVA. LIMITATION OF LIABILITY. FOR YEAR 2000 COMPUTER CALCULATION FAILURE 5114. Title. This Part shall be known as and may be referred to as the Y2K Law . http://www.legis.state.la.us/lss/newWin.asp?doc=77946 |
28. Y2K RESOURCES - CHAN ROBLES VIRTUAL LAW LIBRARY Y2K Resources in the Philippines and worldwide. One century consists of 100 years. One millennium is a period of 1,000 years. http://www.chanrobles.com/y2k.htm | |
29. AITP Example Auto-Responder Email 1 Session 2 Topic 1999 Y2K Law The Year of Disclosure in the Face of Present and Potential Y2K Litigation. Session 2 Speaker Mark A. Murtha, Esquire, Law office of Mark A. Murtha http://www.itmweb.com/aitp/aitpan03.htm | |
30. Home - Davismccownlaw.com This site uses Mambo the free, open source content management system http://www.davismccownlaw.com/articles/y2000/texaslaw.htm | |
31. The Year 2000 Problem Legal Handbook Keywords book review, year2000, law, Y2K, law, legislation, year 2000 date conversion, computer systems, United States,. http://www.weyrich.com/book_reviews/2000_legal.html | |
32. Florida Police Chiefs Association - FPCA OnLine: News & Information Y2K law Enforcement Conference. Deputy Chief Dennis Harrison and I (PD Chief Graves) attended the monthly Y2K law enforcement conference coordinated by the.. http://www.fpca.com/Y2K.htm | |
33. Thailand Law Forum News New Y2K Law is Reduced in Scope 2 September 1999 Disclosure by businesses of their Y2K status will be http://www.thailawforum.com/news-july99-oct99.html | |
34. Lawyers And Leaders Flocking To Atlanta | Atlanta Business Chronicle Internet, Y2K law examined . Because many technologyrelated legal issues are still in flux, there are several Internet and year 2000 liability programs, including E-Commerce, Y2K http://www.bizjournals.com/atlanta/stories/1999/08/09/story5.html |
35. THE YEAR 2000 MALPRACTICE BUG: THE YEAR 2000 MALPRACTICE BUG Waiting to Trap the Unwary Attorney Avoiding malpractice by keeping on top of Y2K law http://www.shk-dplc.com/cfo/articles/malpract.htm | |
36. Salient Features Of RA8792, The E-Commerce Law « DigitalFilipino – InfoTech In 1999, the Philippines Y2K Law was the first law crafted and deliberated online by the private sector. Republic Act 8792, signed into law last June 14, 2000, is a landmark http://digitalfilipino.wordpress.com/2005/11/20/salient-features-of-ra8792-the-e |
37. Millennium Bug Gets Caught In The Web Less than two weeks later, saying he had been inundated with requests to keep the site free, he agreed to do just that, creating instead a Y2K law library open to all. http://www.legaline.com/col39.html | |
38. Allied Lawyers Response Team Launches Campaign To Expose 'scandal Of Y2K Bugs | The Allied Lawyers Response Team (Alert) launched its Y2KLAW campaign last week. The 21-firm network has adapted its technique of grouping together and sharing the cost of legal http://www.thelawyer.com/allied-lawyers-response-team-launches-campaign-to-expos | |
39. British Food Eat well, feel great. Delicious recipes that just happen to be good for you. Plus the best feelgood foods . Food and wine, restaurant reviews, restaurant guide - year2000food.com http://www.year2000food.com/ | |
40. Banking Industry Question AtlantaAS, back in October the Year 2000 Readiness and Disclosure Act became law (also known as the Good Samaritan Y2K Law). It was intended to encourage businesses (banks http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=0011EX |
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