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21. MavicaNET - Theoretical Biology Multilingual search directory of Internet resources. Supports major European languages. Extensive human edited and easy to use catalog of annotated Web links. Editors' interface is http://www.mavicanet.ru/lite/eng/3830.html |
22. NVTB (Dutch Society For Theoretical Biology) Information about the NVTB; abstracts of annual NVTB meetings; many theoretical biology links; conference calendar; journal finder. http://www.bio.vu.nl/nvtb/ | |
23. Department Of Theoretical Biology Department of Theoretical Biology. Staff, research projects and resources. http://www.univie.ac.at/theoretical/ |
24. Theoretical Biology And Medical Modelling Authors whose first language is not English may wish to use the editorial services provided by BioMedES Ltd http://www.tbiomed.com/ |
25. Till Bretschneider, Warwick Systems Biology Centre, University Of Warwick Homepage of Dr. Bretschneider, researcher in the field of theoretical biology. It includes research activities and publications. http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/systemsbiology/staff/bretschneider | |
26. ScienceWeek ScienceWeek Bookshelf. THEORETICAL BIOLOGY Theoretical biology is a field that involves the use of quantitative tools in biology. Many separate areas of biology fall under the concept http://scienceweek.com/bookshelf/classics-theoretical-biology.htm | |
27. Teoretisk Ekologi – Theoretical Ecology At Lund University Department of Theoretical Ecology. Members, teaching and research. http://fisher.teorekol.lu.se/ | |
28. Los Alamos National Laboratory: T-6 The Theoretical Biology and Biophysics Group (T-10) at Los Alamos National Laboratory focuses on the modeling of biological systems and the analysis and informatics of molecular and cellular biological data. http://www.t10.lanl.gov/ | |
29. The KLI Theory Lab - Theoretical Biology TB THEORETICAL BIOLOGY . Introduction Books Journals Newsletter Societies Departments and Institutes Schools Personal websites Other resources. It must be emphasised that http://kli.ac.at/theorylab/Areas/TB.html | |
30. Journal Of Theoretical Biology Insights - Libertas Academica Theoretical Biology Insightspeer reviewed articles. Learn more about this journal, read open access articles or submit papers for publishing. http://www.la-press.com/theoretical-biology-insights-journal-j107 | |
31. The Estonian School Of Theoretical Biology Theoretical Biology The Estonian school of theoretical biology as a tradition of holistic, developmental and constructivist ideas in general biology goes back to Karl Friedrich http://www.zbi.ee/~uexkull/theor.htm | |
32. Los Alamos National Laboratory: T-6 Theoretical Biology and Biophysics, T6 (formerly T-10) an error occurred while processing this directive http://www.t6.lanl.gov/ | |
33. Theoretical Biology - Home < Biologie < Rijksuniversiteit Groningen Focuses on competition and natural selection, more specifically evolutionary game theory, life history theory, sexual selection, sex allocation, metapopulation genetics, resource competition, and interference competition. http://www.rug.nl/biologie/onderzoek/onderzoekgroepen/theoreticalBiology/index | |
34. Welcome To The Institute For Theoretical Biology — The Institute for Theoretical Biology is a part of the Humboldt University Berlin and integrated into the Department of Biology as well as into the Medical School of the http://itb.biologie.hu-berlin.de/ | |
35. Molecular Information Theory The theory of molecular machines from the NIH Laboratory of Computational and Experimental Biology. http://www.lecb.ncifcrf.gov/~toms/ |
36. Theoretical Biology, Interdisciplinary Group At Bonn University The Theoretical Biology group of the University of Bonn is an interdisciplinary team of researchers studying interactive spatial dynamics in biological systems and http://www.theobio.uni-bonn.de/index_en.html | |
37. Random Variations To Biological Choice Philosophical speculations on physics and biology. http://www.math.utah.edu/~heidi/prob0.html | |
38. Evolutionary_Theory_of_Sex Vigen A. Geodakian puts forward his theory which contradicts Darwin s theory of sexual selection and explains and predicts sexual dimorphism. http://www.geodakian.com | |
39. ETH - Theoretical Biology - Welcome Theoretical Biology. Welcome to the Theoretical Biology Group of the ETH Zurich. We are part of the Institute of Integrative Biology and the Department of Environmental Sciences at the http://www.tb.ethz.ch/ | |
40. Navier-Stalks: Dispatches From The Front Line In Systems Biology Exploring the wonderful world of systems biology research through the eyes of an outsider. http://navierstalks.blogspot.com/ | |
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