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81. Cryonics A slim, but interesting perspective piece on cryonics by Mark Prado, an American living in Thailand. http://www.permanent.com/mark/cryonics.html |
82. Can Cryopreservation Solve "The Abortion Problem"? A thoughtful article by Thomas Gramstad which examines the social implications of preserving aborted embryos. From Longevity Report. http://www.ifi.uio.no/~thomas/po/cryobortion.html | |
83. Life Extension Society A cryonics public education organization in the Maryland/D.C. area. Not a service provider. http://keithlynch.net/les/ | |
84. CRYONICS − FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS (FAQ) Up-to-date answers to basic cryonics questions. A good starting point. By Ben Best. http://www.benbest.com/cryonics/CryoFAQ.html | |
85. Would Freezing Ted Williams Really Work? - ABC News From ABCNEWS.com, an article on the cryonic suspension of Ted Williams by the Alcor Foundation and asking if the technology might work. http://abcnews.go.com/US/story?id=91481&page=1 |
86. Why Cryosuspension Makes Sense | KurzweilAI A long article by Terry Grossman, reprinted from The Babyboomers Guide to Living Forever (2000). http://www.kurzweilai.net/meme/frame.html?main=/articles/art0153.html |
87. The Cryonics Society - A Resource For Public Education And Research In New Poten A non-profit organization that aims to educate and inform the general public about cryonics. Does not provide cryonics services and is not affiliated with any service organization. http://www.cryonicssociety.org/ |
88. Cryonics Europe Support and discussion group based in Sussex, UK, for people in Britain and the rest of Europe who are signed up for cryopreservation. http://www.quantium.plus.com/lr/cryonics-europe/ | |
89. Longevity Report John DeRivaz s British site for cryonics, life extension, and the future. http://www.quantium.plus.com/lr/ | |
90. American Cryonics Society - Human Cryopreservation Services For The 21st Century The oldest Cryonics membership organization; founded in 1969 as the Bay Area Cryonics Society. In Mountain View CA. Offers background information, articles and theories. http://home.jps.net/~cryonics/ | |
91. NZCS Organisation dedicated to assisting New Zealanders who wish to use cryonic cryopreservation as an option upon legal death. http://www.nzcryonicssociety.org.nz/ | |
92. What Is Cryonics? Article by Aschwin de Wolf about using low temperatures to care for the critically ill. http://www.depressedmetabolism.com/what-is-cryonics/ | |
93. Human Hibernation Project - IceLift Human hibernation project. Offers the possibility of preserving all body tissues in an unchanged quality for a long time, in the expectation that the world will be a better place to live 50 years from now. Multilingual. http://www.icelift.com | |
94. Cryonics Information Online A new discussion forum on cryonics, attempting to focus on science issues. Also some links to basic information. http://cryonics.info | |
95. Homepage A non-profit organization supporting cryonicists (members of both Cryonics Institute and Alcor) living in or visiting Hawaii. http://cryonicshawaii.org | |
96. THE FIRST IMMORTAL By James L. Halperin Web site for James Halperin s 1998 SF novel, which explores the future of cryonics and nanotechnology. http://www.randomhouse.com/features/firstimmortal/ | |
97. TRANS TIME Cryonics Intro -- A Simple Proposition Trans Time s Introduction to Cryonics. 3 printed pages. http://www.transtime.com/cryintro/cryintro.htm | |
98. CRYONICS: THE ISSUES An introduction by Canadian Ben Best, 8 printed pages. http://www.benbest.com/cryonics/cryiss.html | |
99. Cryonics Institute -- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About Cryonics The Cryonic s Institute s Introduction to Cryonics. 11 printed pages. http://www.cryonics.org/prod.html | |
100. Cryonic Suspension By Henry Kluytmans, a Dutch cryonicist. 5 printed pages. http://www.dse.nl/~hkl/e_cryo.htm | |
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