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         Cowper William:     more books (75)
  1. Table Talk, And Other Poems by Cowper William 1731-1800, 2010-10-15
  2. The task, and Tirocinium by William Cowper 1731-1800, 1821-12-31
  3. The poetical works of William Cowper : with memoir, explanatory notes, &c. by William, 1731-1800 Cowper, 2009-10-26
  4. The correspondence of William Cowper Volume 1 by William, 1731-1800 Cowper, 2009-10-26
  5. The diverting history of John Gilpin / by William Cowper ; illustrated by Chas E. Brock by William (1731-1800). Brock, Charles E. Cowper, 1898
  6. The task, books III and IV: the garden, and The winter evening; with notes, questions, and an introd by William, 1731-1800 Cowper, 2009-10-26
  7. The correspondence of William Cowper Volume 4 by William, 1731-1800 Cowper, 2009-10-26
  8. The works of Cowper and Thomson, including many letters and poems never before published in this country. With a new and interesting memoir of the life of Thomson by William, 1731-1800 Cowper, 2009-10-26
  9. The first book of Cowper's The task: The sofa. With notes on the analysis and parsing by William, 1731-1800 Cowper, 2009-10-26
  10. Life and works, now first completed by the introd. of his private correspondence. Rev., arr., and edited by T.S. Grimshawe. With an essay on the genius and poetry of Cowper Volume 1 by William, 1731-1800 Cowper, 2009-10-26
  11. Song of Praise and Prayer. < Children's hymn. > [Song.] Poem by William Cowper (1731-1800) by Gordon Binkerd, 1972
  12. O for a closer Walk with God. Anthem for S. A. T. B. (unaccompanied), words by William Cowper (1731-1800) (Musical Times) by Desmond Ratcliffe, 1955
  13. The Heart replies. For four-part chorus of mixed voices a cappella. [Words by] William Cowper (1731-1800) by Harry Robert Wilson, 1966
  14. Complete Poetical Works by William (1731-1800) Cowper, 2010-01-01

21. - Cowper, William (1731-1800)
Biography of poet William Cowper William Cowper (17311800), Religious English poet, who wrote about the simple pleasures of country life and expressed a deep concern with
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William Cowper (1731-1800)
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22. 470. To Mary Unwin. William Cowper. The Oxford Book Of English Verse
Poem (from The Oxford Book of English Verse)
Select Search World Factbook Roget's Int'l Thesaurus Bartlett's Quotations Respectfully Quoted Fowler's King's English Strunk's Style Mencken's Language Cambridge History The King James Bible Oxford Shakespeare Gray's Anatomy Farmer's Cookbook Post's Etiquette Bulfinch's Mythology Frazer's Golden Bough All Verse Anthologies Dickinson, E. Eliot, T.S. Frost, R. Hopkins, G.M. Keats, J. Lawrence, D.H. Masters, E.L. Sandburg, C. Sassoon, S. Whitman, W. Wordsworth, W. Yeats, W.B. All Nonfiction Harvard Classics American Essays Einstein's Relativity Grant, U.S. Roosevelt, T. Wells's History Presidential Inaugurals All Fiction Shelf of Fiction Ghost Stories Short Stories Shaw, G.B. Stein, G. Stevenson, R.L. Wells, H.G. Verse Anthologies Arthur Quiller-Couch The Oxford Book of English Verse ... BIBLIOGRAPHIC RECORD Arthur Quiller-Couch, ed. 1919. The Oxford Book of English Verse: William Cowper. To Mary Unwin M ARY ! I want a lyre with other strings, Such aid from Heaven as some have feign'd they drew, An eloquence scarce given to mortals, new And undebased by praise of meaner things; That ere through age or woe I shed my wings

23. Cowper, William (1778 - 1858) Biographical Entry - Australian Dictionary Of Biog
Cowper, William (1778 1858) Biographical Entry - The Australian Dictionary of Biography Online, or ADB Online, is a biographical dictionary featuring concise, informative and

24. Cowper, William Cowper, 1st Earl —
Related content from HighBeam Research on Cowper, William Cowper, 1st Earl

25. William Cowper
(with short biographical note)
Send some poems to a friend - the love thought that counts! Poems for the People - Poems by the People
William Cowper
English poet. The simplicity of his work and his treatment of natural subjects was in marked contrast to the sophistication of the fashionable Pope; he was an important forerunner of the Romantics, and his unfinished poem 'Yardley Oak' was particularly admired by Wordsworth. Other notable poems include 'The Poplar Trees', 'The Journey of John Gilpin' and 'The Castaway', while The Task is his most ambitious work in verse. Olney Hymns (1779) contains his popular hymns 'God moves in a mysterious way' and 'Oh, for a closer walk with God'. His autobiographical Memoir was published in 1816, and his letters have been widely appreciated, providing an intimate picture of the man.
Passions in Poetry
All Poems Classic Poetry Richard Crashaw Classical Poetry
from Passions in Poetry William Cowper Biography Resources Available Poems Size Apology to Delia: For Desiring a Lock of Her Hair God Moves in a Mysterious Way Lines Written During a Period of Insanity On the Late Indecent Liberties Taken With the Remains of Milton ... Richard Crashaw Submit A Classic Poem! Passions in Poetry is committed to building the most comprehensive database of Classical Poetry on the Internet. But, as always, we need the help of our community. If you have a poem by this author that is NOT on our list, please feel free to submit it for publication.

26. William Cowper —
Encyclopedia Cowper, William. Cowper, William (k OO 'p u r, kou'–) , 1731 – 1800, English poet. Physically and emotionally unfit for the professional life, he was admitted to the bar

27. The Works Of William Cowper
Frequently anthologized and studied poems, Olney Hymns, and other works.

28. Arts - Literature - Authors - C - Cowper, William - Best - Deals - Top Rated - Q
The Academy of American Poets William Cowper Selected poems and sermons. From a collection of Puritan writings. William Cowper CryptogramsSee it to believe it—22 cryptograms,_William

29. Book Information | Christian Classics Ethereal Library
Hymnal written and published by Newton and William Cowper; complete online text @CCEL.

30. Cowper, William
COWPER, WILLIAM (17311800). —Poet, was the s. of the Rev. John C., Rector of Great Berkhampstead, Herts, and Chaplain to George II. His grandfather was a judge, and he was
COWPER, WILLIAM (1731-1800). �Poet, was the s. of the Rev. John C., Rector of Great Berkhampstead, Herts, and Chaplain to George II. His grandfather was a judge, and he was the grand-nephew of the 1st Earl C., the eminent Lord Chancellor. A shy and timid child, the death of his mother when he was 6 years old, and the sufferings inflicted upon him by a bullying schoolfellow at his first school, wounded his tender and shrinking spirit irrecoverably. He was sent to Westminster School, where he had for schoolfellows Churchill, the poet ( q.v. ), and Warren Hastings. The powerful legal influence of his family naturally suggested his being destined for the law, and at 18 he entered the chambers of a solicitor, where he had for a companion Thurlow, the future Chancellor, a truly incongruous conjunction; the pair, however, seem to have got on well together, and employed their time chiefly in "giggling and making giggle." He then entered the Middle Temple, and in 1754 was called to the Bar. This was perhaps the happiest period of his life, being enlivened by the society of two cousins, Theodora and Harriet C. With the former he fell in love; but his proposal of marriage was opposed by her f.

31. The Poems Of William Cowper
An index of works of William Cowper on Fire and Ice, including many hymns.
Fire and Ice: Puritan and Reformed Writings
Table of Contents
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The Poems of William Cowper
Cowper's name will always be associated with that of John Newton, his friend and pastor. Together they wrote many hymns familiar to us today. Cowper suffered from bouts of acute depression. Newton saved him from suicide several times. In fact, because his nervous system was so delicate, he was unable to hold a job. Therefore he spent his time in literary persuits, including writing poetry. His poetry was quite influential. Many people who scorned evangelicals as "Methodists" would read Cowper's poems. He addressed many social issues, such as African slavery, as well as spreading the Gospel. One of Cowper's critics says that Newton was a bad influence, causing him to "indulge and inflame his sensiblity in the dark ecstasies of Calvinism, while at the same time affronting all that was reasonable and humane in his nature." (H I Faussett) Judge for yourself. I am told that he pronounced his name "Cooper." Olney Hymns Walking With God

On Opening a Place for Social Prayer

Exhortation to Prayer
Extracts from Longer Poems What is Man?

32. Poets' Corner - William Cowper - Olney Hymns
Includes all of Cowper s hymns from Olney Hymns.
P.C. Home Page Recent Additions
Olney Hymns
by William Cowper
    These hymns were written between 1765 and 1773 at the village of Olney (OHN'ee) where Cowper was under the influence of the Anglican Evangelical preacher John Newton. This was a period of great religious fervor within the Evangelical movement and for Cowper, and this enthusiasm is clear in the poems. Less clear, but still visible, are the lingering affects of the madness which debilitated Cowper in 1762 and to which he again succumbed in 1773. When William Cowper wrote When darkness long has veil'd my mind,
    And smiling day once more appears, he spoke from experience. The hymns show Cowper's command of direct, simple language. They also show the clarity of his mind. Each hymn is a little sermon, and most of them are preached more plainly and clearly than any you will hear from the pulpit. Bob Blair
    I. Walking With God.
    Oh! for a closer walk with God,
    A calm and heavenly frame;
    II. Jehovah-Jireh. The Lord Will Provide.
    The saints should never be dismay'd,
    Nor sink in hopeless fear;

33. The Olney Hymns
Biographical and literary notes from the Victorian Web.
The Olney Hymns by John Newton
Rodney Canete MA '97 (English 271, Brown University, 1997)
John Newton, born in 1725, was the primary author of the Olney Hymns . At the early age of 11 his father was inculcating into John the ways of a seafarer's life. Seven years later, John Newton was pressed into the service of the Royal Navy. Soon after, he deserted the Royal Navy and was traded onto a slave ship where he lived as close to a slave's life as was possible for a white male of his era. Despite coming to the understanding of a slave's dire situation, he still became the captain of his own slave ship. Ultimately, he came to fully realize the inhumanity of his actions and left his life as a slave ship captain to become ordained as a priest for the Church of England in 1764. That same year he published An Authentic Narrative which detailed his exploits commanding a slave vessel. In the preface to his most famous work, The Olney Hymns , Newton gave an indication as to his motivation for its inception:
A desire of promoting the faith and comfort of sincere Christians, though the principal, was not the only motive to this undertaking. It was likewise intended as a monument, to perpetuate the remembrance of an intimate and endeared friendship. (a)

34. Cowper William - Shop Sales, Stores & Prices At
Cowper william 1,143 results from 71 stores, including The Poems of William Cowper; Volume I 1748-1782, The Letters Of The Late William Cowper To His Friends, A Portrait of
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35. William Cowper
Biography and hymns of William Cowper (@CyberHymnal)
ini(4,"1731-1800","c/o/w/cowper_mfm","c/o/x/cox_cc") portrait("William Cowper (1731-1800)","c/o/w/cowper_w",189,304) Born: Died: Buried: portrait("William Cowper (1731-1800)","c/o/w/cowper_w_2",226,300) , which he co-wrote with Sources
  • cite("Hatfield","hatfield","158-65") cite("Julian","julian","265-6, 1625-6") cite("Nutter","nutter","401") cite("Sutherland","sutherland","271-96")
An excerpt from Elizabeth Barrett Browning
It is a place where happy saints may weep amid their praying;
Yet let the grief and humbleness as low as silence can languish:
Earth surely now may give her calm to whom she gave her anguish.
O men, this man in brotherhood your weary paths beguiling,
Groaned inly while he taught you peace, and died while ye were smiling! And now, what time ye all may read through dimming tears his story,
And how when, one by one, sweet sounds and wandering lights departed,
He wore no less a loving face because so broken-hearted. With quiet sadness and no gloom, I learn to think upon him,
Who suffered once the madness-cloud to His own love to blind him,
But gently led the blind along where breath and bird could find him;

36. Cowper, William | Eighteenth-Century Book Tracker
Olney Hymns. The Third Edition London Printed and Sold by T. Wilkins, No, 12, BartholomewClose; Sold also by J. Buckland, No. 57, Paternoster-Row; J. Johnson, No. 72, St
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37. Neuerscheinungen
Info ber den im Druckhaus Galrev erschienenen Gedichtband The Task .
William Blake William S. Cowper: The Task Gedichte mit Zeichnungen von Cornelia Schleime
ca. 400 Seiten;
Warengruppennummer 1 150

William Cowper, geb. 1731 in Hertfordshire, gest. 1800 in Norfolk; empfindsamer Moralist und Gesellschafts-
Christoph Bartmann / F.A.Z. 6.10.98
Sprecht, o ihr leuchtenden Heerscharen, Systeme, von deren Ursprung noch nicht Nachricht und Grabzueilende, und doch bestimmt zu steigen sich sehnt nach Heimkehr und, wenn er von weitem also betrachte ich mit seelenvollem Hoffen und manch geseufztem Wunsch euch Strahlen-Feuer, die ihr im blauen Abgrund einem Blinklicht gleich aus vol. v
Richard Anders
Sascha Anderson Walter Aue Barbara Bongartz ... Ulrich Zieger

38. William Cowper - Kalliope
V rker, digttitler, f rstelinier fra digte, s gning, popul re digte, portr tter, biografi og samtid.

39. William Cowper —
Encyclopedia Cowper, William. Cowper, William (k OO 'p u r, kou'–) , 1731 – 1800, English poet. Physically and emotionally unfit for the professional life, he was admitted

40. Cowper, William Macquarie (1810 - 1902) Biographical Entry - Australian Dictiona
Cowper, William Macquarie (1810 1902) Biographical Entry - The Australian Dictionary of Biography Online, or ADB Online, is a biographical dictionary featuring concise

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