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         Genetics:     more books (99)
  1. Management of Genetic Syndromes (Cassidy, Management of Genetic Syndromes) by Suzanne B. Cassidy, Judith E. Allanson, 2010-04-05
  2. Genetic Algorithms in Search, Optimization, and Machine Learning by DavidE. Goldberg, 1989-01-11
  3. Genetics of Populations, Fourth Edition by Philip Hedrick, 2009-12-29
  4. Genetics: Analysis and Principles by Robert J. Brooker, Robert Brooker, 2004-01-09
  5. Principles of Genetics by D. Peter Snustad, Michael J. Simmons, 2008-12-22
  6. Genetic Entropy & the Mystery of the Genome by John C Sanford, 2008-03-01
  7. Schaum's Outline Of Genetics by Susan Elrod, 2001-12-03
  8. Equine Color Genetics by D. Phillip Sponenberg, 2009-03-11
  9. A Primer of Population Genetics by Daniel L. Hartl, 2000-01-15
  10. Introduction to Conservation Genetics by Richard Frankham, Jonathan D. Ballou, et all 2010-03-08
  11. A Primer of Ecological Genetics by Jeffrey K. Conner, Daniel L. Hartl, 2004-02-01
  12. Saxons, Vikings, and Celts: The Genetic Roots of Britain and Ireland by Bryan Sykes, 2007-12-17
  13. Jacob's Legacy: A Genetic View of Jewish History by David B. Goldstein, 2009-05-12
  14. Tomorrow's Table: Organic Farming, Genetics, and the Future of Food by Pamela C. Ronald, R. W. Adamchak, 2010-01-08

61. Genetics And Human Migration Patterns
genetics and Human Migration Patterns
Genetics and Human Migration Patterns
Genetic Anthropology
This page was last updated on
Introduction Much discourse is emerging from scientific circles detailing the results of genetic testing in relation to human migration patterns. These studies attempt to show the distribution of ethnic genetic codes over certain geographic areas in relation to time. This article attempts to explain some of this research. Scientists have now identified the human lineages of the world descended from 10 sons of a genetic Adam and 18 daughters of Eve. This ancestral human population lived in Africa and started to split up 144,000 years ago. This time period is when both the mitochondrial and Y chromosome trees first branch out. You will also notice that the analysis of DNA from many ancient skeletons and mummies (studies mentioned below) is performed on the mitochondrial DNA, or mtDNA. This "ancient" DNA is often degraded and present in very small quantities. mtDNA offers the best chance of isolating DNA from ancient samples because it is small and is present in the cell with many copies. 18 Daughters of a Genetic Eve Dr. Douglas C. Wallace and his colleagues at the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta constructed a world female genetic tree based on mitochondrial DNA. Dr. Wallace found that almost all American Indians have mtDNA that belong to lineages he named A, B, C and D. Europeans belong to lineages H through K and T through X. The split between the two main branches in the European tree suggests that modern humans reached Europe 39,000 to 51,000 years ago, Dr. Wallace calculates, a time that corresponds with the archaeological date of at least 35,000 years ago.

62. ScienceDaily: Genetics News
genetics research. Read the latest news on plant and animal genetics from universities and research institutes around the world. Fulltext, images, free.
Genetics News
Sunday, October 31, 2010 Print Email Bookmark
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Animals Ecology Life Sciences Microbes and More
'Goldilocks' of DNA Self-Assembly Discovered
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Newly Discovered Gene Enables Fish to 'Disappear'
full story ... Structural Genomics Accelerates Protein Structure Determination
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1 to 10 of 6,344 stories (1,168 over past year) view headlines only

63. Axolotls - Genetics And Colour
Provides an overview of the genetics behind the color variants, wild, melanoid, white and albino. Forum Chat Caudata Culture: A+ Care Info ... Biology Back to the Intro Housing axolotls in captivity Food choices for axolotls Water chemistry, temperature, companions?... Tips for Breeding and Rearing Plus: Colour Genetics Health Further Reading Talk Axolotls at the Axolotl Forum Have a Question? Try Frequently Asked Questions Can't find something? Search the Site Need something? Contact the Author Get a T-Shirt!
Genetics and Colour
The Axolotl is studied the world over for several reasons. All of the traits which make it so suitable for study, as for all living things, are dependent upon its genes. This page will attempt to give a brief overview of axolotl genetics, mainly from the viewpoint of the hobbyist, who tends to be most interested in colour. Axolotls have 28 chromosomes per cell, in fourteen pairs. Humans have 46 chromosomes in 23 pairs. A chromosome is a thread-like structure composed of DNA and protein. The length of a chromosome is made up of many units of DNA called genes. Each gene has a special place on a chromosome and the position which it occupies is called the locus of that gene. When an axolotl reproduces, the sperm from the male (which contains 14 chromosomes) and the egg from the female (which also contains 14 chromosomes) fuse to form the zygote, the first cell of the new axolotl. So each new cell of this new animal has 28 chromosomes. However, in the production of gametes (the sperm and egg cells) via the process known as meiosis, small exchanges of parts of the chromosomes take place (known as "crossing-over"), as well as a random allotment of chromosomes from the mother or father's own parents to each gamete (which means a gamete could have 2 maternal chromosomes and 12 paternal, or any other combination).

64. Genetics - New Scientist
No field of science has changed the world more in the last 50 years than genetics. Keep up with the latest developments in our continuouslyupdated guide

65. Association For The Advancement Of Animal Breeding And Genetics
Promote scientific research on the genetics of animals. Includes a genetic parameter database, membership, events, and related links.

66. Genetics | The Biology Corner
genetics includes the study of heredity, or how traits are passed from parents to offspring. The topics of genetics vary and are constantly changing as we

67. A World Of Genetics Societies
Links to a number of human and medical genetic societies. Includes educational information and a searchable database.

68. CDC Features - Obesity & Genetics
Obesity genetics. Scientists have made great advances in understanding important environmental causes of obesity as well as identifying several genes that might be implicated.

69. International Genetics Federation
Association of national genetical societies interested in promoting the advancement of the science of genetics. Provides information on the congress, held every 5 years, the officers and executive board and the news archive.
Site currently unavailable.

70. Awesome Library - Science - Biology - Genetics
The Awesome Library organizes 37,000 carefully reviewed K12 education resources, the top 5 percent for teachers, students, parents, and librarians. It includes a search engine.
Awesome Library Search
Here: Home Classroom Science Biology > Genetics


Genetic Testing

Also Try
  • Biotechnology
  • Microbiology
  • Stem Cells
  • College level - Basic Biology (Farabee)
  • Genetic Mastermind
      Provides a game that helps teach concepts in genetics. 6-01

    Lesson Plans
  • Cells (Franklin Institute)
      Provides a lesson plan on the cell. "In your classroom, you and your students can make a model of a cell and some of its parts." 5-02
  • Cells - Grades 1 - 6 on Molecules and Cells (San Diego State University)
      Provides 6 elementary school level lessons on molecules and cells.
  • Genetics Lessons (University of Kansas Medical Center)
      Provides lessons related to genetics and ethics related to biotechnology. 1-04
  • Cells - Dictionary of Cell Biology (Virtual Library of Biochemistry and Cell Biology - Fenteany)
      Provides explanations of basic cell structure and activity at an advanced high school or beginning college level. 2-01
  • Cells and Biochemistry (Awesome Library)
      Provides information on cells and more. 1-04
  • Genomes Research - Resources (US Department of Energy and the Human Genome Project)
      Provides sources of information from centers conducting research in genetics.
  • 71. Wageningen UR - Wageningen University - Laboratory Of Plant Breeding
    Offers free downloadable genetics and plant breeding related software.

    72. The Biology Project
    Problem sets and tutorials from the University of Arizona.
    The Biology Project Home Mendelian Genetics No activities available at this time Monohybrid Cross Learn about the basic principles that govern Mendelian inheritance in plants and animals. Dihybrid Cross Investigate the principles that govern inheritance of different traits in a dihybrid cross. Sex-linked Inheritance 1 Understand the principles that govern inheritance of genes on sex chromosomes. Sex-linked Inheritance 2 Explore sex-linked inheritance with a special twistcrossing over between two traits. MendelWeb is an educational resource for teachers and students interested in the origins of classical genetics, introductory data analysis, elementary plant science, and the history and literature of science. Electronic Scholarly Publishing (ESP) This site is dedicated to the electronic publishing of scientific and other scholarly materials. Of particular interest are the history of science, genetics, computational biology, and genome research.

    73. Genetics Courses, Genetics Lessons, Genetics Classes And Genetics Exams.
    A self-paced, self-learning course in genetics provided by Dr Jamie Love.
    Principles of Genetics Merlin Science . Any form of reproduction by any media is strictly forbidden. In this sample, only about a quarter of the course is available. The remaining sections are included in the complete hypertextbook, which does not have the advertisements displayed here in this sample. To learn more about the course and hypertextbook, visit the Principles of Genetics website.
    Principles of Genetics
    a self-learning course
    by Dr Jamie Love
    Genetics Course
    Here you will find the entire first course (Cytogenetics) and small portions of the other courses - for free! By studying Cytogenetics you will learn the foundations of Genetics and be prepared to study the more advanced courses. Samples of advanced courses give you an idea of what to expect when you buy all five courses for only$40
    Lessons without hyperlinks (on this page) are included when you buy the entire course and are displayed here only to let you know what to expect of the five courses.
    Please read the syllabus so you will understand the course structure and how to get the most out of these courses.
    Part One - Cytogenetics
    (with blanks) Lessons (Lectures)

    74. Welcome To The Department Of Biology
    Created as course work by students studying conservation genetics in Biology.
    MUGSI Quick Links Select A to Z Campus Index Alumni Association Bookstore Campus Health Centre Career Services Clubs Employers Financial Aid Find People @ McMaster Giving to McMaster Housing International Students Libraries Media MUGSI Login Policies Security Services Student Accounts Work/Study Abroad Working@McMaster Search McMaster Biology Science
    • McMaster Home Academics Department
      of Biology
      • Home About the Department //new fadeshow(IMAGES_ARRAY_NAME, slideshow_width, slideshow_height, borderwidth, delay, pause (0=no, 1=yes), optionalRandomOrder) new fadeshow(fadeimages, 776, 200, 0, 6000, 0, "R")
        Welcome to Biology
        The Department of Biology is the hub of basic research on living systems, and of its application in environmental and medical biotechnology. Research in the Biology Department covers diverse areas, which gives undergraduate and graduate students broad educational opportunities. Students have the choice of a variety of inter-disciplinary streams, co-op programs and laboratory-based research projects. Studies in the Biology Department thus open a wide variety of options for professional and personal development, and not to forget, fun. Welcome.
        • MCD Roster 2010/11 here Congratulations to Dr. Kim Dej on winning a MSU Teaching Award. Award Ceremony September 23 4:00-6:00 in Council Chambers, GH-111.

    75. University Of Glasgow :: Biomedical & Life Sciences :: Biomedical & Life Science
    Article which includes the basic mechanisms of genetic exchange and genetic basis of phenotypes relevant to parasite transmission and host specificity . Includes a genetic map. genetics
    @import ""; @import ""; @import ""; @import ""; A-Z : STAFF ACADEMIC DEPARTMENTS DEGREES SERVICES
    home faculties Research themes We offer an exceptional choice of degrees in the biological sciences with 20 separate Honours degree courses being available. All of our teaching has been given the highest rating in recent external reviews of teaching quality. As a leading centre for research in the biological sciences, we offer outstanding opportunities for graduate students to study for higher degrees at Masters and Doctoral level. The diversity and quality of our research training programmes attract students from across the world as well as from all parts of the UK.

    76. Computational Gene Recognition: Front Page
    Bibliography of accumulated research papers. Includes databases, programs, and conferences.
    A Bibliography on
    Wentian Li of Feinstein Institute for Medical Research
    (1995-1996 Columbia University, 1996-2002 Rockefeller University, 2003-2008 Feinstein Institute for Medical Research, North Shore LIJ Health System).
    URL: Last updated: October 06, 2009 (~1540 papers).
    Leave a message at my guestbook [front page] [about] [programs] [databases] [complete genomes] ...
    number of visitors to the front page since september 17, 1996: Fig.1 DNA->RNA->protein
    This figure is created by BioDiscovery Group, LIT , Singapore. I would like to thank Vlad Bajic to provide this figure. Fig.2 protein-DNA binding-sites in regulatory regions French
    : Uma bibliografia sobre reconhecimento computacional de gens.
    Spanish I would like to thank James Fickett to provide most of the papers at the creation of this page, and many people who either informed of their publications or made suggestions on the page, including Jonathan Badger, Vlad Bajic, Brona Brejova, Chris Burge, John Crow, Alexander Gorban, Roderic Guigo, William Hayes, Gordon Hutchinson, Catherine Letondal, Sayed Amir Marashi, Xavier Messeguer, Jose Oliver, Lior Pachter, Boojala Reddy, Steven Salzberg, Thomas Schiex, Alphonese Thanaeaj Thangavel, Tomas Vinar, Chun-Ting Zhang, Michael Zhang, Yi Zhang.

    77. The Impact Of Modern Genetics
    Lecture by Donald D. Brown.

    78. Discovering Genetics
    Includes animated clips, lessons and quizzes about genetics and heredity.
    Skip Intro Can't see the animation? Get the latest version of Macromedia Flash Player. Click here to go to to download it.

    79. Genetic Engineering: A Guide For Kids By Tiki The Penguin
    Guide to genetic engineering. What is it? Should you be worried? Is it okay? Is it for need or for greed?

    My website map

    Tiki's Guide
    Tiki's Quick Guide:
    Genetic engineering is about scientists altering the 'recipes' for making life - the genes which you find in all living things. Doing this is very clever and could be very useful. But it all seems to be happening much too fast and nobody knows what the effects of making and eating such living things will be. Many kinds of life could be damaged. And suppose people eat 'genetic' food for many years? Will they be harmed by it? Nobody knows for sure. So why the rush? Scroll down to find out more... But first, click here to find out how you can use this guide.
    Finding your way around my Guide
    You may not want to look at all of this guide right away, so you can jump to any part that interests you from table at the bottom of this page. If you want to quickly navigate through each part, starting at the beginning, click the green arrow below (forward to 'Genes, snails and whales'). At the bottom of each short part, you'll find identical arrows which you click to go forward, back or return home (this page). If you don't mind waiting a short while, you can download the

    80. Lab Of Statistical Genetics, Rockefeller University
    Offers links and other resources for genetic analysis software from the Rockefeller University.

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