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         Confucius:     more books (100)
  1. Founders of Faith: The Buddha by Michael Carrithers; Confucius by Raymond Dawson; Jesus by Humphrey Carpenter; Muhammad by Michael Cook (Oxford Paperbacks) by Michael Carrithers, Raymond Dawson, et all 1990-03-08
  2. The Essential Confucius by Thomas Cleary, 1993-09-24
  3. Confucian Analects, The Great Learning & The Doctrine of the Mean by Confucius, 1971-06-01
  4. Humanist Anthology: From Confucius to Attenborough
  5. The Analects of Confucius (The 100 Greatest Books Ever Written)
  6. John Dewey, Confucius, and Global Philosophy (S U N Y Series in Chinese Philosophy and Culture) by Joseph Grange, 2004-09
  7. The Discourses and Sayings of Confucius; A New Special Translation, Illustrated With Quotations From Goethe and Other Writers by Confucius, 2010-07-24
  8. The Heart of Confucius: Interpretations of "Genuine Living" and "Great Wisdom" by Archie J. Bahm, Confucius, 1993-02
  9. Music in the Age of Confucius by Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (Smithsonian Institution), 2000-06-15
  10. The Essential Confucius: The Heart of Confucius' Teachings in Authentic I Ching Order
  11. Confucius Jade by Frederick Fisher, 2010-03-30
  12. Confucius: Bold-Faced Thoughts on Loyalty, Leadership, and Teamwork by Laura Ross, 2010-10-05
  13. Wisdom of Confucius by Epiphanius Wilson, 1986-06
  14. The Sayings of Confucius by Confucius, 2008-06-25

41. Encyclop�die De L'Agora | Confucius
Dossier sur le penseur chinois dans l encyclop die de l Agora.

42. Confucius - LoveToKnow 1911
'Confucius' K`ung tsze (550 or 55 1 47 8 B.C.), the famous sage of China. In order to understand the events of his life and the influence of his opinions, we must endeavour
From LoveToKnow 1911
CONFUCIUS' [K`ung tsze] (550 or 55 1 -47 8 B.C.), the famous sage of China . In order to understand the events of his life and the influence of his opinions, we must endeavour to get some impression of the China that existed in his time, in the 5th and 6th centuries B.C. The dynasty of Chow, the third which within historic time had ruled the country, lasting from 1122 to 256 B.C., had passed its zenith , and its kings no longer held the sceptre with a firm grasp. The territory under their sway was not a sixth part of the present empire. For thirteen years of his life Confucius wandered about from state to state, seeking rest and patrons; but his journeyings were confined within the modern provinces of Ho-nan and Shantung, and the borders of Chih-li and Hu-peh Within the China of the Chow dynasty there might be a population, in Confucius's time, of from io,000,000 to 15,000,000. We read frequently, in the classical books, of the " ten thousand states " in which the people were distributed, but that is merely a grand exaggeration. In what has been called, though erroneously, as we shall see, Confucius's History of his own Times

43. Confucius - Wikipédia
Biographie interactive du philosophe dans l encycop die Wikip dia.
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Aller à : Navigation rechercher Kongfuzi, latinisé en Confucius Philosophe chinois Antiquité Confucius, d’après un bronze chinois Naissance septembre à Zou
Décès mai Qufu
École/tradition Fondateur du Confucianisme Principaux intérêts Éthique Politique Histoire Art ... Religion Idées remarquables ordre rationnel du monde, rôle social des rites et de la musique Œuvres principales Le Livre des Odes
Annales des Printemps et des Automnes

A influencé Mencius Xun Zi Zhu Xi Lin Yutang et toute la philosophie chinoise modifier Confucius chinois pinyin Kǒngfūzǐ Wade-Giles K'ung-fu-tzu ) ou bien ( chinois pinyin Kǒngzǐ ), né le 28 septembre 551 av. J.-C. à Zou (陬) et mort le 11 mai 479 av. J.-C. Qufu Chine , son enseignement a donné naissance au confucianisme , une doctrine politique et sociale qui a été érigée en "religion d'État" dès la dynastie Han et qui ne fut officiellement bannie qu'au début du XX e Qufu (曲阜) dans l’actuelle province du Shandong , il est généralement appelé Kǒngzǐ (孔子) ou Kǒng Fūzǐ latinisé en "Confucius" par les Jésuites

44. Confucius
Philosophy of Confucius 1000 and 500 B CE Chinese Odes Solomon Homer Hebrew Scribes Greek Analects Carvaka Vardhamana Lao Tzu Buddha
Authors born between 1000 and 500 B CE Chinese Odes Solomon Homer Hebrew Scribes ... Buddha [ Confucius ] Aeschylus Click Up For A Summary Of Each Author Contents Introduction The Doctrine of Equilibrium and Harmony The Great Learning Confucius Himself ... Sources
Confucius (about 551-479 BCE) was born with the family name K'ung. The respect he gained for his teachings led to his being referred to as Grand Master K'ung � K'ung Fu-tzu. He said that at fifteen he bent his mind to learning, and he continued to express a deep admiration for learning throughout his life. Confucius married at 19, his son being born a year later. Subsequently he had two daughters, one of whom died when she was quite young. In his twenty-second year, Confucius started his career as a public teacher, and his house became a gathering place for young people who wished to learn from the lessons of the past. He was concerned with opening up education to all, with an emphasis on character building rather than vocational training. In his fifties he became a magistrate and a minister of justice. At 56 he sought to spread his doctrines by traveling extensively with some of his students. After 13 years he returned somewhat disappointed to his own state, where he is believed to have written down his philosophy and compiled the Chinese Classics. Confucius argued that acting according to our humanity provides a true path through life. When asked for a

45. The Greatest Thinker And Educator, Confucius Of China, History Of Ancient China
Confucius ( 1B.C. B.C.), was a great thinker and great educator in China s history. His thoughts and ideas have influenced the whole history of China and Chinese people. Today, his thoughts and ideas were well known in China and abroad.
History of China

46. Confuscius - Crystalinks
Confucius. One of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius. This Chinese man was a wellknown leader in philosophy and he also made many
One of the most famous people in ancient China was a wise philosopher named Confucius. This Chinese man was a well-known leader in philosophy and he also made many wise phrases and theories about the law, life, and the government. Philosophy is a kind of a system of ideas and thoughts that talk about the human's behavior, the rules that you should follow to make a successful life, and about the government. In other words, it's about thoughts and theories that teach other people lessons about principles, or rules, about life and it also teaches you a moral ( sort of like the morals that are at the end of a fable). Confucius is famous for his philosophy because he made many wise sayings in ancient China that helped many people learn about nature, the world, and the human behavior. He also helped the government and the emperor by teaching them lessons on how the emperor should rule his kingdom successfully. Confucius was born in a poor family in the year 551 B.C. in the state of Lu. Confucius' life as a child was sad. His father died when he was four years old. His mom kept the family from becoming hungry by working very often, and he sometimes had to stay in his home all by himself.

47. Hamilton College: A NATIONAL LEADER In Teaching Students To Write Effectively, L
Article by Thomas A. Wilson, detailing the historical process by which Confucius and his followers came to be venerated across China.

48. Confucius
This article contains Chinese text. Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Chinese characters.
2008/9 Schools Wikipedia Selection . Related subjects: Philosophers
Confucius Chinese philosophy
Ancient philosophy
Full name Kong Qiu Birth September 28, 551 BC
Qufu, China Death 479 BC
Qufu, China School/tradition Founder of Confucianism Main interests Moral philosophy Social philosophy, Ethics Notable ideas Confucianism Influenced by Zhou Era Chinese Thought Influenced Many Eastern philosophers This article contains Chinese text.
Without proper rendering support, you may see question marks, boxes, or other symbols instead of Chinese characters Confucius Chinese pinyin Wade-Giles: K'ung-fu-tzu), lit. " Master Kung, " September 28, 551 BC - 479 BC) was a Chinese thinker and social philosopher, whose teachings and philosophy have deeply influenced Chinese, Korean, Japanese, and Vietnamese thought and life. His philosophy emphasized personal and governmental morality, correctness of social relationships, justice and sincerity. These values gained prominence in China over other doctrines, such as Taoism Confucianism Jesuit Matteo Ricci, who was the first to

49. Confucius And Confucianism
Articles and online resources on Confucius and the history of Confucianism.
Named for at 6th century B.C. Chinese teacher and thinker, K'ung Fu-tzu, whose Latinized name is Confucius, Confucianism is one of the three religions that form the traditional heritage of China (together with Taoism and Buddhism). read more
Neo-Confucianism as propagated by Zhu Xi (1130-4200, in Japanese, Shushi) of Song China became the most influential doctrine in shaping the thought and behavior of the Japanese people. This was in part due to the state sanction and encouragement given to its teachings. Tokugawa Ieyasu and his successors found its ideal of orderly submission to the authorities well suited to the bakufu's desire to maintain a stable political and social order. read more
In its early form (before the 3d cent. B.C.) Confucianism was primarily a system of ethical precepts for the proper management of society. It envisaged man as essentially a social creature who is bound to his fellows by jen, a term often rendered as ��humanity,�� or ��human-kind-ness.�� Jen is expressed through the five relations��sovereign and subject, parent and child, elder and younger brother, husband and wife, and friend and friend. Of these, the filial relation is usually stressed. read more
The Confucian tradition has a long historical legacy in East Asia extending from China across Korea and Japan and into Vietnam. The influence of Confucianism has been significant in political thought and institutions, social relationships and ritual exchange, educational philosophy and moral teaching, cultural attitudes, and historical interpretation. Indeed, Confucian values still play an important part in East Asian life despite the striking inroads of modernization and westernization.

50. Electronic Passport To Confucius
Confucius was a wise teacher who wanted to bring good government to China. Learn about Confucius in the Electronic Passport at
HOME TIME AND SPACE PREHISTORY MESOPOTAMIA ... The Boxer Rebellion Confucius Confucius was a sage, or a very wise man. He was not well known when he was alive, but today he is the most remembered person from ancient China. Confucius was born in BC , in a period of Chinese history known as the Age of Warring States. China was divided into many small kingdoms. The kings fought each other and were often cruel to the people they ruled. Confucius understood that there could be peace and justice under a good government. But he knew that good government was only possible when there were good leaders. Confucius was concerned with how people treat one another. Confucius said, "What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others." He stressed that any person, rich or poor, could become superior. The Chinese word jen refers to the kindness and love each person should have for all others and for nature. Confucius taught that the person who develops

51. Confucius Biography Summary |
Confucius summary with 379 pages of lesson plans, quotes, chapter summaries, analysis, encyclopedia entries, essays, research information, and more.

52. The Analects Of Confucius - Lun Yu
Pour lire les Entretiens en chinois, en anglais (tr. Legge) et en fran ais (tr. Couvreur). Les caract res chinois sont li s un dictionnaire en ligne.

53. Confucius - Uncyclopedia, The Content-free Encyclopedia
Confucius (although some scientists, based on his diary entries, have compiled the name Confucius Pan Ning Tam Ming Yam Hing Lan Keng Nao Meng Ceng Hing Ming Nam Ging Fao SaoSao

54. The Way And Its Power - Dao De Jing
Int gralit du Livre de la Voie de Confucius en chinois avec traduction et explications linguistiques. Pour amateurs clair s.

55. Confucius | Define Confucius At
–noun ( K'ung Ch'iu ), 551? b.c.–478? b.c., Chinese philosopher and teacher. Use Confucius in a Sentence See images of Confucius Search Confucius on the Web Chinese, K'ung

Pseudo-quotes attributed to the Chinese sage.
One-Liners Page 1 One-Liners Page 2 One-Liners Page 3 One-Liners Page 4
Confucius Say
A Penis is the only thing that a woman hopes she will find hard to handle.
Confucius Say
A relationship is the opportunity to do something you hate with someone you love.
Confucius Say
The inventor of shag carpet made a big pile.
Confucius Say
Some Sex Is Good...More Is Better...Too Much Is Just About Right
Confucius Say
A Tattoo is permanent proof of temporary insanity. Confucius Say The Opera is the only place where a guy gets stabbed and instead of bleeding, he sings. Confucius Say A Magazine is a bunch of printed pages that tell you what's coming in the next issue. Confucius Say A Cannibal is person who likes to see other people stewed. Confucius Say An Optimist is a girl who regards a bulge as a curve. Confucius Say A Shotgun wedding is a case of wife or death. Confucius Say A penis has a hole in the end so men can be open minded. Confucius Say Watch a woman eat an ice cream cone and you'll have a pretty good idea how she'll be in bed. Confucius Say Man with five dicks will have pants that fit like a glove.

Confucius knew people learned in different ways with varying abilities. The highest rank was even outside his reach, according to himself. Quote Highest are those who are born wise.
Near Matches Ignore Exact
person by eggdye Sun Apr 30 2000 at 15:08:51 Ancient philosopher from China . His common English name is a corruption of his actual name, Kongfuzi . The best historical records tell us that he lived from 551-479 BC. Unfortunately, the Western perspective on this great philosopher has been totally ruined by fortune cookies Confucius and his second-generation disciple, Mencius , are the primary originators of Confucianism . It is ironic that this great educator of statesmen was never able to actually attain any kind of high position in a Chinese kingdom . Only after his death did his philosopohy come into vogue . It was during the Han Dynasty in China that Confucianism became the state philosophy person by Asfodel Sun Apr 30 2000 at 13:27:58 Confucius knew people learned in different ways with varying abilities . The highest rank was even outside his reach, according to himself . Quote: "Highest are those who are born wise. Next are those who become wise by learning. After them come those who have to work hard in order to acquire learning. Finally, to the lowest class of the common people belong those who work hard without ever managing to learn." idea by DMan Wed Jun 07 2000 at 15:11:05 This person wrote four major works that were used as standard textbooks for over the next two thousand years. The "classics", as they were called, were used in standard examinations for all

58. Au Confucius, Le Restaurant Chinois De Bruxelles
Restaurant chinois proposant des plats traditionnels de haute gastronomie. Se situe Ixelles.
Partenaires : Stage cuisine

59. Teaching/Learning Through Confucius Navigating Our Way Through
Bust of Confucius from the Confucian Tai Shing School, Hong Kong. Source The Confucius Publishing Co., Ltd http// Understanding Chinese thought and its

60. Confucius And The Scholars - 99.04
Article published in The Atlantic in 1999. Considers the modern revival of Confucianism in the light of recent scholarship which questions Confucianism s historical origins and the appropriateness of Confucianism as a general term.
Return to this issue's Table of Contents. A P R I L 1 9 9 9
East Asian technocrats and modernists in Beijing, among others, are eagerly embracing an updated Confucianism even as scholars in the West ask some eyebrow-raising questions. Did the Chinese sage really exist? If so, did he have much to do with the religious and ethical system that bears his name? Could Confucianism have been invented by Jesuit missionaries?
by Charlotte Allen

The online version of this article appears in two parts. Click here to go to part two.
O many educated Westerners, Confucius is the very emblem of Chinese civilization and religious belief. If the dates that historians have assigned to him 551-479 B.C. are correct, he was a contemporary of the Greek poet Pindar, the tragedian Aeschylus, and the philosopher Heraclitus. According to tradition, Confucius was easily their equal. In addition to having written or edited parts of a diverse body of literature that includes the I Ching Book of Changes ) and the Book of Poems, classics to this day, he was a scholar, a minister of state, and an accomplished horseman and archer. Confucius is said to have taught his disciples the cultivation of personal virtue (

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